The basketball gods predict... Raps in 4.


CRank: 6Score: 70100

Really cool armour mods. The first one is really cool! Ive downloaded house expansions for Fallout 3 for Megaton but it was kind of a waste of 5000 caps. But the first one is really.... Sexy. ;]

5547d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Rage is looking really good. I might just get the PS3 version since its only going to be on 1 disc. Not that I have anything against the 360 or PC (Or MAC for that matter) but you know...... The cats out of the bag. ;]

5547d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

KillZone 2 is a kick a** game! Which leads me to my same note I said before...

*Clears Throat*.. *Ahem*.. Fanboys and gamers, head on over to and start voting for your FAVORITE games. With over 20 categories including, Best Shooter, Best Graphics, Best Online Multiplayer, Best Role-Playing Games, and everyones favorite.... GAME OF THE YEAR. Don't also forget my personal favorite category, "Deserves an Uwe Boll Movie". So hurry up and follow this link. Because vot...

5548d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

God, I never get tired of KillZone 2. Which leads me to another note..............

*Clears Throat*.. *Ahem*.. Fanboys and gamers, head on over to and start voting for your FAVORITE games. With over 20 categories including, Best Shooter, Best Graphics, Best Online Multiplayer, Best Role-Playing Games, and everyones favorite.... GAME OF THE YEAR. Don't also forget my personal favorite category, "Deserves an Uwe Boll Movie". So hurry up and follow this link. Be...

5550d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They were both awesome games!

5550d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ummmm, I did not disagree with him. But I do feel stupid that I did not notice it was a Sony Vaio even though he provided a link. I kinna get ahead of myself sometimes. *Facepalm*

5550d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Didn't an EA spokesperson confirm that RealtimeWorlds were also developing APB for the Xbox 360? Anyways, I can't wait to play this game. It looks really fun and the player matches look really bada**. Woohoo! :D

5550d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wait their were Sony Vaio ones? Whats weird is I noticed that they were all HP laptops. I find those commercials pretty amusing at times. Especially the first one where the kid is searching for a gaming laptop and he says "BLURAYYYYYY". I guess Apple hates the commercials because they all see those people skipping the mac laptops or they hear them say something bad about it.

5550d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

My PS3 has died once on me because for some odd reason, it did not want to read my games anymore. But that was back in 2006 when I first got my PS3. My Xbox 360 has died 3 times, one for E74, another for Disk Drive failure, and everytime I play halo 3, I always get these two red rings even though I rest my Xbox for the whole day.

After all these problems, I still love my consoles and I will continue to support MS and Sony and all their upcoming consoles. :]

5550d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't wait to play Forza 3. After the E3 demo I was pretty much satisfied with the way Turn 10 presented the whole game. Forza FTW! :D

5551d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Apple is making a console?!

5551d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ahh, now I know where your from AnttiApina.. I recognized your name from the Alan Wake forums.. Anyways, Here is a quote from ADM that I thought would be useful:

''Originally Posted by Angry_Fork''
2. "THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE PC FIRST CONSOLES LATER IN THE FIRST PLACE. Everyone keeps forgetting that."[[Quote]]

"Actually that's incorrect. Even back in 2006 while RMD was off demoing the PC version at the Intel conference it ...

5551d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Long Live BioWare! All the games they have made have been really bada**. From Shattered Steel to Baldur's Gate. They have really proven themselves to be a very good RPG company. I am gald BioWare is pumped to work on the PS3 as its a very good console. It saddens me that most BioWare games were only released on PC and Xbox. Its really hard to believe that MDK2 was the only game they released for the PS platform.

BioWare really got their hands full, 5 projects being developed at...

5558d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Alan Wake really has my attention. The real sense of risk really helps the psychological feel to it. Alan Wake is falling under the movies, Fight Club and Memento. The insomnia conditioned man and the ever so caring wife. Oh man, this game is going to be awesome!

5561d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Like I said in my previous post on Gears 2 online, finding a match in Gears 2 is faster than it was when the game first came out. But of course, when the match starts, "Who wants lag cake"? Thats why when I do play matchmaking, I always host a private match because it seems to be less laggy. I am a huge Gears fan, but its really not that hard to admit that Gears 2 online is REALLY BROKEN.

Man I miss Gears 1. Good times.....

5565d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Im glad BioWare is taking some time to really make the AI smarter. Insanity on ME1 was really horrible, it would take FOREVER just to kill a Krogan! Just like in the interview, Insanity in ME1 did not make the enemies smarter, it made them tougher. The bosses would take a million shots just to die.

5567d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha, I missed those days where all my friends would force me to file a complaint on thier name. I tried it once, but it looks like I did not get enough complaints. As for gamerscore, mehh, I become an achievement whore once in a while. Lol.

5568d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Imo, its a good idea. BioWare is just trying to balance the game out for the players. Just imagine how easy the game would be if I were to port my Lvl 60 Vanguard with all my powers and spectre gear. Mass Effect 2 is going to be awesome no matter what and I cant wait to meet that new character, Thane.

As long as BioWare takes their time with Mass Effect 2 and fixes all the issues ME1 had, im happy.

5569d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im pretty disappointed that its been over a year since the last ME dlc. But... I cant blame them. BioWare is already working on 5 other projects, one of them being my most anticipated game.. Mass Effect 2. Though some more extra content would be nice. Compared to Fallout 3 where it already has 4 shipped DLC's and another one to come next month.

5570d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

R.I.P. Micheal Jackson. Your music will live on! Big fan, long time supporter. You stayed strong and your music influenced everyone. Im really speechless right now..... Damn.

5571d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment