CRank: 5Score: 24900

Absolutely hilarious. I love watching Sony and their fanboys squirm, it`s so amusing. Regardless of whether NPD posts or not, we all know the 360 is holding the PS3`s head under water, drowning it slowly, worldwide I might add.

The gap is 6 million and growing rapidly, but just pretend like that`s not true, just pretend like the PS3 is actually doing well. LOL.

5098d ago 9 agree11 disagreeView comment

Yep, like usual. Most people here are going to try to spin it, but it`s obvious the PS3 is the least desired console this generaion, by far.

5099d ago 15 agree13 disagreeView comment

Holy crap. The 360 is steamrolling the competition. Over 200,000 more units sold than the PS3, unbelievable. Lol, the PS3 is constantly getting smacked around by the 360.

I can`t wait for the official numbers, it looks like the 360 will be up by closer to 6 million at this point, so much for that 3 million gap, that was the smallest it`s ever going to get. Good to see the 360 whooping the PS3 in sales once again, it`s about time.

5099d ago 22 agree18 disagreeView comment


Who cares about online dominance? The 360 has been plowing through the PS3 in the real world for months now, and it looks like it will continue for the holidays. The gap has opened back up to 5 million, and will grow another 1-2 million by years end. The dominance is growing, not slipping.

5099d ago 3 agree12 disagreeView comment

Lol. No. The PS3 will never catch the Wii or 360, at least not as long as all 3 consoles are still running.

The Wii is too far ahead to be caught, and the 360 has been selling far more than the PS3 for months now. It`ll be another 2 years MINIMUM before the PS3 even reaches 360 sales, let alone Wii.

Oh how the mighty Playstation has fallen.

5100d ago 7 agree26 disagreeView comment

The PS3 could only pull a 70K lead over the 360 in Japan for an entire month? Ouch. The 360 has been pulling out leads like that in America in one week alone.

That gap just keeps getting wider and wider, Sony needs to step their game up.

5100d ago 1 agree25 disagreeView comment

I`m mostly excited about the massive sales boost the 360 will get from it, it`s going to dominate.

5100d ago 10 agree42 disagreeView comment

With the 360 a mere 300,000 behind the PS3 this year, and set to pass it up very soon, it looks like the gap is back to where it was the start of this year, 5 million. Man, it looks like the 360 might extend that gap to 6 or even 7 million by years end, amazing.

5101d ago 9 agree21 disagreeView comment

Fantastic news, but not really surprising. Kinect is going to skyrocket the 360 sales, I can`t wait.

5103d ago 11 agree7 disagreeView comment


Kinect and the 360 are about to wipe the floor clean. Microsoft has the most perfect strategy I think I`ve ever seen. Just as soon as the PS3 was gaining some ground, they unleash the slim and sales take off in a hurry leaving the PS3 and Wii in the dust. Now, with the massive Kinect push, the 360 is set to widen that gap even further, and I love it.

It`s almost been 4 years, and the PS3 is nowhere near catching the 360 :)

5103d ago 6 agree15 disagreeView comment

I wouln`t doubt it. The 360 is absolutely crushing the competition right now, and Kinect will continue the trend.
At this rate, the 360 is looking to be the most desired/ best selling console for the rest of the generation.

5103d ago 4 agree23 disagreeView comment

Hell yeah. GOTY 2011. Can`t wait for the news.

5104d ago 9 agree27 disagreeView comment

Incredible. Kinect is already a massive success. Looks like the 360 will continue it`s dominance all the way into the holidays. Time to sit back and relax while the PS3 gets bullied around some more :)

5104d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

Stack of PS3 games? Lol. What was the last great PS3 exclusive? Heavy Rain? Lol.
I will continue to play games along with sales numbers. It`s fantastic knowing that the 360 is far more desired than the PS3, the people have spoken and the numbers don`t lie.

5104d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Gears 3 won`t go multi-plat and it will own anything the PS3 can offer.

5104d ago 5 agree34 disagreeView comment

These numbers are incredibly puny. It`s pretty obvious that Japan isn`t going to prevent the 360 from leaving the PS3 in the dust in terms of overall sales.

5104d ago 3 agree28 disagreeView comment

Who cares? By the time they ever release it, we`ll probably be in next generation already.

5104d ago 11 agree24 disagreeView comment

Lol, it`s just business talk. Everybody is ready for next gen, the 360 has demolished the competition in terms of library, sales and online experience this generation. Everybody is going to be pining for a new Xbox this time next year.

5104d ago 4 agree14 disagreeView comment

I doubt it. The 360 is selling comfortably ahead of the PS3, double in US, and more in Europe. I wouldn`t be surprised if the overall gap is closer to 5-6 million at this point. With Kinect on the way, that could give the 360 another million+ on the PS3 by the end of the year.

5105d ago 2 agree18 disagreeView comment

I`m surprised to see GT5 so far down on that list. Doesn`t look like it will have the impact the fanboys are leading me to believe.

5105d ago 19 agree25 disagreeView comment