this is why I have only 1 bubble


CRank: 8Score: 41550

Because it's a waste of money, for all the exclusives Sony put out this year, they had only a few that did anything worthwhile. Where as Microsoft had fewer, but all were quality and are selling very well.

Why waste money?

4716d ago 6 agree18 disagreeView comment

Who the hell gives a crap what a game does in Japan? I mean last I checked, it was a very small market in comparison to other markets.

4716d ago 3 agree12 disagreeView comment

All of the GTA games have played like each other, Red Dead played like GTA on horses, I doubt they change much if anything at all. I think with how successful they have been, they'd be foolish to do so.

4717d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Good ol' EA. They should try to take better care of the hand that feeds them. Take a lesson from Activision, we've never seen COD servers down, even when the game on other console/s were down, the servers on XBL remained up.

Get with the program EA. Anyone else hoping to see BF3 drop in Metacritic to under 80? Getting close already.

4717d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

I don't hate cut scenes as they tell the story. What I hate are overdone cut scenes that take up the majority of the game, I like to play my video games, not watch a movie. If I wanted to watch a movie I'd put one in.

4717d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

I think a 9 is a tad bit high for BF3. Probably deserves around a 8 or 8.5 tops. I am starting to think these sites are starting to hold back on their reviews as to avoid backlash from fans.

4717d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

Well it's safe to say we haven't even seen graphics live up to that trailer in this generation, so I doubt it.

4717d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

I have 5 of those pre-ordered! Nice to see MW3 top the list per usual though. Somehow seeing something like that just makes me feel like all is right with the world.

4717d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Well at least you'll have something to download while you do that hour long install!

Each comment and or disagree fuels my trollness! I'm a Troll Lord!

4759d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

Shut the hell up. Seriously, millions of people enjoy the game daily. Just because you got slapped it at one too many times doesn't make the game broken.

4759d ago 9 agree28 disagreeView comment

buuu buuu buuuu but...blu ray! At least there is no annoying dick changing right guys? I mean there may be that pesky hour long install, but at least you don't have to take those ten seconds out of your busy schedule to change a disk...right? right??


True comments tend not to last long here on N4G. So the fact that I brought up how much more annoying large installs are then disk swapping, it'll get labeled for trolling.

If thi...

4759d ago 5 agree22 disagreeView comment

Thanks for the opinion! Too bad opinions don't count for much since we all have different ones.

4759d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

Looking good, glad to see they are improving and still adding new things into the Modern Warfare franchise!

4759d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

No they wont. I think this is more Sony just wishful thinking. I don't know anyone who has a 3-D television and most of the people I know go out of their way to avoid seeing movies in 3-D, instead opting to see them in standard 2-D.

This has always been a fad and not worth the time or money.

@Why o why
Live in a populated Florida town, in my 20's, have a pretty decent number of friends.
3-D is a fad, always has been. I'm not a fan, ...

4759d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

I haven't been the biggest Madden fan, but I admit I bought this Madden on launch day and I agree that it's probably the best Madden ever, though Madden 2005 wasn't too shabby in and of itself.

Glad to see EA Sports is changing things up, even without competition to push it. I think if there were proper competition then it could be even better.

4760d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Are you serious? Aside from the fact that I am right now as I type this online on XBL, I can count on one hand how many times I've been without service in the seven years I've been an XBL member.

Also, I'd like to point out, Microsoft has never let my personal information or credit card information get out.

And Bill Clinton didn't have sex with that woman right? We all heard how credit card info was released, and regardl...

4760d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

What, no Quake 3 game engine left in Modern Warfare 3? What will all the Battlefield 3 fanboys use as ammunition now?

@outwar6010 It's easy to dismiss what a person with one bubble says. I admit I like to be a little mischievous at times, but mostly I speak my own personal opinion. People here at N4G are the ones who bubble me down for my opinions, doesn't make mine less valid or theirs more valid.

Fact is, if you like Xbox 360/Kinect and...

4760d ago 7 agree11 disagreeView comment

I'd expect similar drops everywhere, probably trying to burn off stock.

4760d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Really looking forward to this. I know Nintendo games don't usually get GOTY considerations for some reason, I actually feel Mario Galaxy got shafted a couple of years ago, but hopefully SkyWard Sword gets what it deserves.

4760d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm actually really looking forward to what Sledgehammer did with the campaign. The first Deadspace was amazing, I've loved the Modern Warfare campaigns a lot better then the other COD titles.

Really wish they would just make it it's own franchise. Modern Warfare sounds much better then COD MW. Also, it would eliminate confusion and people could stop with the milked BS. Two year development cycles are common now, just look at Uncharted,which is releasing it's...

4760d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment