CRank: 5Score: 5580

Random disc eject? Nope never happened to me

Flimsy ones have fixed the analogue stick issue longtime ago

Errrr so yeh ......umm... Soooo..... whos excited for the Paris games show?

3161d ago 64 agree23 disagreeView comment

'Did people really think it's would end up in the high 90s? '

Errr YEH

its Xbox's biggest franchise

3161d ago 16 agree7 disagreeView comment

@apex Wtf are you talking about?

I stated I HAVEN'T played the game but Im sure it's higher than 6..

And from that you wrote that turd? Go lay down

3161d ago 4 agree12 disagreeView comment

@dark I haven't played it but Im sure it's higher than a 6

Edit.. Sheesus the fanboys are out in force today.. Disagrees because I think the game might be higher than a 6?there are fanboys out there that just want Microsoft to fail at every turn is ridiculous and childish

3161d ago 29 agree46 disagreeView comment


Comments like yours leave me dumbfounded

There are gamers myself included who grew up From the snes days that still regard single player as or if not more important than the multiplayer aspect

Multiplayer should feel like a amazing bonus after completing the single player.. Something to look forward to

3161d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment


Is someone else's view going to stop you enjoying the game?

343 are giving their all Im going to try it for myself

3161d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment

The in-store deal is the killer bundle... Thats an extra console.. gonna go game in Stratford Westfield and the one in Canada water see if I can pick one up ...

3161d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is the craziest deal Ive seen this gen

Especially as the ps4 games are boxed and not download codes..

GAME need to advertise the hell outta this deal

3161d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

First time Ive agreed with you

Can't wait till tomorrow to receive my copy of halo

3161d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

I'll play devil's advocate

If coming first means exclusives throughout the year I'll take it

If coming first means great diversity in games including jrpg's I'll take it

If coming first means multiplats play better I'll take it

If coming first means I can play others games without having the game (share play) I'll take it

If coming first means a great line up in 2016 including unc...

3162d ago 38 agree7 disagreeView comment

A better launch price.. And continue to support the Xbox one after Its successors launch will be a good start

I see the successor being an aggressive competitor to the ps5... Sony won't have it soo easy next time around

3162d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If the author is so Ok why the need to write about it?.. The sorry state of gaming journalism as it is now makes me so cynical I question everything...

3162d ago 49 agree12 disagreeView comment


To me that's still a big HELL NAW

3162d ago 17 agree14 disagreeView comment

Its got to be soon.. Microsoft will want this out for the holidays

It looks slick

3163d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

Still play my dreamcast

Amazing console with amazing games

3164d ago 67 agree9 disagreeView comment




see I can type in caps to... Mr keyboard warrior

3164d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment

And now I know why people don't trust Microsoft

they lost alot of trust from 360 owners (I never owned 360 but thought Microsoft turned a corner finally cared about gamers so bought an Xbox one) the saying a 'leopard can't change its spots' keeps flashing in my face)

Now because they are losing so badly in sales they are Moving the goal posts instead of just being honest with numbers..

But I bet they will release numbers...

3164d ago 139 agree52 disagreeView comment

@kiwiviper you dont know why ps4 will probably win the holidays? I'll tell you

Because consoles are like pets there not just for Christmas

3165d ago 38 agree7 disagreeView comment

349 euros is what 255pounds

That is crazy..

3165d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

As Its not PGW or could be right

3166d ago 11 agree5 disagreeView comment