CRank: 5Score: 5580

The fallout 4 effect

But at that price Im Now tempted to pick up Lara.. And I wasn't going to before

3270d ago 10 agree17 disagreeView comment

A collection of three games that have won over 400 Awards Now with better textures,higher resolution and better frame rate and 7.6 is a 'good score' according to cool beans ESPECIALLY for a remaster....

Seems like your suggesting Remasters should get a lower score because they have existed before?

And the logic in that thinking is?

3271d ago 25 agree16 disagreeView comment

Only jealous haters would say all this crap

Naughty dog keep defining genres with their talent

3271d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

What happens if she gets annoyed at you and says 'you ain't get any tonight?'


3272d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

'Its been EA'd'

3272d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment

So what your saying is because Im not a fan of multiplayer games only (never said I DONT like multi-player games Gta online is a blast but it also has a single player).... Im stuck in the past?

Damn timesplitter your so trendy dude..all give the hipster that is timesplitter a cheer.... S/

3272d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Sorry I been gaming since snes.. Im old skool

Multiplayer only games are not for me I like a good story and single player

Plus Sometimes I don't like being social

3272d ago 46 agree6 disagreeView comment

And the Wii u has a 98percent more marketshare than the Xbox one in Japan..

How the heck does that happen?

3272d ago 35 agree1 disagreeView comment


With Xbox one Now having BC with 360 games Sony need to price this cheaper

That's just my personal opinion I'm with kurisu I'll try the free offer atleast

3272d ago 10 agree10 disagreeView comment

@g2owly moot? Yet you replied Hmmmmmm guess it wasn't that moot

Let's be realistic here Sony very rarely get pricing ..... They had to get the ps4 pricing right as they lost huge marketshare last gen and kudos to Sony they knocked it out the park... But again Im still sceptical when it comes to Sony's pricing... If Its 100-150 pounds Im sure people can deal with that but knowing Sony I can easily see 200-250... Which is too expensive.. Sony need to take a hit on pric...

3272d ago 9 agree25 disagreeView comment

Saying and actually doing are two different things..

3272d ago 106 agree16 disagreeView comment

With a title for like that.. What bundles does Sony have for the holidays so We can do a comparison? As the article fails to do so

3273d ago 19 agree12 disagreeView comment

Sigh... Fanboy wars in 3..2..1..

3273d ago 6 agree11 disagreeView comment

Damn Its happening

Halo is really happening... :)

3273d ago 21 agree3 disagreeView comment

Wars been done to death

Futuristic has been done to death

New trend is bare bones caveman style gaming

Horizon, wild and now far cry primal

All 3 look very very interesting.. A change was needed to stale formulas to be fair

3273d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

How about Sony push folders.. Friend Notifications..Bluetooth support etc

3275d ago 12 agree18 disagreeView comment

Ask Sony..

If not Im sure Microsoft would help to have it on their console

3277d ago 36 agree16 disagreeView comment

Still such a shame

If they had released the game as it is now it would have been much better recieved

This should be a warning to all devs.. Never release a broken unfinished product

Oh well let's Hope evolution are making a new motorstorm...preferably in the mould and grit of motorstorm 1

3278d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


You now want to police state gaming communities?

What next... Wanting us to sign in on the console every 24 hours?

People are imperfect.. But Sheesus that's humanity.. I don't want every part of my life controlled

3278d ago 49 agree7 disagreeView comment

Keeping my mouth shut with regards to Sony and their firmware updates

I'll just go on a rant

3280d ago 9 agree9 disagreeView comment