
CRank: 5Score: 41470

So maybe a short desert scene's graphics aren't vital to the game, but you can hardly say he's nitpicking if you actually LOOK at the screen shot. Not just the trees, but the dirt road just looks terrible. I'm from a desert, and I'll tell you our bushes have more than four perpendicular branches.

So gameplay is more important than graphics? I want survival horror, nor just an action game with horror elements. So this doesn't look like a win for me.

5828d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

GTAIV was a disappointment. I've played every GTA game since the first, and Rockstar took the things that annoyed me about San Andreas and expanded upon them. Instead of having to waste time dating imaginary women, now you have to play pool and darts with boring imaginary men. The story is not all that interesting and worst of all, the shooting and cover controls are a disaster.

Plus, they took out the tanks. :o(

5830d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree. In fact, I usually hate playing multiplayer before I beat the single player, and sometimes I just don't feel like playing with other people. Plus, as a long time RPG fan, a good storyline really matters to me, and you just can't have good storyline in a multiplayer-only game.

5836d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Although it seems like common sense to me that many people do play many games long after they are released (just not sports games), I'm sure Netflix has already done market research on the topic. All they have to do is get game rental data from another company that does rent games, and perhaps throw in some data concerning the purchase of used or old titles.

Anyway, I think they would have to raise the price of a subscription for those who wish to get games. Gamefly is ridiculo...

5837d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The grammar and spelling offend the eyes and hurt the brain.

Me fail English? That's unpossible!

5844d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is stupid. Money is already so easy to come by in Fable 2, it seems, that there probably isn't a reason to try to earn more. Most RPGs have this problem, that your character gets so rich by the end that there's nothing left worth buying. Besides, I'd rather earn REAL money than be obsessed with it in a game. Lots of ways to fill my pockets does not impress as much as solid gameplay and storyline.

5844d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Eh, I hope they don't go TOO far with this. I'm obsessive enough as it is; I don't want them to make me have to get 10,000 kills in the original Gears in order to unlock something in Gears2.

5903d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not really looking forward to the update, besides the Netflix integration. I mean, who needs avatars?

5904d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Not bad. Penny Arcade has always been pretty good.

And it is a funny twist on an actual part of the Fallout canon--that the vaults were designed to be somewhat faulty.

5906d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gears1 gore was awesome. It was one of the things that made it NOT Halo. I love the curb stomp animation; I would even go for stomps despite being left vulnerable just because it was sweet. I hope Gears2 still has the classic stomp animation somewhere; all I saw in the E3 demo were different stomps that weren't very exciting.

I still remember one time playing in Raven Down after an intense round on the score screen you could see and hear this brain which had been blown out of som...

5906d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just to focus on one point the previous commenter made, I don't really see the point of reaching a broad audience. Reaching a broad audience is precisely the reason playing Halo 3 online can be annoying at times--you get this foul-mouthed little kids blabbering until you mute them. Reaching a broad audience is one reason that Fallout 3 will probably be weak--elements that might be artistic but difficult to grasp will be nixed for cheesy overused elements that please the masses. Finally, reach...

5911d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It sounds like you connect your computer to your TV with a cable (i.e. S-Video cable), not to your Xbox. The reason that they say Vista is necessary is because supposedly Vista is required in order to use a Plug-in to Media Center which allows you to stream to the Xbox 360 through the home network, not via a direct cable. It's easier than having to put your laptop by the TV (especially if you have a monstrous ancient rock of a laptop like mine, which is about as loud as a car and as hot as a ...

5912d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm fine not installing games on the 360. Most games don't have a long load time anyway. The only game off the top of my head that was annoying in that way was ET: Quake Wars. I'm really glad that installs aren't mandatory, too, because I enjoy the freedom to switch between games without thinking, is this one of my installed games? If I want to play a game that I was unlikely to choose, I don't want to grunt at every load screen that I wish I had installed it.

5912d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was incredibly depressed when they announced the avatars and the new dashboard. The avatars, besides being a blatant rip of miis, look terrible, stupid, and silly. And their animations are worse than their looks. The gamerpics were good enough, and you could choose cool kick-@ss characters from games. I don't want to make an avatar that looks like nerdy ol' me, and with such cartoony designs I can't imagine making an avatar that looks any less nerdy than myself.

Plus, the blade...

5915d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I was incredibly depressed when they announced the avatars and the dashboard revamp. The last thing I want is for my games to be infested with stupid, cartoony characters with cheesy animations. The gamerpics were good enough, and had style. The avatars lack any style or 'attitude' or masculinity whatsoever.

Plus, the blades interface was perfect. It was simple, straight-forward, and my fiancee (not very willing to work hard to figure out a new computer program) figured it out ea...

5915d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Killing someone over a $300 device is not right--there is no justice to using a "Castle Law" for that purpose. The phrase "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" (from Exodus 21, also reflected in Hammurabi's code) is an ancient proverb intended to limit punishment. Why? Because justice is about making things right, not about piling excess punishment on someone out of a spirit of vengeance. If the intruder had no weapon, no intention of harming anyone, and he certainly di...

5924d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Good article because the writer is honest that it's just personal preference. And the analog on 360 is great for FPS (it's rare that I wish I had the precision of a mouse).

The thing of note, however, is that it seems that the PS3 tends to attract a crowd that clings to "the good ol' days", and thus sticks to the controller specifically because they're used to it. The author shows this when he talks about his reluctance to change to a new controller after the SNES (whic...

5925d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only morphine? The other Fallouts had worse drugs than that, just with non real-world names.

I still think censorship serves a good purpose. Even if it makes kids more interested in such games, at least it makes some parents wake up to the gravity of issues in the games so that they can make the choice to regulate what their kids play if they so choose. Otherwise, parents are at a severe disadvantage if they themselves do not play video games or have some completely neutral sourc...

5926d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wonder how he got rid of the holes where the buttons used to be?

I don't think this controller would work for me, but it's impressive that he designed and made it, and it will surely work for someone.

As for mouse+keyboard, yes a mouse is more precise, but even though I used to be a PC gamer I still prefer to use the X360 controller. It's because it allows me to sit back and be more laid-back when I play games, whereas using a mouse and keyboard for me requires a d...

5928d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's ridiculous. The ONLY similarity between Dead Rising and Dawn of the Dead is that they both take place in a mall. That's like saying that Battlestar Galactica is a television adaptation of Star Wars because they both take place in space. In fact, that very thing happened; in the 70's Fox sued Universal claiming that it had ripped off 34 ideas from Star Wars, so Universal counter-sued saying that Star Wars had ripped off ideas from Silent Running (

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