CRank: 5Score: 5580

How can We stand out in a sea of metal gear reviews?

Hmmmmmm... ...

3288d ago 35 agree14 disagreeView comment

Who ever designed this Limited Edition ps4 needs a unpaid holiday... To get their focus back


3288d ago 27 agree15 disagreeView comment

Lucky the game was great

Word of mouth saved Sony lots of marketing cash

Still... Sony market your exclusives sheesh

3288d ago 36 agree6 disagreeView comment

Im still confused as to why PlayStation owners need a female protagonist just because timed exclusive tomb raider is on Xbox one first?

Certain media outlets really like to create fanboy wars out of thin air... What is Forbes doing writing gaming articles anyway?

3289d ago 54 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ps4 is selling faster than ps2 in the same timespan..

So turn off for who exactly?

3289d ago 27 agree6 disagreeView comment

The diversity is there

The sales are there without the big guns

The big guns are coming next year

Gran turismo is in development

Just for Sony to want to match or beat ps2 sales is a good goal to want to achieve regardless if they succeed or not

3289d ago 57 agree6 disagreeView comment

However it turns out Im going to try it for myself

3289d ago 13 agree3 disagreeView comment

Media trying to create a new war for hits..

There is no price war if there is Microsoft are winning the price war as they are already officially cheaper.. And will probably drop the price further this holiday.

Sony don't need to drop the price ... But makes sense to due to the cheaper price it costs them to manufacture the ps4 than it was 2 years ago..

Either way Its a win for consumers... Two great consoles at affordable prices

3290d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Phil was right it seems ...Sony fanboys Did go mad at him lol

But phil does tend to talk about Sony alot though...

3291d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Gamingbolt .....

'We know nothing but let's state the obvious and be sure to add rumour to cover our backs'

3291d ago 62 agree1 disagreeView comment

Love articles like this

The days gaming was more about fun than stupid fanboys and bias reviewer's

Still dreaming of a dreamcast 2

3291d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

'so far' this gen...this gen is nowhere near over only 2 years in and plenty more racing games to come

Well done turn 10

3292d ago 34 agree23 disagreeView comment

Cinematic sleeper hit.. Play this with your girlfriend sitting beside you...after she will cuddle you all night

Favourite game this gen so far

3292d ago 31 agree12 disagreeView comment

Unique devs from Fahrenheit to heavy rain... Sony need to buy quantic dreams

Now especially after the success of until dawn following the quantic dreams blueprint ... These kind of games are a rarity but gaining traction

3292d ago 53 agree8 disagreeView comment

Two crash games in the top four

If that's not enough for Sony to realise crash is the PlayStation mascot and the rights need to be bought... Then I dunno..

3292d ago 27 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hell no

Not buying it.. Hope Microsoft are not going the same route with hololens..

3292d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The massive gaming library on ps3 never happened?

excuse me a moment


...cough.. ok Im back

3292d ago 64 agree5 disagreeView comment


You state alot of the games from tgs never make it outside of Japan... Yet then state no mention of how many games were shown at e3...

If they never make it out of Japan I'm guessing they wouldn't have been at e3...

Do Japanese games not count as diversity or are you of USA=THE WORLD mentality? Have Sony not shown a few jrpg's that are getting western releases?

You talk about quality over quantity I suggest...

3292d ago 44 agree5 disagreeView comment

still got Paris next month and PlayStation experience aswell to come both THIS YEAR ... Sony are going hard right now

Sony themselves didnt know why they were selling so well.... THIS IS WHY SONY.. Games games and more games of all genres...

3292d ago 77 agree3 disagreeView comment

Ps4 has diversity on lock right now

3292d ago 139 agree11 disagreeView comment