
CRank: 5Score: 34910

The hype for this game is getting a little out of hand. I hope it lives up to it.

They keep touting that the world is huge. And thats great, but they not only have to give us something to do in that world, they have to show us that what we are doing is changing things.

They say they have accomplished that...But that IMO is where Witcher 3 will be a "really great open world RPG" to "This is now the gold standard in which all open world games a...

3327d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game was marketed as a mix of Borderlands, Mass Effect, and Halo.

Instead, we got a rock solid shared world shooter with archaic RNG loot drops.

And I play it all the time.

3327d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow, that armor core and weapon core is a very...very welcomed addition to the loot tables.

Though getting the ethuric light (or whatever) is still better to upgrade your old stuff </while I clutch fatebringer>, you can still hit light level 34 armor and get some 365 guns without being completely reliant on RNG.

In other words, you will not be locked out of the highest level content (like the 35 prison of elders) due to RNG.

This is e...

3328d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well, OP, your article is inconsistent. First you say its not Satire, then you say its not good satire. Which is it?


There is no question this is deplorable content. That much I think most of us can agree on.

This guy is well within his rights to make the game. Steam is well within its rights to remove the content, and we are well within our rights to criticize.

Now for the "Christian" spin. As OP h...

3328d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It really is worth a playthrough for the story alone.

3329d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Unless the game is a complete janky mess, Im buying it day one....Wait, I played Skyrim on ps3 day one and still loved it.

So yeah...I'm in...doesn't matter.

3329d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Until pricing on consoles match that of PC, then no, not for the better.

3329d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, its a much risker proposition to release this on a ps4/Xone/PC than it is on a handheld.

Now that Monster Hunter Sold over a million copies, then Capcom may give a "next gen" release of the next Monster Hunter some thought.

3330d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

They aren't really all that comparable other than to say that both games respect player intelligence and are more "hardcore" in terms of commitment. There is little handholding by either game.

Im elated that both games are as successful as they have been. It will hopefully show other developers and publishers that when you manage development costs and make a game that is intricate and detailed, you will be rewarded with sales.

Oh, and they ar...

3330d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean, what constitutes a "Horror Game" for all of those arguing that this is not a horror game?

I would argue that the themes and atmosphere of Bloodborne doesn't get more classically "horror."

When you have a game that is essentially Edgar Allen Poe meets HP Lovecraft and pulls it off, then you have a horror game. Period.

3330d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

There is always an interesting line to be drawn when deciding how to expressly deal with something like this.

On one hand, the community is well within its rights to denounced such deplorable content.

On the other, there is the free speech aspect of game developers being able to create content however they see fit.

3330d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

The author isn't the only one who has had this thought. The comparisions have been made since Demon's Souls days.

For sure there are many similarities.

3337d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's compelling reasoning.

3337d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope From just keeps doing what they are doing.

Hell, I love Bloodborne, but would like to see Miyazaki make a new IP. He actually has "technically" never made a sequel.

Demons Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne (all spirital successors).

So yeah, just let him do his thing.

That said, a dive into Japanese Ito would be fascinating.

3340d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I too will agree with the Prision in Demon's Souls being the scariest level From has ever created.

That said, as a whole, Bloodborne is the creepiest of all of the games.

I kind of wish they stuck to the Edgar Allen Poe side of the gothic and less of the HP Lovecraft thing, but that is merely a personal preference. Its still excellent.

3340d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah, we can all talk about the psychology of it. If you are one of those unfortunate souls who wants ONE single exotic to drop, then god have mercy on your soul. The obsessive playing to get that one drop can be overwhelming.

(On a side note, the article mentions ghorn. Not only it is a very effective weapon, it is almost a prerequisite for many LFG posts, so it can greatly effect your ability to hop on teams thus raising its status even further).

All tha...

3341d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I too think Demon's is the more "Hardcore" (that is not necessarily better) of the Souls games.

Most things on your stat screen were just symbols. The levels, IMO, were much harder if only for the fact that you really did have to repeat the entire thing upon death. The shortcut often came at the very end of the level linking you to the boss...But again...Not always. Getting back to the bosses were often brutal. Some bosses were still some of the hardest in t...

3342d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude, they may be squishy, but in all of the Souls games, they will DESTROY bosses to the point of it being laughable.

I think playing a pure melee build is tougher for the Souls games, but perhaps its just not my playstyle.

3342d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So, they gave us a re-worked "Queen's Wrath" and a quality of life materials exchange that should have been implemented months ago? Alright.

Curious to see what Prison of Elders is like and the Trials thing.

Still though....

3342d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is a hair more streamlined.

With armor meaning little other than resistences (that are seemingly easy to understand), and with builds being simpler (skill or strength...bloodtine or arcane...and with weapon upgrades being easier...than yeah...its a bit more streamlined.

And in no way is that really a bad thing or take away from the core experience. The core experience being a thoughtful, strategic game, with enviromental storytelling and an understanding ...

3343d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment