CRank: 5Score: 9390

"PS3 sucks because next year they're going to get more innovative titles like GOW3, Heavy Rain, Resistance 3, GT5, ModNationRacers and so many different types of games from different genres."

Yeah. Games that NO ONE will buy.

Isn't Uncharted 2 the best reviewed game of this generation?
Isn't this a year with NO competition?
Isn't this a year where Microsoft XBOX360 didn't have any games?
Wasn't this the PERFECT tim...

5422d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5422d ago

Please follow my every move.
I would love to see how you can actually shed some true light on why Sony Fans are so myopic and narrow-minded.

As far as your score and bubbles goes...


This account means nothing and how many people have ignored me means nothing. I'm speaking the truth. I'll create another once these run out. But hopefully, you will be able to shed some REAL light on the topics of conversation. Just because you h...

5422d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

You guys make it too easy for me to prove that you're the most myopic, unreasonable, and low people in gaming. Pretty sad.

God Bless, Paul Allen.

5422d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Now, the biggest retailer in the world is selling a bundle on Black Friday. And what is packaged with it?

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. will sell a bundle that includes Sony Corp.'s Playstation 3, game titles and a BLU-RAY DISC at under $300 in a Black Friday Doorbuster.

Tsk, tsk.

Gamers know where to go. XBOX360. XBOX Live. Jump in!

5422d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment

We finally meet face-to-face.

I heard about your fight in the recent past and I will walk along side you in the "struggle". :-)

The myopic Sony Fans haven't changed.

They need waking up. And now.

5422d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

You come with ZERO facts and never answer questions.

I invite you to go through my history and pick out a lie that I have told. What I have said are nothing but the facts. You, my friend, aren't a liar. YOU, are a truth dodger.

So let me ask you a legitimate question that requires a simple answer.

You ready?

Sony Fans have been yelling to the rafters for months that the holiday lineup was going to be STELLAR this year. Let's just say...

5422d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

I'll allow you to use ANY website to prove that figure.

Even VGChartz.

ANY website.

I'll be waiting for you. :-)

5422d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

First and foremost, this is about the developers. NOT MICROSOFT.
I know, I know. You hate Microsoft. We get it. (Go cry.)

But the developers were getting shafted by the pirates taking their content without paying for it. This only proves just how ignorant you Sony Fans are.

You're saying that Microsoft is doing this on purpose to sell more consoles? Really? Do the developers EVER get love from Sony Fans?!?!?

Oh. That's right. No. They don't...

5422d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment
5422d ago

"I love the smell of Napalm in the morning."

A Sony-exclusive saying something negative about the competition?

You don't say! (smirk)

The desperation is starting to seep into the developers too.
It's sad to watch.
Instead of letting your game speak for itself, Buzz (LOL), you choose to get involved in saying something that will hurt your company's pocketbook in the future.

Desperation tends to make people do t...

5422d ago 6 agree14 disagreeView comment
5422d ago

They ALL do. Don't you tools understand that?

This is how stupid this so-called "Console War" is getting.

Okay, one exclusive is TWO TENTHS of a point better than another.


Go out and purchase this title and support the developers.
That is what you're supposed to do.
And that is what XBOX360 owners WILL do.

I love when Sony Fans try to use the arguments:

5422d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Remember now, they were saying that they "didn't care about Facebook."
"Why have Facebook on PSN? We have a browser for that!"
"Facebook is for people without lives!"

Guess what Sony Fans. Your beloved Sony cares about Facebook.

Follow the Leader. That's what they do.

And just another reminder on this site that what you say...


Sony is trying to emulate the suc...

5422d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

And the XBOX360 version looks ten times better?


That is classic.

But wait, it's not a PS3 exclusive. So that's okay.

Right, PS3 Fans?

You all are such tools. It's amazing to watch. And fun!

Now go and buy something. The developers are waiting:

Uncharted 2 - 1 million copies
Demon Souls - 300,000 copies
Ratchet & Clank - 200,000 copies
Ninja Gaiden Sigm...

5422d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Again, PS3 Fans. The rest of the world can see what's obvious.

But not you.

You won't allow anyone (and God forbid the XBOX360 Fanbase) to tell you that the XBOX360 version of the game is better than the Cell-enriched PS3 version.

Because the Cell is almighty, right?
Even though 98% of multiplatform games are better on XBOX360?
Even though 80% of games purchase are multiplatform?
And Sony's exclusives are WAY better than multip...

5422d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Although I hate the fact that N4G has ONCE AGAIN allowed a blog to be published as news on this website, I'll play along. If only to assist in the slapping around of the hypocritical Sony Fans on this site.

Yes, it's true.
Sony is the one who is sweating.
I tried to tell you that yesterday, but you didn't listen.
This article is dead on. Duh.
But you let (smirk) IRONSTARMOVEMENT.COM get you all giddy. Sad.

PSN is playing "Follow t...

5422d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Bunbun777. My friend. Sad attempt.
"Maybe ---and this is the zinger-- maybe Kratos is too hard core for most fans, with the bloodletting and the sacrifice, with the mini sex games and the uber storyline... "

Gears of War 1 & 2 - Constant chainsawing of opponents and strong language.
5 million copies sold each. With a quarter of the fanbase.

Grand Theft Auto 4 - Sex, harsh language, and violence. Biggest game this generation.


5423d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

It could promote the community aspects of PSN and allow players to better get to know one another.

But it won't happen. Why?

Few people have mics on PSN.
They have an older fanbase that doesn't care much for Online Co-Op.
And why put money into a title that the Sony followers won't buy anyway.

Here's a little statistic for you:
God of War II was released on March 13th, 2007.
The PS3 fanbase was approximately 120 million....

5423d ago 3 agree19 disagreeView comment

Microsoft will gain more profit by forcing the pirates to purchase a QUARTER of the consoles back than they would have (and already did) lost on games being pirated.

In addition, it provides a strong deterrent to the copycats in the future that if you break the rules, you will be banned.

They win either way. Even if 250,000 of the million buy consoles again.

And the most important part, these guys were stealing from the developers. The REAL losers ...

5423d ago 1 agree19 disagreeView comment