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That museum is worth less than half the asking price brand new. It's not merely the lack of effort, but the balls to price it as such, is why this is called a cash grab. Defend it all u want, but Metal Gear Solid ended with 4 for myself and many fans. They could have just included 4 with this and called it a day, but instead must release it as a part 1 of sorts...yeah ok. All these people defending this as a great thing really needs a reality check.

235d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I can already read the headlines now after it drops "project downfall 'major downfall' "
You don't release the game on the switch much less, and Xbox but say no thanks to the largest console platform. I can't even say this is a money thing because If that were the case it would be one 1 gaming platform, not 2. Unless someone paid them specifically not to release on playstation.

239d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Game news has been stale as of late, how do I make a quick buck, oh I know, release a review to a game no one is thinking about, it'll be so obscure surely it'll get clicks and generate buzz. (17 comments later)

..yes it's working 😈

243d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's called recession lol. And before that even, it was called high development cost. Now it's both.

My point is there is always a reason for laziness, sometimes more valid than other reasons.

246d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

My switch OLED and ps5 being both black and white looks amazing together. Case in point.

246d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It looks so low budget. Wonder why it took that long to make a game of a movie that came out awhile ago. Just odd.

246d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

After MW2 I'm forsure done buying call of duty

254d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Considering most households have expensive tablets or iPads, and ps controllers are also Bluetooth, I see no real reason for this, and neither do many others. It's a cool concept sure, but it's not a concept worth buying for most either way.

If it works it works for you, and I'm not downing u for it. All the more merrier really.

260d ago 8 agree18 disagreeView comment


This community clearly is divided on such issues, they think you make stuff up, but really your just intelligent enough to see between the lines, and have witnessed what this industry does with new Initiatives. My best guess is the internal studios at playstation have enough say as a whole to make other higher ups see that Jim direction wasn't the right one, combined with the fans like you who as a whole also, do hold sway over such things to a company that lis...

260d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

There use to be movies based on people like Tim Sweeny and when people watched it, understood the disparities between reality. To have half a billion dollars alone, the amount of families that can live off that alone, but no he has 9 billion, talks about losing profits and layoffs hit, then u have people disagree with you is just grotesque.

262d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Why can't Microsoft just build there own studios. It's fine if you buy a developer honestly, but an entire publisher as big as activision/blizzard is, it's just crazy to me this is okay with most people.

262d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm curious to know what those theories are now 🤓

264d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess that now just depends on the bus. Kidding! Yall think I'm wrong on this, and I'm glad we have the freedom of speech to say otherwise. I am grateful for you all in pointing out my logic here was extreme, and that personal identities stolen is no joke. I guess I was only thinking about Sony getting hurt and no one else.

264d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Considering Sony has denied almost all ps gamers the refunds for payday 3, I'm kinda glad this happened to them. Probably not the reason why this happened, but all the same.
(In context Mucrosoft and Steam are making exceptions due to the payday fiasco. As should Sony.)

You can verify my previous comments, I am a Sony fan boy. But between there GaaS initiative and they're strict refund policy that I recently am affected by, I have personal reason to say wha...

265d ago 10 agree36 disagreeView comment

I give it a 7/10. It's fun, but doesn't hold the attention like I wanted it to.

265d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sick of that communities influence on EVERYTHING these days. Schools, entertainment. Yall exist cool, but when the majority conforms to a minority, repeatedly, I grow tired of the same headline stories over and over and over again. Very rarely is lgbtq+-÷ done in a way that doesn't seem forced, annoying and or indoctrinated.

268d ago 17 agree4 disagreeView comment

Resistance fall of man multiplayer was some of the best hands down. Change my mind.

270d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Price hike and alot of games leaving. 2 months in a row of that. They better provide a good amount of games next month

270d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am sad to hear Oblivion won't be on PS. That is 1 of my top favorites back on ps3. I remember the DLC for that, it was mindblowing at the time. Such a good game.

271d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS still is the better buy for many. But you are speaking facts. It's just, not a fact that holds much weight. If MS can keep the momentum for a long period of time, and not short term, than sure. But as it stands, 1 well baked cookie doesn't justify 11 other cookies that were burnt.

272d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment