The basketball gods predict... Raps in 4.


CRank: 6Score: 70100

Well, for me its faster to find a match than before. But when the match starts, it becomes a complete lag fest. You have people looking like they are crap walking the entire game. You also notice that your teammates guns just keeps shooting and shooting and shooting... and shooting. Epic seriously need to fix their servers. Gears 2 does not have the same fun feeling that Gears 1 had.

Btw, does anyone else seem to notice that the shotgun also feels a bit.... Slower?? Oh yea, I ...

5571d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I tried the demo, it was pretty fun. I might give this one a go.

5571d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well you do get cool weapons and armour when you finish Operation Anchorage. (Minor Spoiler) At the end of OA you get the Guass Rifle, Winterized T-51B, and I believe you get the Chinese Stealth Armour. Which is a very cool armour by the way because when you crouch, you become invisible.

5571d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Level? If you are talking about Level cap, Operation Anchorage and The Pitt have no significant affect to your level. Broken Steel raises the level cap from 20 to 30 and adds new perks. I hope thats what your talking about. :]

5571d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It sucks that PS3 owners had to wait to get this DLC. We could have been sharing our experiences with them.... LOL. Anyways, have fun because those DLC's, they were cool. My favorites one were:

1. Broken Steel
2. The pitt
3. Point Lookout
4. Operation Anchorage

Broken Steel was by far the best DLC out of all of them.

5571d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats what I hated. Bungie made it so simple for everyone to get the Katana, now its not even worth bragging about since all my friends now have it. Ahhh... Good times.

Anyways... I can't wait to get recon armour. But, I do not know how to get that damn 7 on 7 vidmaster!! If I have more than 7 exp on all my playlists, im screwed right?!?!??! RAWR!!!!!!!!!

5571d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow... That was completely unnecessary.

5576d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can we please drop that "Im getting it for PC" crap already. Its getting really annoying how we all went way off topic because of that sh!t! Can you please get your heads out of your asses, please!!!

Anyways.... I am really interested on how Thane will turn out as a character. He is going to be a real keeper if he joins my squad and I cant wait to see what powers or abilities he will have. BioWare is really taking a new direction with Mass Effect 2, with all the impro...

5576d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wait, dont forget the ending credits song. This song really fitted ME1 perfectly. Sometimes when I am in the menu in Mass Effect, I like looking at the credits just to hear this song....

5579d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This was by far the best soundtrack in the game. When I first heard it, I had goosebumps...

5579d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

2 more?!?!?!?! Jesus christ, I have 4 more final exams!!!!!!! RAWR RAWR RAWR!!!!

5581d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hip, hip...... Hooray!!!!!!!

5582d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Modern Warfare 2 is going to sell like freakin hot cakes. Midnight launches, parties, girls stripping......... *And then I woke up*.

5583d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol. I believe this game will feature supernatural elements like, Avalanches will occur, rock slides maybe, the gas all of the suddenly turning on to create an explosion, trees will fall over so it can smash you or block you from getting to a certain point. But aliens, no. LOL!! :D :D

5584d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like how Alan narrates in-game to give players an idea of what will happen next or what hes come across. Alan Wake is looking to be a very spooky game and its being made under psychological action. The story itself seems very well writen and I am sure that there will be plenty of dialogue.

The visuals look great. It's cool how the game renders tornadoes to give the player a more action oriented game, and the facial animations look very good due to the fact that Alan Wake uses...

5584d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I will probaly give this game a go when it comes out. But I do have to admit, Quantum Theory really does borrow lots of gameplay mechanics from GeOW. It also looks like GeOW due to the fact that your fighting monsters and Locust looking creatures.

I just hope Quantum has a good story behind it. Judging from recent trailers, the voice acting is really not that good.

5585d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude....... Crackdown was AWESOME!!!!! Now, we are going to have 4 player Co-op and 16 man multiplayer?!!?!?!?!? *Wipes computer screen*. CRACKDOWN 2 is going to be SICK!!!!!

5586d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's all just personal preference. If PC gamers want to get this game on PC for Ultra HD graphics, then let them be. I prefer playing games on my 360 because I like sitting on a comfortable couch and I enjoy playing on a 50" HDTV.

Anyways... I don't mind Alan Wake taking so long to be released. As long as Remedy takes their time, they will release it when they are ready. I Can't wait to get this!! :D

5587d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

To tell you the truth, I dont think retailers would be that hyped over Mass Effect 2 apposed to say, Gears Of War 2. We all know Mass Effect 2 will be an epic game, but I dont think it will get that much attention at my local Gamestop where they announce a midnight launch.

In my honest opinion, midnight launch only works for Multiplayer games.

5587d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its just an opinion. Yes, their will be plenty of games that will also be GOTY contenders. But, if you are a HARDCORE Mass effect fan, you would know hands down, that Mass Effect 2 will be GOTY.

5587d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment