
CRank: 5Score: 5030

I would be willing to pay between $349 - $399 if it comes in a bundle (game and pro controller). Anything more and I'll be waiting for a price drop. Especially after seeing how fast they dropped the 3DS price. I honestly don't see them pushing too many Wii U's off the shelf this holiday if it's $399. I tell people at work about the Wii U and the common person doesn't even know it exists. The first adopters will pick it up this holiday (me if I get a good deal—lol) at the r...

4301d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Will pick this up to play Killzone HD. Did K2 and K3 so it'll be nice to play the original game that I never got around to in my PS2 days. Anyone play it recently? Does it hold up pretty well?

4301d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just started the original Borderlands (again) to get refreshed for this one. Good to see it's getting good reviews. Didn't expect anything less really.

4301d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looking forward to Double Dragon, plus I was a big fan of the Scott Pilgrim demo but I just never got around to buying it, so these offers work well with my library.

4301d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Vita list is looking better and better.

4303d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I actually think this does a disservice to Bridgestone and Nintendo as Kevin Butler is practically a branded Sony character. As soon as I see him I think Sony—not Wii or Bridgestone. These spots will have a hard time overcoming that fact to gamers. They probably should've went with another comedian with less relation to the gaming world but that's just my opinion.

I loved the Kevin Butler E3 segment—total classic.

4303d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed. If the gaming industry was left in the hands of N4G doomsday articles there would be no more consoles for people to play on! I swear some of these "journalists" don't want gaming to succeed at all!

The Vita needs saving? I just finished Wipeout and put 74 hours into Persona 3. I have almost 50 games saved on my Vita and have been using it everyday since launch. If anyone needs saving it's the people writing up these Vita doomsday articles I see daily...

4306d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed. Well written article and adds quite a few new points here and there. Nintendo will do as they've always done and go their own way. I like the case made about the hardware being unique as well, because it will force even direct ports to be different in some way.

4307d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'll get the game but will skip the DLC as I do all my games (unless it's included in a limited edition package). After I finish a game I seldom go back to it because I'm usually on to something else. As for the season pass idea—I'm not sure if I'd be into it because of the fact that I don't even know what I'll be getting for my money. I have faith Borderlands 2 will deliver the goods but I would like to know what I'm buying before I put up the cash for it.

4309d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Agreed, they need to add more games to the actual store for those that don't own a PS3.

4309d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

These companies are not stupid. They will incorporate F2P where they see it makes the most sense. There are way too many variables involved to have F2P be so important that it could spell disaster for the company if it isn't incorporated across the board. There will be a place for F2P just as there will be a place for traditional methods of buying software. Just my thoughts!

4309d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

So it could've been done differently. A blunder is a bit excessive.

In my experience when the update came up I was excited and started re-downloading PSOne titles on my PS3 initially and just moved them over to my Vita. All the games worked fine. Not one negative thought entered my head because I was excited to finally be able to play my PSOne games on the Vita, on the go. Yes there could've been more PSOne titles shown on PSN, but all-in-all I'm happy with the u...

4309d ago 19 agree7 disagreeView comment

I was so disappointed with Ninja Gaiden III. Some people say I should've have given it a chance, but after the first two levels I sold it online and got (almost) half my money back. Multiplayer looked so promising from the previews as well. Hopefully they turn it around with the next one but I'm not getting my hopes up. Itagaki must've been laughing his ass off when/if he tried it out. I'd like to get his honest opinion on the game…that would be funny…

4309d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only thing that bothers me about 360 is the fact that to play multiplayer you need XBOX Live. If you enjoy all the other bonuses of LIVE then it will be worth it to you. I did cancel my subscription last year so I'm not too familiar with what's offered now. But back then I didn't do too much multiplayer so it didn't make sense to keep paying. I'm not knocking LIVE here but just stating my personal experience with it. I would subscribe again if they offered more discoun...

4309d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm looking forward to getting this. The beta version played very well (for me) and I enjoyed the added control method. I actually enjoyed the level creation process just as much if not more than its console counter-part, because of the added inputs and being able to draw right on the screen. And it looks pretty much the same as the PS3 version as well. IMO from what I played if you love Little Big Planet this version won't do you wrong. Plus I'd like to see what the rest of the c...

4309d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If a company like Gaikai or Onlive can figure out a way to stream games as well as a set top console can then I can see a shift down the road. But with bandwith caps and slow internet speeds for a chunk of the market I don't see this style of gaming taking over anytime soon. So do we need another console generation: yes. Probably two to three more generations before everything is streamed. Not sure who the players will be in those generations but so long as the games are good then count m...

4310d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was on the fence about Persona 4 Golden too. So I picked up Persona 3 Portable when it was on sale for $10 on PSN about three/four weeks ago. 70 hours in and I can honestly say it's now one of my favourite rpgs. From what I've read on forums Persona 4 is better in many ways so I'll definitely be picking this up when it drops.

IMO portable gaming is (for me) the most convenient way to play rpgs so I'm really looking forward to Ragnarok, FFX HD and catching up...

4313d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I played the demo and thought it was great. Fairly smooth gameplay and I liked using the rear touchpad for added control as well. The graphics really blew me away though—I was showing some people at work and they couldn't believe what they were seeing. They call my Vita the Portable PS3 after showing them Uncharted, Wipeout and now this.

4314d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

No they don't. And their style of story-writing and gameplay are needed in this industry just as much as any other game from other parts of the world. Not every story in this industry has to be compelling and modern. I loved No More Heroes storyline just as much as I loved Halo's. It all really comes down to how the story revolves around the gameplay and style of the game in question, which I think is what matters most. I can listen to a ridiculous story like Bayonetta's (my opini...

4315d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like the fact that he makes the style of games that HE wants to make and doesn't follow a status quo. He takes big risks in the industry and at any point it could either mean pure success or the end of his career. These are the kind of people that move gaming forward. Just as we need blockbuster hits (Halo, GOW) to keep gaming at the height of popular culture, we also need niche titles to reach those who would have previously dismissed gaming as child's play. He was close to reachin...

4315d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment