
CRank: 5Score: 41470

Sweet--I love the original. It's graphics may not have been amazing, but it's story and gameplay were great. And the desert environments were vivid enough that they actually reminded me of where I grew up. The game just had such character; it's pretty unusual to be able to cite fire-and-brimestone bible verses while firing a gun at evil-doers. I'm definitely getting this sequel.

Edit: actually, this looks like a prequel to me. Looking at some screenshots there's a guy in armor ...

5669d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm surprised to hear that Fallout 3 is bad--I only have it on the PC, and I've always thought that most of the text was oddly oversized for the PC (same in Oblivion).

But Dead Rising was terrible...eventually I got a CRT HDTV for only $500, but before that I had a tiny <20" TV and I basically had to guess what the text in Dead Rising meant. I can understand moving toward the future, but some of the text is small even on an HDTV. Some text in Gears 2 can be difficult in 7...

5671d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

That dank, dark scumhole is actually surprisingly true to how Pittburgh really looks.

5673d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love id games...2010 release worries me a bit because I want Doom 4, and my guess is this means Doom 4 will also take a while. My computer right now is pretty beast, but the longer it takes for a game to release, the less likely my computer will be able to run it.

5678d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is true; even if the game isn't violent, there's a natural competitiveness among men (but in a general sense, since not every male has the same physiology and not every male will express the need to dominate more than every female).

This is important, though, because it affirms that there is something neurologically different between men and women. Many people these days have a ridiculous idea that human beings are basically androgynous and all of our stereotypical character...

5748d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Interestingly, my Xbox 360 has scratched two Gears1 discs, but not in this way. I thought it was the same design flaw, but it can't be, because it doesn't make a circular scratch but a very small white line going from the center outward. This seems to be linked to the map Subway; I was playing Subway both times when the disc scratched. Thankfully they have the disc replacement program... and I just don't play Subway anymore.

I don't see any reason that they should have had to mak...

5755d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My wife and I LOVE NetFlix on 360. Yes, it's not the best quality--but we use it to stream movies where quality of the picture is not a big deal. Older movies, classic sci-fi, comedies, dramas, TV shows, kids movies, cartoons, click flicks, etc., who cares how many pixils it has as long as it's got the plot and dialogue. For movies where quality is a bigger issue, like action, newer sci-fi, horror, you just get those in the mail. Having NetFlix is a lot cheaper for us than having cable TV and...

5785d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree. And only five skill levels is ridiculous. Not only does it mean you'll feel like you'r egetting nowhere, but it ends up matching people with diverse skill levels all the time, so it seems like it doesn't even try to match you with people of your same skill level.

5789d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm a big fan of Gears but the bugs and glitches are really getting on my nerves. The worst part is when jerks say, "Matchmaking works for me, so there's nothing wrong with it." A lot of guys are having trouble getting into games. I wasn't able to get into a game at all, but I fixed it by going into the advanced settings of my DSL modem and changing an option. My router was configured right and every other game worked great, but for some reason Gears2 cannot operate without NAT bein...

5796d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd almost be willing to suffer through an episode of Ellen to get a free xbox (especially since I want the HDMI of the newer xboxes). Almost.

5807d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo 3 probably didn't speed up because Halo already caches maps to the hard drive.

5807d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes I hope he comes back safely and I'll pray for him, but I also pity him for being such an idiot. I hope that this event doesn't stop his father from disciplining him in the future. I don't think we can be sure that he was kidnapped or that he is simply still away--from news stories such as these I don't think it's unlikely for a kid to run away for a long time over something stupid. He could be aware of the media and either afraid to come home or just seeing how long it'll play out. Or may...

5813d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whoever wrote this article is just pathetic, not in a mean sense but in a sad sense. Comments like, "Had the first female protagonist that I could actually see as my girlfriend," and "our bodies were complicated, awkward and changing," just make me feel bad for this guy. Maybe the real problem with graphic sex in video games is that guys like this should be forming relationships with REAL women.

If not that, I bet even reading romance novels would give him t...

5821d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So if it doesn't get a "most improved graphics" award it's not worth it? That reminds me of middle school when I would ace the math tests and the teacher disliked me (probably because I was a jerk), and yet some kids who did really poorly would get a pat on the back or even a reward for improvement for later doing only slightly poorly. The reason Gears2 is not hugely different from Gears1 is because they both are awesome.

5823d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

A lot of movies these days do that too, where the picture is washed out with a certain color in order to set the mood. Gears1 did have other colors besides gray, but was overall more uniform. Tyro was the big exception, being very warm (they used the same color as the landscape of the train level in campaign). The new Tyro looks great, but it will def. have a diff. mood not being so warm.

5823d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like the new Gridlock except that I wish it still had the statue, and maybe it's a little too green. Subway does look better, but Mansion was really better in Gears1 with the nighttime and the rain. New Tyro looks great, and new canals is pretty cool too--but I wonder if they made it snowy so that new water effects wouldn't create lag?

And where's Fuel Depot? I hope that one's not being left out. That's a sweet map.

5823d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There's been talk about these sort of mind-reading devices for some time, and they always have shortcomings. The article is too vague to really determine what the shortcomings will be, but I just thought of something else. I wonder if it can tell the difference between contemplation and action? What if a player thinks about doing something seriously, but does not yet want to do it? (like contemplating a series of moves in chess?)

5825d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

DHL should pay. Don't they have insurance for this kind of event? 21k xboxes spilled on DHL's watch is no excusable boo-boo.

5825d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I use the Postral Service...since most of the boxes I send are books (media mail ftw)

5827d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would think they would put a unique code inside the review copies (since there are relatively few), download the pirated version, link the code to the review copy, and get game companies to punish the review site by not sending them review copies (which decreases that particular site's hhits).

5827d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment