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Not too much thankfully. MW3, Halo CE, Skyrim and probably Zelda. Even though I really like Assassins Creed I feel like this is probably about the same game as before, just with an older main character. So I'll wait to get it used sometime next year.

In comparison my September/October are costing me quite a bit. Gears 3, Rage, Batman Arkham City, Forza 3, Madden 12 and a couple of others.

No need for Uncharted 3, as I haven't even taken the first too...

4680d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Where's God Of War or Metal Gear on that list son?

There has been 4 legit Halo games and an expansion (ODST) in 10 years. Not exactly milked now is it?

Where as there have been 4 MGS games, a remake of MGS1 on the Gamecube. How many Metal Gear games on handhelds? 3, 4, 5? The new HD remakes of Metal Gear and Metal Gear Rising. Too much Metal Gear IMHO.

Also Battlefield is a milked ass franchise, someone needs to list those games.

4680d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can still get an Xbox 360 cheaper then a PS3. $199 and sometimes you even get a deal for $50 off or a free game. So I can see why they wouldn't be in a hurry at the moment. I still think they drop the prices of the 360 and Kinect in time for the Holiday season though. They will definitely want to dominate the Holidays like last year with Kinect.

Of course having that Star Wars Kinect bundle, Kinect Sports 2, Dance Central 2 among others will certainly help. Let's...

4680d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

You are going to get charged for both, they are just packaging them together.

4680d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

I'm sick of listening to Sony tell us what to think. I mean isn't this the company that said "They weren't into gimmicks"? and "There too old for lollipops"? Along with crazy things like "bringing consumers 4-D graphics" and "people will get another job to pay for these things". I mean seriously, who pays that much attention to what Sony says these days?

I guess unless your a hypocritical N4G fanboy.

4680d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

I knew most of these already.

4680d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Old game is old.

4681d ago 4 agree13 disagreeView comment

Sad to say I'm disappointed in the 360 people that pre ordered this game without seeing a single scrap of footage, and after Dice said they were having issues with it.

4681d ago 4 agree18 disagreeView comment

What a lovely hate article........

4681d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Look at all the complaints! LMAO, PS3 fanboys are so picky here. If they had listed Gears, Halo and Alan Wake or something then it'd be okay right? Yet since they listed PS3 games (mostly) everyone is up in arms.

This is an article based off a single persons OPINION and you kids treat it like fact. Have a little faith in the games you love, sheesh...PS3 owners, insecure since 2006.

4681d ago 4 agree24 disagreeView comment

Considering Gears 3 will probably have 2 million pre orders before it's launch, I'll say it's not going to disappoint. There isn't a ton in September, and this is going to be the biggest launch of the year, aside from MW3.

4681d ago 14 agree13 disagreeView comment

Glad we finally get a legit preview. The games controls have seemingly gotten 100% better since E3. It's going to be a great selling game and I think that scares some of the fanboys here. There worst nightmare is Kinect games selling well.

Notice how PS3 fans stayed out of the Kinect Sports, Dance Central article that pointed out how well those games sold respectively? Ya..

4681d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

More like the PS5! Those guys take dev time to a while new, ridicules level!

At least the guy below can take a joke! Seriously though, anything over 5 years is too long of a development cycle. You are most likely going to miss a whole generation, leaving you with the Duke Nukem effect.

4681d ago 9 agree44 disagreeView comment

I only install games I play a lot, so Gears, Reach, Call Of Duty, Halo 3 ect... I think I'll just switch out the disk when the time comes, rather take the 2 seconds to do that then have to take up the time to install.

I just like to play the games, not watch an install progress bar. '

I have an Xbox 360s, so the drive is already pretty quiet. It's actually the quietest console I have. Not that a consoles drive would deter me from playing it. I mea...

4681d ago 22 agree25 disagreeView comment

Will definitely be the best racing sim of all time! Each Forza game has outsold it's predecessor by almost 2 million copies, meaning this one should do in the 6-8 million range. Not too shabby.

4681d ago 10 agree6 disagreeView comment

Microsoft should just raise the limit. 3 GB's should suffice, plus with the cost and value of these games going up, it only makes sense.

It's beyond obvious that XBL has the best selection of games and they need to keep developers relatively happy. Just look at the Summer Of Arcade, was the best one yet! fantastic!

My bad, I didn't read the article. I thought it was the same one I read a few days ago. Which was about the amoun...

4681d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Of course it's true. 90% of the time at least. Especially the biggies, like Assassins Creed, Call Of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead Redemption, Mass Effect ect... Not saying it's always true, but it's obvious the Xbox 360 is easier to work with, thus they get the better versions.

4681d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Not in the least. Until the newest Call Of Duty actually doesn't outsell it's predecessor, I wouldn't worry. Remember how Bad Company 2 was supposed to compete with it? Then remember how more map packs were sold for MW2 then actual copies of Bad Company 2? Then remember that awful Medal Of Honor game and how it was supposed to kill off COD?

Yea, it aint happening. The only people who dislike COD are the ones right here, and I'm convinced even that is just a sh...

4681d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

No, they are getting to big for digital download.

4681d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

So a couple of years ago the PS4 came out? Last I heard UC2 and or KZ3 "maxed out the PS3".

Time to make a new console and release it for $899 US dollars! People will just get 2nd and third jobs to pay for it, no worries!

4682d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment