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5347d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

I get the angst that PS3 Fans are feeling right now. They need some positive press for Sony, and some negative press for Microsoft. And FAST. The week has been a blistering one for their camp, and you'll find over the next few weeks, they'll be out in full force trying to down everything XBOX360. I can promise you that.

Sony's Playstation 3 is starting off the year sluggishly. FACT.
M.A.G. flopped. FACT.
White Knight Chronicles will too. FACT.
Heavy Rain wi...

5347d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Don't bring up PS3 Games of 2009.
Don't bring up Microsoft and RROD.
Dont tell us that "The Last Remnant" and other RPG's fell short.

Save it.

You touted your lineup to be "AAA" all of 2009. No XBOX360 Fan on this website made those claims about ANY of the titles that you're trying to use as ammunition. Bottom line is, White Knight Chronicles is awful. Look at my history and I've been trying to tell you that for months.

5348d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

I've been trying to tell the PS3 Supporters ever since I joined this site a few months ago. Your 2010 will fall short... WAY short. You have been listing these supposed "AAA" Games for all of 2009, and I've told you over and over that your list is a forgotten one and void of any substance. A "AAA" Game is a Metacritic Score of 90 and above. Stop trying to change the rules to fit your pathetic argument.

For example:
You've already been hit hard with bl...

5348d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

If a website gives a PS3 Game a GREAT score:
"This is the first TRUE rating that I've seen."

If a website gives a PS3 Game a BAD score:
"They're paid off by Microsoft and are X-Bots."
"They haven't played the game all the way through!"
"Everyone hates Sony!"
"It's difficult to gauge an online-only game!"
"Scratch (Website Name) off of my list of favorite VideoGame Websites." ...

5349d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

Give it up, Shane.

NaiNaiNai just had you for lunch.


5350d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

They are holding ALL of their hopes and dreams on this game.
They would sell their firstborn child for this game to do well.
They would sacrifice an offer of World Peace for God of War 3 to succeed.

But sorry... It won't. It'll fall short. Just like Uncharted 2.

Do I REALLY have to post this again?

God of War II was released on March 13th, 2007.
The PS3 fanbase was approximately 120 million.
The title only sold 3 milli...

5351d ago 10 agree12 disagreeView comment

You just made me laugh out loud.

That was CLASSIC.

This game DOES look like POO, doesn't it?

5351d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment

Let me help you again. The name of this article was:
"Heavy Rain Requires HDD Install".

Your attempts to deflect the topic of conversation are pathetic and at the same time, SAD.

There was article the other day that asked:
"Why Do PS3 Exclusives Not Sell?"

Well here's another reason. Mandatory installs on a Gaming Console are a travesty. They're blasphemous. They go against everything that Gaming is about. Do you r...

5351d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

On the heels of Sony Playstation 3 releasing their BEST title to date (Uncharted 2),
On the heels of PS3 DESPERATELY releasing the PS3 Slim,
On the heels of Microsoft and Nintendo having NO games to play in 2009 (according to you),
On the heels of Sony's HEAVY Marketing "It Does Everything" Campaign in 2009...

Sony Playstation 3 only closed the gap by TWO MILLION CONSOLES.

According to Microsoft's Financial Report, the lead is currently ho...

5351d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

2. NO
3. ONE

That is all. :-)

5352d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

All year long, we discuss comparisons between XBOX360 and PS3 Multiplatform games. In my opinion, the website (Lens of Truth) does the best job of categorically breaking these games down. And in 95% of these comparisons, the PS3 loses. And when the inevitable superior XBOX360 comparison happens, what quotes do we regularly hear from the PS3 Fanbase?

"Who cares about multiplatform games? It's all about the exclusives!"
"Look at the XBOX360 Fanboys cheering ...

5352d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment
5352d ago
5352d ago


And Sony will once again report HUGE losses in its Gaming Division next month.

Now watch the PS3 Supporters come in here and play their desperate Damage Control Game again. Let me help them start the process:

"XBOX360 hasn't won jack. Wii won this generation months ago."
"Microsoft releases shipped numbers. Sony releases sold numbers."
"How many of those consoles are repeat sales becau...

5353d ago 9 agree9 disagreeView comment

Listen Gamers. (Well, at least the TRUE Gamers on XBOX Live.)

This week is proving that the TRUE Gaming experience in this generation is had on the XBOX360. With the Capcom Monster Hunter Announcement, the Cliffy B "Megaton" Announcement pending, the incredible reviews of Mass Effect 2 (with one journalist calling it the best RPG EVER),and the plethora of great titles that will be released throughout the year, it's obvious that PS3 Supporters are TICKED OFF.

5354d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

GTA IV - 7.5 million copies (Highest Rated Game this Gen)
Mass Effect 2 - Incoming Blockbuster
BioShock - 2.5 million copies (Great selling NEW IP)
Orange Box - 1 million copies (5 times more than the inferior PS3 version)

Uncharted 2 96 - Heavy marketing. Fell WAY short of sales predictions and expectations.
Little Big Planet 95 - Flopped. Touted as the "Next Mario", was l...

5355d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

No 2-Player Split Screen.
No Map editor.
Disabled multiplayer cover system.
Choppy aiming system.
Laggy running system.
BAD voice work.
The WORST weapons of any FPS ever. The flamethrower is putrid.

Oh yeah... And it flopped. :-)

Modern Warfare 2 - 15 million copies
Killzone 2 - 2 million copies (Bundled)

Modern Warfare 2 is the best shooter of 2009. Deal with it.

Modern Warfare 2 - Me...

5355d ago 3 agree12 disagreeView comment

Deny it all that you want.

Project Natal + Halo: Reach = The Death of the Playstation 3

See you in the Fall. :-)

And good luck with the PS3 "Arc". (LOL)

5356d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

If this news is true, then this year's E3 will be the BIGGEST ever for Microsoft and XBOX360. Let's fantasize about what potentially could happen... Shall we?

Official Project Natal unveiling with Games.
New Halo: Reach Footage w/Gameplay.
XBOX360 Price Drop and potential slimming down of console.
Monster Hunter Frontier Online.
Fable III Footage w/Natal.
Crackdown 2 Footage.
New Alan Wake Footage.

Gears of War 3 Announce...

5356d ago 5 agree10 disagreeView comment