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CRank: 6Score: 51460

Comedy at its finest. Upvote from me. Bought a switch twice, it's fun, but man, I always forget how Nintendo does things differently, I don't necessarily hate on it, but u gotta really stick with first party titles to enjoy there systems. And that wasn't always the case for them. Once upon a time.

306d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

In america, cell phones are free with a catch, 24 month installment agreement, so 24 months of paying for service. You can get simular service cheaper and that's called prepaid. So is the phone truly free?

309d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I loved everything about remake, but I wasn't a huge fan of the combat system. I know I'm probably in the minority on this. I actually preferred ff13 combat system, it at least allowed me time to think, and being that I'm getting older, time to think is a good thing lol.

312d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your 1 of those people walking on the street with a surveillance camera showing you pass by while someone is getting robbed, just watching and moving along. You need help.

312d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was going to purchase this game as it looked amazing. But for me the idea that if your unit is being attacked your own units won't respond by preset options was a downfall for me, especially given how much micromanagement I know this game required. Just isn't for me.

312d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

With the economic downturn in the world, and the rise in development costs, and the greed of publishers/investors, I wonder how and when we'll start seeing articles predicting the next video game crash like in 1983. Sure it'll be different circumstances, but my trajectory radar is going off, with enough dots connecting, that it could happen sooner than we might think.

It may not be like what it's described in 83. But i see a huge tsunami being created, with a lo...

314d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hope when it drops you'll then give it a try! Cheers

319d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Remind us why you are here then? Oh wait

322d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Someone should have told em the IP is only as good as the coder lol. But I get it, that theory makes good sense.

322d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Embracer used all that money to become a juggernaut powerhouse in terms of how many developers they have, only to not see it come to fruition. Like, was there a tax break someone got for spending all that money, or hidden incentive were all not aware of? It seems so ludicrous of a notion, like, spend millions upon millions of dollars, hundreds of millions, for them to do what they've been doing and that's basically closing the very studios they spent alot of money on acquiring. Free R...

322d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

To be fair, ypu didnt actually play it. Otherwise you'd be saying that it at least a refreshing take on the FPS genre. There's absolutely nothing like it, not currently.

323d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

People have more hate for him than Jeffrey Epstein. It's not the people's fault, it's just people are too easily brainwashed by propaganda. Happened with the Germans and Hitler, and it's happening again but on a world scale.

323d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Twitter is 1 of the few social platforms that allows us as people to speak freely, and I mean everyone, so him ruining the platform as u say, is a big joke of a statement.

Sometimes it only takes 1 person, but it takes a large group of people and a need, a purpose, to make a change happen. There was obviously a need for change. Spew your propaganda filth all you want, but if API prices ruins a platform, a 'use' that PS never really used or needed, then you otta repr...

324d ago 22 agree25 disagreeView comment

I'll admit a great game unexpected when I see one. It was good. Has its flaws, but the potential is there. Real potential. I feel like the shooting can use some refining, I've never been so inaccurate with a gun before this game, but after many hours, I learned to learn it. And got better. All In all it was great fun

324d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All the crowd funding, be funny to see In the end it simply releases as a free to play game anyway (full launch), and with microtransactions

324d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seems like a good way to grow n4g. And keep people.

324d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Apparently there is already cheats for the game. And the developer is known to not use good anti cheat systems. So who knows.

329d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hope this becomes a huge sucess

332d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Finally a review worth seeing for this trash turd. No collection should charge what it charges for old games such as this. And then people defend it, make me sick.

332d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think this was merely a satire article. Just kidding, I'm sure the writer took every detail seriously.

336d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment