CRank: 5Score: 9390

But isn't that like being Valedictorian at Night School?

2009 was a forgettable year. Sorry. But even the analysts have said it. We concede the year to the PS3 because you guys need all the help you can get. You can't believe that you can actually celebrate something. You're like Ethiopians that finally get lunch tickets.

But how can you celebrate long with such a poor year for exclusives?

EyePet? 200,000 copies (Flopped.)
God of War Collect...

5297d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

And it's only one website. Calm down.

Killzone 2 came out in 2009. And by 2010, people won't be playing it at all.
Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2 rank at the top of the PSN Multiplayer Rankings.
And Killzone 2 is nowhere to be found. Why you ask?

It sucks. Bad. Repetitive, generic, and bland.

Not to mention, it sold like garbage.

So here's a little word of advice to gaming enthusiasts on N4G:

5297d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

Look at this...

Tell me that THIS garbage will succeed.
It'll flop. And HARD.

I LOVE how PS3 Fans are hyping it. Hilarious.

5297d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

Nothing more to see here.

I tried to tell you...


Next. :-)

5297d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Listen PS3 Fans...


Chrono Trigger was awesome.
Phantasy Star was legendary.
Xenogears was fun.
And Final Fantasy set the standard.

But that was generations ago. The world has moved on.

The West has taken over the RPG Genre and it kills you. It only further cements the proof that is right in front of your faces:

The Playstation Name is dying.
And it's assistin...

5297d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

God of War III - Repetition. Bayonetta & Dante's Inferno will rate better.

Gran Turismo 5 - Forza 3 looks better.

Heavy Rain - Looks fantastic. Will sell 500,000 copies.

ModNations Racers - Will flop. Sorry.

Agent - New IP on PS3? (Plays TAPS)

Resistance 3/Killzone 3...

5298d ago 12 agree7 disagreeView comment

All of the games that PS3 Supporters are listing above this post will be long forgotten. The list doesn't mention the vast majority of games that are being shared in this thread for PS3. Why you ask?


So let's recap... Shall we?

#1 Market (America) - XBOX360 dominates in Software.
#2 Market (Japan) - Nintendo Wii dominates in Software.
#3 Market (UK) - XBOX360 dominates in Software.

5298d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

Thanks, PS3Center for proving what we say to be correct:
"Sony is making games that don't appeal to it's audience – or that Microsoft just does a tremendous job making titles that appeal to theirs..." Duh.

I've been saying it for weeks, so let me reiterate it for the deaf and blind:

PS3 Owners buy games... Sometimes. They buy almost as many multiplatform games (relative to the install base) as the XBOX360 Owners. Because on the PS3...

5298d ago 5 agree15 disagreeView comment

FFXIII - March 9th, 2010 - BIG hit across both consoles. PS3 will outsell XBOX360 version 60/40 due to the older fanbase. Should sell pretty well.

God of War III - March 10th, 2010 - Look at Uncharted 2's sales performance and you will see how God of War III will sell. Mediocre start, but hopefully long legs.

Bioshock 2 - Feb. 9th, 2010 - Will match the sales of its predecessor, however, will fall short of expectations due to its niche appeal and lack of having a...

5298d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Okay, GamesThirst...

Congratulations on the new website that is launching at the first of the year. But as we all know, to create web traffic, you have to get people speaking. More importantly, you have to get people to the point of "passionate" about any given topic.

Therefore, I know FOR A FACT that the first few months of your new website will be littered with flamebait articles. You'll need it for traffic. You know it, and we know it.


5298d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

And notice whenever Saaking doesn't have a rebuttal, he spews out immature garbage.

It's typical of him.

He doesn't have the skillset to make a point.

That's why he's spending 90% of his time in the Gamer Zone. He can't hang with the BIG BOYS.

Leave him be.

And anyone that denies that Halo is the BIGGEST franchise of the past 10 years is fooling themselves.

Nintendo: Mario
Microsoft: Halo

5298d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

PS3 Fans have the audacity to put down the approvers of this article.
The people that tried to stop it should be put down too.
Just because you don't have the vernacular to explain why you disagree with the article isn't good enough reason to not display it.
Just like this website. You take bubbles because you're COWARDS.

Debate your side.
Stand your ground.
Articulate your point and counterpoint.

Oh wait. You can't articulate blind fanb...

5299d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

"But it has BluRay!"
"One disc per game!"


Does Microsoft wish they had more storage capabilities? Yes. "Outdated" is a buzz word that PS3 Supporters use to make themselves feel better about the BluRay installed in the PS3. Truth is, the XBOX720 will still use DVD, but a variation of it that will allow them the storage space and speed needed for gaming. BluRay is too slow a format to use for gaming development, and M...

5299d ago 3 agree14 disagreeView comment

Halo franchise, to downfall?
The next iteration of Halo will be the best one yet. And it will DEFINITELY be the best selling. The graphics surpassed anything the PS3 has put out to date, and their starting to get nervous about the implications of the biggest franchise of this generation being the best LOOKING also. That is a frightening thought. It could be an atomic bomb of massive proportions. Now the Killzone, Resistance, and Final Fantasy Franchises are on the downward slide. Hopef...

5299d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

They were hyping their games from the moment they were announced.
I asked them recently to show me a post where ANYONE said that Forza 3 would be a blockbuster seller and outsell Gran Turismo 5 and they failed. They make stuff up as they go along.

FLOPZA! FLOPZA! Hilarious. It sold GREAT for a racer.
Unlike PS3, we understand that racing games are niche titles and don't hang our hats on them.

And 2009 was CONCEDED to PS3. They didn't win JACK.

5300d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm just going to sit back and watch these PS3 Supporters explain why it's okay that Sony charges a fee for Premium Services.

The same people that were bragging that Sony cares about the "gamers".
The same people that said Microsoft was greedy for charging for XBOX Live.
The same people that claimed they were getting an XBOX Live-like experience for free on PSN.

They'll now spin it and tell us that it's okay.
It's worth it.
Sony dese...

5300d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

A million copies on Day One is AWESOME. It should be commended.

But Square Enix was terrified. PS3 Owners don't buy games. And porting the game to XBOX360 was necessary.

Of course it'll lag behind past iterations of Final Fantasy due to a lagging economy and a smaller install base. Relax.

But XBOX360 is its saving grace.
The console that SELLS games this generation.
The GAMERS console.
And PS3 sells NO GAMES in the West. NO ONE CARES ov...

5300d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

If you read my comment history, you'll see that I've said on NUMEROUS occasions that this will do well in Japan.
It's Final Fantasy for God's Sake. Of course it will.
But it'll be short lived and a blip on the screen. Watch.

You're hypocrites for a few reasons:
1. Sales don't matter. You say it ALL THE TIME. But only when it's to your favor.
2. This is a MULTIPLATFORM GAME. Regardless of Japansese exclusivity. You blasted XBOX360 Fans for celebrating Moder...

5300d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

You have to understand something.
The PS3 Supporters on this website are cowards.
Instead of a factual rebuttal, they resort to name-calling, diversions, bubble taking, and phantom disagrees.
They have no proof of what they say, so they take the desperate route.

It's typical.

I find it hilarious.

But they lack the intelligence to give a rebuttal. It's just the way it is.

I want to thank you for that article though. Never re...

5301d ago 7 agree11 disagreeView comment

First of all, official sales of VideoGame Consoles are an inexact science in Europe. NOW VGChartz is relevant? Hypocrites. Oh yeah... It's relevant when it supports your argument. I forgot. :-)
Secondly, capturing the largest Market in the world (America) is VERY important to Sony because it spends the most money.
Thirdly and lastly, NO. ONE. CARES.

You guys STILL don't get it.

Let me help the deprived (Sony Supporters):

5301d ago 7 agree20 disagreeView comment