CRank: 5Score: 5580


Stealth bias? Because my opinion doesn't match your Xbox fanatical ways?...

is this not a forum to base your views? And I will continue to do so.. If you don't like it.. See that little button that says ignore... Tap away till your hearts content

I get PlayStation fanatics calling me an Xbox fanboy Now Xbox fanboys calling me a PlayStation fanboy... Which one is it?

I have both consoles so I will continue ...

3281d ago 41 agree18 disagreeView comment

You think Sony would have learnt smarter by now

Fahrenheit.. Heavy rain.. Beyond two souls were all good games that gave gamers something different.. There is definitely a audience on PlayStation for these kind of games

3281d ago 35 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ver1on I think it would have sold more on ps4 due to the fact ps4 userbase is normally more diverse interms of taste..

This is no knock on Xbox owners but they generally seem to be of the shooter/racing variety as last gen clearly shows..this gen is only two years in has already had 3 Forzas.... Hard to imagine games like journey or flower appealing to the Xbox audience

Microsoft were right to try to test the waters but Its Just not their audience

3281d ago 110 agree39 disagreeView comment

@madden 'fine not FIND'

Sorry bud... hate tit for tat but you started it :p

3281d ago 17 agree6 disagreeView comment

@xheavy ....cheese with that whine Omg LMFAOOOOOOO ...cant breathe ..cheese LMFAO

Dang you must have all them bubbles for your comedy genius s/

3281d ago 15 agree26 disagreeView comment


Nice stealth edit

Wasn't happy I called you out on your trolling of rhythmatic huh

3281d ago 15 agree30 disagreeView comment

What I need to know...

Hasn't got

External HDD support
Friend notifications
Bluetooth headset support (and I have a freaking Sony Bluetooth headset which works on ps3 but not ps4)

Yeh thanks for listening to gamers Sony s/

3282d ago 61 agree77 disagreeView comment

Take the disastrous reveal away and Microsoft actually listen to what gamers want and the new ui looks freaking amazing..being able to see your friends online without having to leave a game etc..things gamers have asked for..

Sony on the other hand really don't give a damn... Where's friend notifications? Bluetooth support? External HDD support? Folders?

Things We actually want and that gamers have been vocal about since the release TWO YEARS ago.. <...

3282d ago 34 agree70 disagreeView comment


I remember playing toshinden on ps1 at my friends house then ridge racer thinking We Now have arcade graphics at home

Time flies

Happy Birthday PlayStation

3282d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


When did Microsoft ever claim oculus was their version of PlayStation vr?

Ms have gone their own route it's called... Hololens

Forbes is not a gaming publication... Stick to what their good at leave gaming alone

3284d ago 12 agree24 disagreeView comment


Sorry I had to say it it's the rebel in me

3284d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree Cuphead id going to be a cult hit

Really looking forward to it

3285d ago 23 agree21 disagreeView comment

That's just sad

Why would you care?

3285d ago 59 agree30 disagreeView comment

@neon broken doesn't mean unplayable to ME

again subjective (which you tried to preach while calling gamers uppity)

To me haze was broken but still playable

So I reiterate 5/10 in my opinion is just to garner hits for the reviewer

And by the way.. how do you know my console of choice ? You really tried I'll give you that but your hypocrisy voided your comment in my SUBJECTIVE opinion

3285d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

You preach about subjective yet tell me 1/10 is broken


5/10 is broken ... subjective to ME

3286d ago 10 agree22 disagreeView comment

As a reviewer you may not like a game but you need to be neutral and give any game Its negatives and positives for the masses... And score it accordingly

This score isn't coming from a neutral place.. I even doubt Its coming from a honest place.

3286d ago 49 agree15 disagreeView comment


..5/10 means Its a broken,seriously waste of money game.. Until dawn is neither

These trolling sites needs hits to stay afloat don't give it to them and let them sink

3286d ago 62 agree28 disagreeView comment


3286d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment

Destiny cod halo.... Sooo many fps this holiday

Think I'm gonna go the jRPG route and take a break from shooters this holiday... Though halo is tempting bigtime

3287d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

New Devs..hopefully new ideas

Halo has alot riding on Its shoulders this holiday

3287d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment