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CRank: 6Score: 51460

"Show me the money" in this case, they saw others making the money and said whatever, we'll do it too. I enjoy both, but I prided Sony on there influx of single player experiences. I don't want to see them be like everyone else.

272d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

It went down for approx and hr and some minutes according to Twitter users.

272d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only ps5 players are really refunding this. Everyone who currently has early access (except ps5 players) are enjoying it. I am a ps5 player. I am giving it till tomorrow when I wake, then I'll be refunding and purchasing the base game. Myself, and a group of 15 others in a group have already done so or are going to, and according to official payday Twitter, many ps5 early adopters are doing the same. It's not the game or servers, it's a stupid update...an update lol.

272d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@neutralgamer 100%

272d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

I waited this long just to play alan wake. I completed it last month, and I found it to be a cool concept, and it was fun. However, it's dlc was boring to me and control couldn't hold my attention like Alan wake had. I was hoping I would be foaming at the mouth in anticipation for a sequel to a game I just completed, but I'm not even remotely interested after playing the first. I played alan wake as a ps plus freebie, I'll either do the same with the sequel or get it at a barg...

273d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Review scores have always been an issue. Why? Ask yourself this, have you ever played a game that had high meta score, but you found boring or flawed in such a way that you had wished you hadn't bought it. I know I have. It's all about opinion and taste, and while the days of renting videos games are over with now (basically), renting a game before buying the game was the best way to determine if it was worthy of purchase. Sure there's demo's available, but those are sadly re...

273d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

The whole point of him leaving was that he was sick of doing MGS. That was like his first interview he said that after leaving. Would u wanna go back to an old job when your doing just fine at the newer one? MGS was cool, but it's time to let him pursue other ideas. Personally I'm glad to not see him return. Brilliant minds can do brilliant things when they don't have an entirely established universe that contains what there ideas are or are not limited by.

273d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only thing I'm concerned about is the idea that corporations will push for office use again, only to reason with the idea that "okay we will 'allow' you to work from home, but we require surveillance in your home from all hours of working" and that just reminds me of a dystopia Orwell's 1984. I mean, even moreso than what it is today.

273d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sorry about antongonizing you in previous comments Raiden. You have my respect now. 🙏

273d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Someone here knows and speaks sense. And reason. 3 disagrees. Shows u how many sheep continue to be herded here.

273d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Shiore is 10000% right. I'm not a remote worker, but the facts speak for themselves here. If a job isn't necessary to work in an office, than why put undue hardship on your employees for the facts stated here, I can argue undue hardship is being done. Remember lockdowns, just 15 days to curve the virus? Then it was 30, then it was 30 more, this same can apply to 2 days a week, then its 2 days a week, turns to 3, then it'll be back to the normal 5 day system for everyone involved. ...

273d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment

And people say Hot Topic is dead. Ha!

274d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I love the n4g community because after awhile, everyone knows everyone amiright?

274d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sad - sad raiden indeed

274d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment


274d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh boo hoo? (You sound like a whiny 20 something yr old who thinks he knows everything already about the world, that's the type of person who says those kind of words). How about speak for yourself and stop making it seem like its a burden to hear of others opinion and or informative words, you self entitled, pompous neanderthal. Others, like myself, love souls games for there multiplayer component. While it's fine not to include it, don't go bashing an articles attempt to inform ...

274d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Loco and Victor you both make valid points and are correct. Unity paying for runtime for specific streaming services should be something they can do, after all that's them charging big streaming services as the facts pointed out by Loco.

And Victor is correct in that they shouldn't charge per download if it's a free game anyway, or if the subscriber or purchaser is downloading the title for a second time after purchase. It should be if its free to play, then IAP...

275d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

I don't recall the last time xbox outsold ps.

275d ago 25 agree3 disagreeView comment

As a PS gamer, I second this

276d ago 8 agree9 disagreeView comment

I do the exactly the same thing, I wait on single player games being released for either announcement of dlc or until it is discounted to an acceptable price. This being announced now for DLC, I will wait for a complete edition, and for a sale on that. Single player games majority of them regardless of review or hype, is played once - 1 playthrough, maybe 2. Then never again. Whereas a multiplayer online game I can put just as many hours if not more into it, and still find reasons to return a...

286d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment