CRank: 5Score: 9390

You people make my job much easier. :-)

All your posting shows is the paranoia that comes along with being a PS3 supporter. That's all. I find it hilarious.

Sony Playstation used to be:
The Juggernaut.
The Bees Knees. :-)
The Big Man On Campus.
The Head Honcho.
The President AND CEO of gaming.

Now look at it... The wannabe and 3rd Place Console in a Market dominated by two rivals that are doing Gaming better than ...

5409d ago 8 agree14 disagreeView comment

All it takes is for Sony Fans to understand that the PS3 is NOT a games console. It's a BluRay Player. Sony Fans have been yelling to the rooftops that it's the best HD Game Console on the market. Don't come in here and whine when factual evidence is shown to the contrary.

In addition, YOU Sony Fans ignore the fact that the game developers rely on YOU to buy the product that they spend months and months of their time on. It's a painstaking process, and they take their jobs and ...

5410d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

Killzone 2 - 2 million copies "sold". Sort of.
Bundled & downgraded as a Greatest Hits Title SIX months after release!
Fell WAY short of expectations. Halo Killer? LOL!

Uncharted 2 - 1.5 million copies sold.
Most marketed game this year.
Fell short of sales expectations.
Poor Naughty Dog. Great developer.
On the wrong side of the console race.

inFAMOUS - 1 million copies sold.
Released in MAY!

5410d ago 8 agree10 disagreeView comment

Nintendo - Mario
Microsoft - Halo
Sony? - ZERO

Kratos. Please.
Jak? Nope.
Nathan? Bland.
Snake? Sorry.

Those are WAY too mediocre to go mainstream. I know that jealousy is prevalent throughout the Sony Fanbase, but hating on the biggest exclusive this generation is reaching a little, isn't it? Not to mention, no PS3-exclusive is good enough to "crossover" into the hearts and minds of the core gamer. They're all forgett...

5410d ago 11 agree13 disagreeView comment

Sony Fans are HILARIOUS:

Helghan666 - "killzone 2 hands on." IT'S HANDS DOWN, GENIUS.


The Iron Sheik - "Halo ODLC? Are you kidding. It's game of the year not overpriced DLC of the year. Assassin's Creed 2 & Infamous are way more deserving and superior games. This website should be ashamed of themselves." INFAMOUS AS GAME OF THE YEAR? YOU SHOULD HAVE YOU...

5410d ago 0 agree14 disagreeView comment

The reason that I like it so much is because the beat is catchy, the video was over overblown and original, and it reminds me of when the last time the Playstation Franchise was on top.



I would say that the person spinning is the one that tries to divert the topic of conversation by posting YouTube Videos.

Now THAT'S irony. :-)

Now run along and buy a game...


5410d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Still waiting for a non-biased site to validate and substantiate the assumed news.

PS3 FANS are so used to getting kicked around, they jump the gun and assume the best.

I just hope it works out for them. It would be a sad day if PS3 fell short. :-)



5410d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

Yes, Project Natal could be the breakthrough that Microsoft wanted in Japan. But most likely, it won't be. It'll make a splash, but a temporary one. A natal-embedded Killer Instinct will be MASSIVE, but it'll be short-lived.

Japan has turned their sites onto the handheld market over the last two years, and home consoles like the Sony PS3 and Nintendo Wii are left picking up the scraps.

Japanese Developers are even frightful of what's been happening with Japanese ...

5410d ago 4 agree14 disagreeView comment

When PS3 Fans don't have a counterpoint on a topic, they revert to old tactics because they can't give you a legitimate answer:
Disrespect the poster.
Disrespect Microsoft and XBOX360.
Call out the developer.
Divert attention by using another topic.
Praise Sony as loud as possible.
Talk about the "good ol' days".
List the overrated 2010 lineup as many times as possible.
Cut and paste the middle finger TEN MILLION TIMES (Sir Ken...

5410d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

Let's wait for official numbers before we start jumping the gun on claiming that the XBOX360 is "dead this holiday season".

Let's be real here... PS3 WILL outsell the XBOX360 this holiday season. Of course it will. The Slim just released, and the momentum should carry it through the holidays. It'll do well. Better than Microsoft. And Microsoft knows this. Microsoft has its fanbase and will do as well as they did last year. It's just that Sony will do better. Microsoft...

5411d ago 12 agree50 disagreeView comment

Please don't make me go through the obvious diatribe AGAIN.

Killzone 2 is forgettable. Get over it.


5411d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

Here's your history:

The XBOX360 was released on November 22nd, 2005.
A year later, on November 17th, 2006 when the PS3 released, the XBOX360 had sold approximately 5.5 million units of hardware.
That total is now over 7 million.

So this myth that the PS3 is selling MORE and FASTER than the XBOX360 is falling on deaf ears. When the price drop happened last year, the XBOX360 has been bludgeoning the PS3 in sales every month.

That is, u...

5411d ago 4 agree13 disagreeView comment

I unfortunately read the article, and it fails to realize one big thing that ISN'T similar to the PS2's heyday...


XBOX 1 tried. Failed.
Dreamcast tried. Failed.
CD-I tried. Failed.
Gamecube tried. Failed.

But this time is different. The little boys are MEN now. :-)

Nintendo has secured the "casual market" that Playstation once commanded, and XBOX360 came out early and commanded the HD M...

5411d ago 11 agree49 disagreeView comment

Uncharted 2 - 1.5 million copies - Metacritic Score: 96 GREAT GAME.
Demon Souls - 300,000 copies - Metacritic Score: 89 Not AAA.
Ratchet & Clank - 200,000 copies - Metacritic Score: 86 Not AAA.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma - 300,000 copies - Metacritic Score: 83 Not AAA.
EyePet - 90,000 copies - Metacritic Score: 71 Hello?
God of War Collection - 120,000 copies - Metacritic Score: 93 Expansion pack for PS2.

Judging by the games listed above (you kn...

5411d ago 5 agree13 disagreeView comment

Someone call me when an actual website that is part of TRUE MEDIUM that states that the PS3 is dominant this holiday season.

USA Today?


Oh wait. It won't happen. Because Sony Fans...


And for the record, let's just say that the PS3 is dominant over Black Friday.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

5411d ago 0 agree15 disagreeView comment

You see, the pro-Sony news on this website always comes from blogs, little known websites, and pro-Sony sites.

Notice that the XBOX360 news comes from more reliable sites, respected sites, and legitimate medium.


Because only myopic Sony Fans believe that the gaming world is clamoring to see Sony back on top.


So here's a test for you, Sony Fans.

Every time a pro-Sony article comes through on this...

5411d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

Stay on topic, Sony Fans.
We don't care about your low-selling exclusives.
We don't care about the all-mighty Playstation Brand.

As a matter of fact... NO ONE CARES. :-)

We just work with proof and evidence that PS3 is NEVER going to be dominant EVER AGAIN.

Let's see how many PS3 Fans mention Naughty Dog.
Or disrepect this developer.
Or call other developers "lazy".

You just don't understand. And obviously, ...

5412d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

You see, people like Saaking and even worse, Russ_90, can't get out of their own way.

They run away from the sales argument because they know that it's an article about securing more exclusives from other developers. It even states that three upcoming PS3 exclusives may be "blockbusters", a term reserved only for products that produce HUGE SALES.

But they won't stay on topic.
They don't want to talk sales.
Even though the article discusses it. ...

5412d ago 2 agree14 disagreeView comment

So what. Someone made fun of your precious console. It's a humorous video that actually heaps more praise than criticism. But you won't acknowledge that, right?

I laugh when I read the data that states that PS3 Fans are the oldest fanbase of the three current consoles. Are they SURE? They are the most whiny, myopic, annoying, and hypocritical group on the planet.

The Playstation Brand is EPIC. WE GET IT.

But here's a little something that you need ...

5412d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yes, the XBOX360 has (or HAD) a high failure rate.
Yes, Microsoft committed one billion dollars to remedy the problem.
It has hindered the exposure of XBOX360, although it's success is still impressive.

But here's the funny part...

People STILL choose XBOX360 over PS3.
People STILL suffer RROD and get another console from Microsoft.
People STILL can't turn away from the best GAMING console on the market.

And PS3 is losing to a con...

5413d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment