CRank: 5Score: 14520

I don’t mean any harm to you brother none whatsoever I’m just telling you not to fooled by the clever disingenuous marketing from both sides Sony too

1541d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment Djstotty... here is just one of the sources Arron Greenberg touting 60 FPS standard ! Microsoft did the exact same before Xbox one x aswell Executive Aaron Greenberg wrote: ‘the bar is high for a game to be Xbox Series X Optimized. Way beyond just 4K… hope you all are ready for an exciting future of console gaming...

1541d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah most developers are going to push graphics as per usual as it sells better unfortunately. It’s great there including both modes though. What I like about Sony is there not touting every game will be the 60 FPS standard it’s up to developers. Microsoft are touting is as standard just like the Xbox one x then they retracted it later. I also don’t hear Sony taking swings at series x. All I hear is Microsoft saying this and that about ps5 it’s extremely distasteful promotes an extreme lack o...

1542d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Fantastic saved Me explaining it myself, Sony made a mistake by using “variable “ as variable isn’t accurate because as you’ve explained above, perfectly by the way, it remains at those clock speeds almost constantly with occasional 3 percent if needed through smart shift, and that happens very fast we’re talking milliseconds . Doesn’t he know that 12tf in series X is best case scenario?!?! It won’t run at that constantly do some research and you will clearly see

1543d ago 28 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yeah it is it’s running on a RTX 2080 Ti and ryzen , it’s going to be paired back drastically on current gen simply because of the jaguar core. I think that’s why they delayed it , so they could tweak it fir next gen and give us the choice to get it on next gen to get the full exp

1548d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah it has the freedom of gta when roaming the city but it’s not the main drive of the game

1548d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly! It’s going to be silly money lol get your wallets ready everyone 😁

1548d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Same here prob the best launch game we could have hoped for can’t wait! Next gen is definitely the way to play this game

1548d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game looks incredible! It was all running on RTX 2080ti there a very good reason for the recent delay. The way to play it is on ps5 or series X , to be honest knowing how game development works I suspected this from the very beginning, the jaguar cores would choke at this amount of moving parts , it will need to be paired back drastically. Then again I could be wrong but all signs point to next gen

1548d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I couldn’t agree more , There’s much worse things to get upset about. They did the same with the first game and uncharted 4. It’s a way to mislead players I don’t like it ether but it’s not unheard of in the industry, and the whole game is about Joel! who he is ,and why this happened so he has prob the biggest part in the story still , yes I know he’s not playable they did tell us that from day one.It would have been a lot worse if he wasn’t in the game atall from that point on. I’m around ...

1548d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

It wasn’t the full year, they clearly stated it was just a taste of what’s to come there not going to show all there cards on 1 reveal think about it it was just the beginning they have tones of studios

1549d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah I still enjoyed the game but it was litterally one of the most shallow unfinished final fantasy projects ever . It had some incredible moments don’t get me wrong , but the story had huge holes and tones of character building and development missing and you could beat most boss fights by holding down one button lol it had so much potential too sad

1549d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

They are using them fir specific assets not throughout the whole game I never once said that. It was running and playable on the console , look at the texture detail in horizon 2 epic didn’t come forward and show it fir no apparent reason it will take developers time to get used to the hardware yes but as time goes on it’s going to allow them to stream in much higher textures, kraken also helps as it compresses the textures down to allow them to be streamed instantly with little cost. It’s e...

1551d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly 👍

1551d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

Actually it plays a huge role because it can load huge amounts of data at any second it allows the gpu to draw in high quality textures in almost instantly because of the IO speed througput , It’s not just a standard ssd the whole system is designed around it. With a dedicated spu , that eliminates the drawbacks of standard storage working along side the geometry engine which takes huge work loads off the gpu to draw in higher quality textures with little cost .unreal engine 5 demonstrated i...

1551d ago 15 agree1 disagreeView comment

XabiDaChosenOne your making it way more complicated than it needs to be , he explained it perfectly well

1555d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah your 100 percent correct unfortunately amazing graphics sells better and instantly draws peoples attention at the end it all comes down to what sells best

1555d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your not wrong actually your talking complete sense, some devs like to prioritise frame rate but most go for higher fidelity , it gets more attention and sells better it’s ether one or the other or a balance of both. It’s like you said it’s common sense If they want to really push fidelity then the frame rate must take a hit,

1555d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I completely agree but be prepared as prettier graphics gets more attention and sells better unfortunately.I hope I’m wrong but it’s been like this ever since ps3 right up untill PS4 pro xbox one x now next gen.

1555d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Has res evil 8 been confirmed at 4K 60? I’m not digging at you I’m just wondering that’s great if so as 7 was aswell the gameplay they showed was no where near 60 it was way below as it was alpha gameplay. I’m not saying your wrong just want to know buddy that’s all?

1555d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment