CRank: 5Score: 24900


PS3 dominance? Nice oxymoron right there. PS3 has been in DEAD LAST for over 4 years now. How exactly is that dominance? Someone please explain this to me XD

Edit: All the games? Is that why 360 has a bigger overall library than the PS3? Try again.

Edit2: Yeah I`ve been hearing that for the past 4 years. Let me know when it actually happens, until then keep dreaming.

4928d ago 3 agree36 disagreeView comment

Couldn`t agree more. Uncharted has some of the worst shooting mechanics around. Stiff gunplay with weak gun sounds.

4928d ago 5 agree42 disagreeView comment

Yep, very sad. It`s just another fact that proves the PS3 is a failure compared to past Playstation consoles along with the other consoles this generation.

I`m not sure what Sony was doing this generation, but their games just didn`t sell. Oh well, maybe next generation.

4928d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

It`s too bad for Sony that they decided to create the slightly more powerful console but sacrificed being the market leader. Bad choice, really bad choice.

4928d ago 8 agree40 disagreeView comment


What an abysmal year for the PS3, seriously. Terrible, absolutely terrible. Terrible sales and a terrible lineup. Hopefully Sony can turn things around next year.

4928d ago 5 agree26 disagreeView comment

Going multi-plat, can`t wait.

4930d ago 1 agree21 disagreeView comment

"We have other games in the pipeline, Kinect games, non-Kinect games, core and casual games, and other third-party titles,"

HELL YES. Everybody knows MS keeps a tight lid on their games, I`m not sure sure why people think it`s any different for next year.

4931d ago 22 agree25 disagreeView comment

Wii - 905,830 (+4%)
X360 - 698,770 (+72%)
PS3 - 390,583 (+63%)

Wow PS3 is such a miserable failure this generation I don`t even know where to begin. Wii and 360 have been going strong all generation though, that`s good.

4932d ago 13 agree23 disagreeView comment


360 upped the PS3 by well over 100k!!!

Damn I wonder how far the 360 has pulled ahead of the PS3 in the last few months.

4932d ago 10 agree35 disagreeView comment

GT5 at 6 million? Loooool. Good one.

4932d ago 27 agree27 disagreeView comment


Good chance it will be a 360 exclusive or maybe even a game for the next XBOX, that would be INSANE.

4933d ago 12 agree28 disagreeView comment

That`s kind of a dumb thing to do, chances are we`ll be playing the next xbox console in 2012 anyway.

4933d ago 3 agree19 disagreeView comment


The PS3 is nowhere close to topping the 360 worldwide, get real people. The 360 has been trouncing the PS3 for months. The gap is 3 million minimum and after seeing recent data, the gap is probably much bigger now. PS3 wont top the 360 until new consoles come out, get over it.

"The question is if the PlayStation 3 would still be relevant at that point, or if a new console would be on the way from Microsoft."

Bingo. By ...

4935d ago 2 agree30 disagreeView comment

Playstation is indeed a more popular name worldwide, but it has fallen so far. Playstation has lost a tremendous amount of popularity. Trailing both the Wii and the 360, it`s all the PS3 can do to remain relevant. Wii and 360 are simply taking over.

4936d ago 27 agree70 disagreeView comment

Everybody knows Microsoft keeps a tight lid on their game announcements. There are way more 360 exclusives to be announced for 2011, there will be many people eating crow.

4936d ago 33 agree189 disagreeView comment

Cool, the 360 will be next! It`s so funny how this generation turned out. Nintendo absolutely dominated, XBOX turned into a whopping success, and Playstation almost fell off the radar completely, a complete failure compared to PS2. Lol, funny stuff.

4938d ago 16 agree21 disagreeView comment

PS3 needs a price cut, badly.

4938d ago 6 agree31 disagreeView comment

In terms of sales, the 360 is absolutely crushing the PS3! In terms of games I would give it to the 360 as well.

4938d ago 6 agree41 disagreeView comment

More like who can give away more PS3s. Seriously, things are looking bad for PS3 after NPD. Retailers are desperately trying to spark in type of interest at all, people just simply don`t want PS3s.

4938d ago 9 agree103 disagreeView comment

Wii - 1,528,594 (+33%)
X360 - 726,970 (+1%)
PS3 - 643,297 (+8%)

YES! Enough said. yet another week the PS3 gets stomped by the competition worldwide. Looks like the gap between the 360 and PS3 is finally starting to open back up to close to around 5 million now! Awesome.

4939d ago 35 agree73 disagreeView comment