this is why I have only 1 bubble


CRank: 8Score: 41550

"Everything Sony Touches Turns To Mediocrity"

This is a bit harsh IMHO. I think Sony did some great things with the PS1 and the PS2. The problems started to pile up with the PS3 however. I feel the main reason for this is that Sony started TELLING it's customers what they wanted instead of listening. Hopefully lesson learned.

Everyone needs to be humbled once and a while, even though I'm a well know Xbox 360 fan, I loved the PS1 and PS2, ...

4769d ago 11 agree34 disagreeView comment

1.Stupid glasses
2.3-D is stupid
3.3-D lowers already low frame rates
4.It adds little to nothing to gaming

4769d ago 3 agree15 disagreeView comment

A third person COD game would obviously outsell Uncharted easily. I get what the devs are saying, it was also taken a lot out of context and now N4G fanboys have another reason to have their bow ties spin excessively.

Oh Noes! someone s4id Unchat3d aint 1337! Too arms!

4769d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

It means I upgraded my MW3 pre order to Hardened so I can get it free for a year. So I'll be getting free maps and earning free double XP weekends for myself and my gaming clan!

Haters gonna hate, but doesn't stop me from enjoying it!

Your able to earn Double XP for your whole clan, your getting monthly DLC in the forms of maps and other items. As a person who usually drops $50 or more a year on COD DLC alone, of course it makes sense to ...

4769d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's an IW made COD game, that's enough for me. It's going to play like COD4, which is also a great selling point. I thought the maps were too big in MW2, so glad they are going back to the more tactical maps like in COD4.

I guess Battlefield fans can hang their hats on graphics, while MW3 fans will hang theirs on actually having fun with their game of choice.

COD fans want that fast paced, 60 FPS action. Battlefield just doesn't have that. No...

4770d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well EA has run their campaign as brilliantly as Barrack Obama did. Too bad it'll have about the same results in the end.

People comparing MW3 trailers which are running off 6 year old Xbox 360 hardware, compared to super high end PC Battlefield 3 trailers which are run off PC's that I personally don't know a single person in real life actually has.

Then EA tries to trash talk, in the end it's not going to do them any good. COD fans are so w...

4770d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Looks fantastic! I'm not some idiot who is going to freak out because we didn't get a graphical upgrade like we did between COD4 and MW2. It still looks improved, but isn't as much of a leap.

I would rather they improve the gameplay and the issues I had with MW2, I still think MW2 looks better then Black Ops, so it was never a graphical issue with MW2.

People are trying to hate on MW3 because it doesn't look as good as BF3 on a high end PC, it...

4770d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

Sony sounds so $onyMadBro?

Anyway, $ony actually has a similar policy, any game that comes to the PS3 that was a timed exclusive, like Mass Effect 2, well it has to come with EXTRA content in order for it to be released on PS3.

So it's not like $ony is not without it's faults. If publishers don't want to have their games released on the Xbox 360 they don't have to. It's a business people, not Unicef.

4770d ago 4 agree15 disagreeView comment

If you think it's boring then don't play it. Certainly don't comment on it. As for going downhill, that's opinion. If you go by sales and critical reception, each COD outdoes the last.

4770d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Seems much, MUCH more balanced. Thanks for listening to the people IW.

4770d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

One of the games has shown 100% high end PC trailers, while the other has showed 100% Xbox 360 footage with it's trailers. Gotta give it to EA on being slick with this tactic. MW3 for me all the way though.

4770d ago 3 agree12 disagreeView comment

No thanks. I realize it costs money to upkeep everything on XBL. They keep it fairly trouble free. I don't want every idiot making 10 Gamertags like people do with PSN names.

I've personally never paid more for XBL then $30, if you ever buy it on sale through MS, they only ever charge that recurring.

It's a premium service and unless you've actually spent a lot of time with it, you cant really appreciate it.

COD Elite has ...

4770d ago 8 agree10 disagreeView comment

This is awesome, so to people complaining about Microsoft and their lack of attention to core gamer's, the second half of 2011 sees a Modern Warfare 3 bundle, Gears Of War 3 bundle, Gears 3, Halo CE, Forza 4, Modern Warfare 3 and even Battlefield. Some of those are Multiplats, but we all know it's better with the Box!

4770d ago 8 agree11 disagreeView comment


4770d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Again I state, why are people comparing Modern Warfare trailers, which are Xbox 360 footage, to a Battlefield 3 trailer that is super high end PC? It's not an accurate or fair comparison and people should know better. Unless your ignorant and are just trying to troll.

Of course it's the same as MW2 and COD4, it's what the people want. I don't want a million changes, I want my COD4 style maps and guns back and that mentality as a whole.

I cannot w...

4770d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Battlefield 3 fans are just trolling hard on everything COD. It's kind of gotten to a viral point honestly. It wont change anything though, Modern Warfare 3 is still going to sell crazy good. 25+ million for sure.

People are comparing trailers that are apples and oranges. Battlefield 3 trailers have all been super high end PC footage, while all the MW3 trailers have been Xbox 360 footage. Why compare?

People keep complaining about COD looking the same, bu...

4770d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I swear, every COD thread is filled with idiot fanboys that are pissed of simply because Activision is giving the mass people exactly what they want.

I don't want the gameplay to change, the reason I like COD is because it plays like COD. Not sure why people here are so up in arms honestly. Seems to me that everyone only has "graphics" to hang any kind of argument on at all.
Graphics don't equal quality people!

Dice does one modifi...

4770d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

I loved Fable 3, I think it took a step forward in some areas and took a step back in some as well. They need to do a solid mix of Fable 2/3. The extra year of development time should also help with Fable 4. I think part 3 was a bit rushed.

4770d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

$50 a year which will get you monthly DLC. 18 million people bought map packs in Black Ops. If a COD game were to have 4 DLC Map Packs then that would be $55 in itself. 3 map packs would be $45. So you'd actually be saving money.

Also, Hardened Edition of MW3 gets Elite for free for a whole year.

COD Elite and Hot Cakes have a lot in common!

Edit @ 3GenGames
It's so not dead, all the wishful thinking in the world wont make it s...

4770d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

This is a great price. If you consider your getting monthly DLC. Hell even if they were to do 4 DLC map packs then your still saving money.

4770d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment