The basketball gods predict... Raps in 4.


CRank: 6Score: 70100

Well some of you are lucky that you get Mass Effect 2 in 2 days.. I have to wait till Friday! Man this sucks!! WHY!!!

5358d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

They're two different games. Not even close to being the same.

5359d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Marcus Lehto became Creative Director for Reach? Cool! I'm pretty sure he was the Art Director for mostly all the Halo games... Which makes it even better! :D

5360d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

*Would you guys stop mentioning Uncharted 2 already. How about we try and stay on topic!*

Awesome! 9.6 is a great score!! Though, I wish Eric went into more detail in the scoring section. Anyways, I can't wait to get my hands on this on the 29th!

5360d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well according to DigitalFoundry's gamescom ME2 tech analysis. They said that ME2 is v-synced with 2x MSAA. With resolution up to 720p. But who knows... This might have changed overtime.


5361d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

This probably has to be the best video game trailer I have ever seen. I may be overexaggerating but, damn!! I'm so pissed that I have to wait till the 29th!!! ARGGHHH!!!! *Smashes keyboard*

5362d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Congratulations to MS! I wish the best of luck to all companies this year as it's looking to be the best year in gaming. Happy Gaming! Cheers!! :D

5376d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

The 360 will never be maxed out. It's just that Microsoft does not have the studios (most particularly first party studios) to get the job done. All MS has done is rely on third party studios to make exclusive games that most of which use the Unreal Engine. The difference between Gears 1 and 2 was noticeable, but it wasn't drastic. I looked over Microsoft's former first party studios, I find hard to believe that MS disbanded over 7 in-house studios.

But, I'll still have faith in...

5377d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Mass Effect 2 is SOOO close!! ME2 is by far my most anticipated game for this year. Conviction and Alan Wake also have my close attention. Crackdown 2 looks really fun. And since I enjoyed the first Crackdwon, I'll be sure to have my eye on this one. Other than that, Halo: Reach, Fable 3, and those mysterious Natal games can wait....


5380d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

From this Hands-on Preview of ME2 from IGN, they stated that the elevator rides were replaced with traditional 'flashy' loading screens. But IGN also noted that the load times were occasionally long.


5392d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just checked Looks like they removed the Collectors Edition of ME2 from their site. Good thing I pre-ordered my Collectors Edition when it was announced. Any longer, and I probably would have been out of luck. Well, I hope ME2 will get the sales it deserves because it's shaping up to be an awesome game!

Thank you BioWare! Happy Gaming! Cheers!! :D

5399d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Very well deserved! Uncharted 2 was one of thee best games I have played this entire gen and best game of 2009! U2 was such a very well crafted game! Thank you Naughty Dog for giving your fans such a kick ass game that will last through the gaming ages. A true masterpiece indeed! Thank you Naughty Dog! Happy Gaming!! Cheers!!! :D

5401d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great numbers for all consoles (Yes, PSP and DS too ;). Props to the 360 for passing my expectations. I actually thought the PS3 would outsell the 360 this holiday. But, the PS3 also generated great numbers... Congrats to both MS and Sony! As expected, MW2 sold like hotcakes..

Overall, Congratulations to MS, Sony, and Nintendo for generating such great sales numbers. Happy gaming! Cheers!! :D

5403d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Dead Space was nothing but awesome! I stayed over a friends house playing the game and it was really cool. I can't wait to hear more about Dead Space 2! Happy Gaming! Cheers!! :D

5405d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks like the day/night time effects are still there. The new HUD looks a lot more polished and clean. The graphics look amazing! The use of flashbangs is also a great idea for fighting the "Dark forces". And more info in the coming days! December 11 might be the day Remedy finally reveals the official release date!

Go here to 1up for more info:

5405d ago 26 agree13 disagreeView comment

Patients... January 26 & 29 is only a month away! Anyways... It's Nice to see BioWare fixing up every single issue ME1 had. The elevator rides were a bit annoying at times, but not annoying enough to make me ram my controller into my head. I liked those little conversations that my squad-mates had... They were pretty funny. Thank you BioWare! Cheers! :D

5408d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe Crysis can run on consoles, but it would have to be really scaled back. My rig barely manages 17-24FPS with 2xAA at 1920x1200 with Very High setting with cards I have. I'm still using 2 8800 Ultra's at the moment. Check out Maxishine's videos with the new 5970 he has. He manages to get a maximum of 86FPS on Warhead at 1920x1200 | No AA | Enthusiast settings..

HD 5970 vs GTX 295 | Crysis Warhead: http://...

Haha! I loved that line! Have a bubble :D! I am really excited for ME2. I for one hope that ME2 will be really emotional. I want the game to grab me and drive me to an engaging story that will have me playing this game for years. Without a doubt, ME2 will be the only game I will play in 2010. Any other game will just have to wait.... Thank you BioWare! Happy Gaming! Cheers!! :D

5409d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now that is what I call a deal! Getting your co-worker wasted? LoL, never thought of that. Looks like all the graphical problems ME1 had are going to be officially gone in Mass Effect 2. Haha! Happy Gaming! And a Double Cheers for this one!! :D

5410d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is Disc swapping really an issue? I mean, how hard is it to just to stand up, take out the 2nd disc, and put it in your disk tray? That should at least take 10 seconds at max! ME2 is going to rock no matter how many discs their are! BioWare has taken their time to make sure that ME2 turns out to be a masterpiece. And by the looks of it, it sure is looking like one. Happy Gaming! Cheers!! :D

5410d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment