CRank: 5Score: 9390

Yes. states that "the PS3 is eating into the XBOX360's market share."

Yes, the PS3 is outselling the XBOX360 currently. If it sells ONE console more than XBOX360 for any month, it eats into the market share.

So is this article just one to pat you all on the back? Make you feel good in a troubled time?


The PS3 DESPERATELY slimmed down the console to compete.

They thought that the Playst...

5423d ago 5 agree31 disagreeView comment

skv007. You are a good kid.

But even if Uncharted 2 gets "Game of the Year". WHO CARES?
You guys didn't even buy it.
500,000 in NPD?
One million worldwide?

Oh yeah, you'll be able to brag in this so-called "Console War" that you had the GAME OF THE YEAR in 2009. Meanwhile, Naughty Dog's pockets are empty because you losers can't spend $60.00 on their title. A great title at that.

Ask Naughty Dog how much r...

5423d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

You, LIKE EVERY OTHER PS3 FAN, won't stay on topic.
Okay. I get it. We pay subscription fees. $50.00. Sucks.
But my livelihood allows me to pay that WHOPPING approximately FOUR DOLLARS a month for a superior service.

But you still didn't respond to the topic of this thread or my post.


Let me help you....

PS3 Modern Warfare 2 Outsold 2:1 By 360's Sku

Now respond. :-)

5423d ago 0 agree12 disagreeView comment

Oh wait. They don't buy ANY games at all. To be expected.

Here come the excuses:
"Killzone 2 is better anyway."
"The game isn't even in HD! I'll pass."
"XBOX360 Fans will buy anything. Lemmings."
"They have nothing else to play, of course they bought it."
"PS3 owners have too many games to play. We have diversity!"
"It's a much larger fanbase! DUH!"

Just count ho...

5423d ago 3 agree15 disagreeView comment

Let's see...

LOVE your posts like:
"You try too Hard, Xtard."

And my favorite:
"You cared enough to reply, dipsh1t."

Sorry. I have conversations with intelligent species.
Not ones that can't form real opinions with complete sentences.

I think judging by my calculations, you're about 16 years old.

I don't want to be arrested for child abuse by berating you on this page.

5423d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

The games SHOULD come to XBOX360. The developers deserve to make back what they put into the titles.
The fanboys on this website talk it up all year, and when the time comes to buy the games, they run for the hills.
In other words, they like the verbal gymnastics that happen on this site, but they have no intention on putting their money where their mouths are. And even if EVERY Sony fan on this site DID buy the games they talk about daily...

NO ONE CARES. (cricke...

5423d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

How are you both?
Still spewing nonsense I see.

I like when you TOOLS use the overused term "Flopza". Funny.

Let's compare a racing game to Uncharted 2...
And what did it sell again in NPD? 500,000 copies? You're all weak.
Buy the freaking games.
You claim allegiance to Sony, but NONE to Naughty Dog.
And what do you say? "The sales don't matter." ...

5423d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

Oh Saaking...
Desperation at its finest.
This isn't just ANY game.
It's Uncharted 2.
The biggest franchise of the year.
It was heavily marketed.
And was praised by the critics.
And sold just a whimper... (squeak)

And Sony is the JUGGERNAUT in the videogame industry. They won the past two generations by a landslide. Numerous multiplatinum sellers under their belt. And THIS generation, you're using words like "they sell bette...

5424d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

First of all, I find it rather ironic that you chose a wrestler that was popular in the EIGHTIES as your avatar...

Wait a minute...

Popular long time ago,
Washed up now,
Trying to reclaim popularity,
Outdone by its predecessors...

I get it! The Iron Sheik is the PS3 in disguise!!!!

No games, huh?
The XBOX360 games that were released this year ranked as high and sold MORE than the PS3 exclusives. LOOK IT UP...

5424d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

Every XBOX360 game will outsell Uncharted 2 this holiday.
They know it.
They don't buy games. Hello?

Modern Warfare 2 has already surpassed 7 MILLION in sales.
A 95 on Metacritic.
2 Million players on XBOX Live.
But Sony Fanboys try to downplay and criticize the game.


Again, Sony Fanboys... NO ONE CARES.

Uncharted 2 is long forgotten. Just like the PS3.

But BluRay is AWESOME! ...

5424d ago 12 agree8 disagreeView comment

Sony is losing TONS of money.

Maybe THIS gen, you'll buy their games.
Maybe THIS gen, you'll understand that PSN is constantly playing catch-up.
Maybe THIS gen, a PS3 exclusive will make an impact.
Maybe THIS gen, Sony will have a franchise to hang their hat on.

But these won't happen. Why?

Because Sony Fans are all talk, no action.


Get off of this site and go and purchase a title.


5424d ago 3 agree12 disagreeView comment

They have no ammo.
They just divert attention to another topic instead of staying ON TOPIC.
They're not man enough to respond accordingly.
Instead, they want to silence you. Cowards.

Here's their Greatest Hits:
RROD. Old news.
XBOX360 Console Exclusives released on PC. No one cares.
XBOX360 has no games.

They are blazing mad that Microsoft has replaced Sony as the preferred console this generation.

And here's the wors...

5424d ago 10 agree16 disagreeView comment

Mr. Sir Ken Kutaragi, do you ever say anything productive that actually adds to the conversation?

If I see another cut and paste job, I'll throw up.

CHATBOX? Huh? What the hell is that?
Are all of this guy posts the same?
Is he even part of the conversation? EVER?

And who ever uses THIS? ;-D

Now let's try to articulate something productive. Shall we?

5424d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

The highly rated and supposedly best game of this generation has sold a whopping ONE MILLION COPIES. LOL...



Sorry. We know that it hurts.

5424d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Call us when you start actually BUYING your games and not "playing catch up".

5424d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

They're like Pamela Anderson.
They used to be hot as hell.
But time has caught up with them.
They still think that they're hot.
But the world knows better.
They just snicker behind their backs at them.

"Hey, did you used to be the mighty PLAYSTATION?"


5424d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

How old are you? 12?
Is that what Sony fanboys are clinging to?
I thought the Sony fanbase was older, more established with more money?
Anything to load the gun with ammo, huh?
I made $50.00 while typing this message.
You need to leave McDonalds and get a real job...

5424d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

The PS3 is a great console that is a fantastic movie player. Nothing more. The games may be great, but no one buys them. Including YOU.
Wasn't the lineup supposed to be awesome this holiday?
You know what I've heard since those great games released?


5424d ago 1 agree14 disagreeView comment

"Thanks, but I'll get the definitive version on PC!!"


They don't even buy their own exclusives, but they're going to buy Left4Dead2 on PC. I laugh at them all the time. They think that XBOX360 lovers care about them on this site. XBOX players are too busy buying games and playing them. Look at October NPD.

No one cares Sony Fanboys. NO ONE.


5424d ago 18 agree22 disagreeView comment

"I'll get the definitive version on PC!!"


They don't even buy their own exclusives, but they're going to buy Left4Dead2 on PC. I laugh at them all the time. They think that XBOX360 lovers care about them on this site. XBOX players are too busy buying games and playing them. Look at October NPD.

No one cares Sony Fanboys. NO ONE.


5424d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment