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Sonic CD is definitely one of the best Sonic games! Leave it up to Microsoft to grab another great title for XBL!

4781d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

I hate 3-D in all it's forms! even on the Xbox 360! Die already! Stupid fad!!!! ARRGHHHH!!!!

4781d ago 4 agree12 disagreeView comment

I'd still expect a price cut this year. Just because they don't have one "right now" doesn't mean they wont at all. Also I'd expect some mega bundles at the current price. Maybe Halo Reach and Fable 3 bundles ect... Could do very well.

4781d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Message to Dice, a sniper shot to pretty much anywhere on the body is a kill shot. Even if it hits your leg, it's going to rip the thing off.

For a game that is supposed to be more "realistic" then the competition, they have failed pretty hard with this news.

Please elaborate? A lot of sniper rifles use a high end caliber bullet. Especially anything with a 50 cal, that thing with literally rip your body in two if your shot in t...

4781d ago 9 agree18 disagreeView comment

Not sure of the point of this article..... Same game across all platforms, except the PC has better textures.......

4781d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment

Jade Empire belongs on this list. Probably one of Bioware's best games. So sad they never did the sequels like they were supposed to.

4781d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Go ahead and give Gears 3 GOTY!

4781d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Sony just figures you'll get a second job to get your PS3 repaired! Either that or that you'll just buy a new one to pad their sales. Not every company gives 3 year warranties........or takes out a ton of features....or let's your personal information get leaked........ya...

4781d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

The tide has definitely turned. Forza is the number one racing sim, especially in North America. I suspect Forza 4 will reach the 6-8 million sales range. If you look at the previous titles they always jump by at least 2 million with each new game. Forza is going the opposite direction of GT.
Long live the new king!

4781d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course hard copies aren't going anywhere. Look at Rage and games like that, 20+ gigs. Most people don't have the internet speed to download games like that. In fact a lot of people have a cap on how much they can even download to begin with. So the minute the industry decides to go digital only, is the minute they are going to crash and burn...big time.

4781d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Should have used the Nyco lens for standing that close. I've got my copy pre ordered. I want to see more Podracing/space honestly.

The new lightsaber deal that they are going to sell with this is going to be pretty cool to use with it as well.

I'm not sure why so many people come in here just to hate on something? Looking at past comment history none of you even has an Xbox 360 nor Kinect, so why bother posting ignorant comments?


4781d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

First of all, N4G doesn't = The World! Yea, I went there. It's obvious the N4G crowd is the minority when it comes to almost everything.

Also, this place is so full of BS and liars it's not even funny anymore. All the people who say "I wont buy another COD" are so full of shit.

Same with all the people claiming to buy things like Vita "Day one!". You know how many people here said "Day one!" for the PSPGO? Probably 75...

4781d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Duh! Which is one of the reasons I'm not getting it. I'm not into getting spawn trapped by vehicles, or blown up in a building or across the map.

4782d ago 1 agree22 disagreeView comment

Are you retarded? What the hell else would it be but copying? Trophies,Party chat, Netflix, ability to turn the console on and off via the controller, motion controls. Sony is known for copying the competition.

If they were able to do a party chat, they would have by now, 5+ years later and nothing. Seriously doubt it ever happens.

4782d ago 13 agree30 disagreeView comment

I love whenever there is new info or an article pointing out how great Forza 4 is, all of a sudden the thread gets filled up with worried GT5 fans.

Get over it, GT was a big game last gen and has lost a good amount of it's fans in North America, where Forza 3 has still outsold it.

Forza 4 is the first racing game I'm buying on the release date. That says a lot about a racing game.

4787d ago 15 agree14 disagreeView comment

It translates to roughly $143 US. That's more expensive then the current PSP 300 which is only $129. They should just have stuck with what they have. If they want to continue to support the PSP then just show games, don't bring out this horrid thing with no internet capabilities.

4787d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Another pointless option, but good for them for trying.

4787d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes, let's all thank Sony. Thanks for releasing the PS3 for $599 US dollars. Thanks for losing site of what made the PS1 and PS2 so great. Thanks for making your rudimentary online service so easy to hack. Thanks Sony for letting people have our credit card information. Thanks for catering to Japan and being hypocritical when you said you weren't into "gimmicks" like motion controls and that you were too old for lollipops.

*Edit 1*
The ...

4787d ago 10 agree8 disagreeView comment

Damn, that looks pretty good. Kinect is starting to find it's niche with games. Child Of Eden, Fruit Ninja, Gunstringer, Rise Of Nightmares, Steel Battalion. Star Wars and Ryse all look really well done. Kinect Sports 2 and Dance Central 2 are both on the docket as well.

I'm glad they are reaching out to attract some more core players with titles like this though. Looks fantastic!

4787d ago 12 agree6 disagreeView comment

I've enjoyed Bastion and Fruit Ninja the most so far, clearly Microsoft ahead of the competition when it comes to arcade titles.

4788d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment