CRank: 5Score: 24900

Bring the excuses.

The 360 is probably close to hitting the 50 million mark while the PS3 is still lagging behind, probably closer to 40. This must be embarrassing for Sony, they were gaining good ground, but got shot down within just a couple months, and Kinect hasn`t even launched yet.

This is going to be a floptastic next few months for Sony and PS3 :)

4989d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment


360: UP, with Kinect incoming

That`s all you need to know.

4994d ago 12 agree18 disagreeView comment

And the 360 continues to dominate. People love to say the Wii is dying, but look at that, PS3 is right there with it.

With great hardware and software sales and Kinect on the horizon, the 360 is really the only console having true success right now, and will easily be the #1 console until the end of the year.

4995d ago 13 agree19 disagreeView comment

Nah, it adds up.

First of all, the numbers we have heard are shipped, not sold. Second, people who actually buy it may buy more than one controller.

Move`s success is simply an illusion, where as Kinect will see true success.

4995d ago 5 agree13 disagreeView comment

Say fail all you want, it won`t change the fact that Kinect will sell incredibly well and skyrocket 360 sales.

4995d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

The 360 sold 2.8 million this quarter while the PS3 and Wii only sold 2 million! That`s absolutely fantastic. Not only that, but Kinect has not even launched yet, it`s going to get ugly here pretty soon.

4996d ago 8 agree14 disagreeView comment

Wow. Microsoft knows what it takes to widen a gap, that`s for sure. The 360 is absolutely set to dominate the holidays, MS will make sure the PS3 won`t be able to let it`s voice be heard, and so far they`re succeeding.

5002d ago 30 agree20 disagreeView comment

Figured. It had to go up against Halo Reach, of course it flopped.

5002d ago 4 agree23 disagreeView comment

Microsoft is on a rampage. Just when I thought they couldn`t possibly shame the competition anymore, they announce a bundle that will bolster console sales even further.
Microsoft has made these last few months agonizing for the competition, and it`s set to continue into the holidays.

5002d ago 17 agree13 disagreeView comment

Of course it was. The PS3 is basically invisible in America.

5002d ago 10 agree12 disagreeView comment

Fantastic. The 360 is ahead in Europe as well. Combine that with a 200,000 lead in the U.S. for September, and it`s clear the gap continues to widen.

5002d ago 6 agree14 disagreeView comment


My guess was that the PS3 was somewhere around 200,000-250,000. With Kinect on the way, it looks like the 360 will hold second place for many, many years :D

5003d ago 17 agree9 disagreeView comment

In terms of sales: Kinect by a mile.
In terms of quality: I don`t really care about either.

5003d ago 3 agree22 disagreeView comment

Why worry about it? Kinect is already a success and it`s not even out yet.

5004d ago 10 agree19 disagreeView comment

Yep. Not only is Kinect going to sell better, but it`s actually going to sell consoles too.

Move has just been kind of so-so.

5004d ago 12 agree77 disagreeView comment

I miss them. Sony is loving it though, they constantly get owned on NPD day, so I`d imagine Sony is beaming with joy. It doesn`t change the fact that the 360 is the best selling console on the market right now, by far. NPD data or not, the 360 is still winning and will be winning for a very long time.

5004d ago 8 agree16 disagreeView comment

Not just outsell the Move....

But further increase the lead over the PS3 as well. God I love it, so much Kinect hate, yet when the dust settles, everybody knows it`s going to rip the PS3 a new one. Kinect is going to give the 360 a god-like boost. As the 360 sells by the millions and dominates the competition, it will be amusing to hear all of your remarks then :D

5005d ago 1 agree18 disagreeView comment

You know what`s funny? As bad as this looks, and it looks pretty bad, it`s still going to destroy the PS3. It`s not even out yet and it has 10x more buzz than Move. As bad as this looks, it`s about to bully the PS3 around just like the bully on the schoolyard playground. As bad as this looks, it`s already selling out. As bad as this looks, it`s going to further extend the already gaping gap between the PS3 and 360. The Wii better watch itself once Kinect hits, and the PS3 better just stay dow...

5005d ago 3 agree22 disagreeView comment

Here comes the onslaught. It`s going to be a hell of a holiday for Sony and it`s fanboys. Kinect and the 360 is about the plow through the PS3 like nobody`s business. I predict the 360 outselling the PS3 3 to 1 for the rest of the year.

I love watching the PS3 get owned.

5005d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

Lol, 4 million? It was 4 million before the slim launched. Since then, the PS3 has never outsold the 360, and not just that, but has been slaughtered by the 360. Look up the numbers, the 360 has been doubling PS3 in America and winning in Europe too. The only place the PS3 is winning is Japan, and even then it can only muster a puny 70K gap. Face it, the PS3 is getting pummeled, and the 360 keeps selling like a beast.

The gap is around 6 million, and probably closing in on 7...

5005d ago 6 agree10 disagreeView comment