
CRank: 5Score: 17950

I agree dude...I really dig my PS3 but the over the top comments are just cheesy as hell.

5387d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wish people would stop massively hyping Uncharted 2.

I think it's gonna be absolutely awesome, but media hype for a game usually only does harm to reviews as the inevitable 'how does it stand up to the hype' crap begins...

Especially the GOTY stuff. Let the game release and speak for itself. I'm sure it'll more than be able to.

5387d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't pay any attention to this review. It's no better or different than the diatribe maxim launched against Killzone 2 - same early timeframe as well.

It's just crap.

I don't know how the game will score in real reviews, but I'd ignore anything with such an obvious bias.

5387d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are they going to turn this into a gaming platform? Haven't really been following any Zune news.

5387d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think Eurogamer actually likes videogames.

5388d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Coming from nowhere is a reference to the relatively poor result they got with the GC and the vibe at the time of the Wii's launch.

Early on, the console was attracting a lot of ridicule and expectations were generally low.

I remember well because I bought a Wii at launch. With mostly weak titles initially and a disappointing implementation of motion control, the trashtalking was everywhere.

5394d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not sure about the MS neck snapping thing. They did great with the 360 and dropping to third place (if it happens) after four or so years will still be a massively better result than the original Xbox got.

Best thing any of us can hope for is for all three to keep the guns blazing and maximising what they offer.

It's been pretty sweet this gen.

5394d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If not another single Wii was sold from this day forth, and PS3 sales continue to be strong for a few years, yes, overtaken.

Otherwise forget it.

It doesn't need to overtake the Wii to be greatly successful though. It only comes down to life cycle profit and a healthy install base. There's no magic bonus money from "GOD" if you're in the number one consoles-owned spot.

Wii completely owned the gen. They came from nowhere, kudos to them.

5394d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Except you still need an SDK and Sony Approval. Most iphone devs (like me) are iphone devs because we can do it on a $100 outlay and have relative freedom in terms of app aproval.

It's interesting though.

5394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment're right. I saw it somewhere else then. My bad.

5395d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is the 3rd time I'm posting this. If you go to Team Bondi's OWN WEBSITE, it's listed for all three. It's been listed for all three for a couple years FFS.

I can't figure out where these "rumor" stories keep coming from. You don't need to contact Rockstar, it's a friggin multi game, unless TB has had an error on their own site for several years.

5396d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ironically, you're the one feeling a bit sensitive, wouldn't you say?

You asked why your post got deleted and I offered you my opinion, along with some constructive advice to prevent it happening again.

Honestly, if you get so upset by what gets posted here just take a break or something dude. It's all fun and games. Don't take it to heart.

5396d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Natal is for casual gaming and gimmick gaming, just like the PS3 thing will be. I wouldn't hold your breath.

At best I'm hoping for a cool sword game on any of the three...Kinda don't care which.

5396d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It probably got deleted because the comment itself is utterly stupid, and would not serve any other purpose than baiting a flame war.

Stop being a militant fankid and just enjoy games. You talk about the fanboys coming in like you're above it. Maybe practice what you preach?

5396d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't think any current gen motion is going to be up to scratch for hardcore gamers. <-- read - this is 1ST gen motion tech across all three.

It's wetting the appetite of the casual market, but a lack of precision and teething problems will probably hold it back until the next cycle when things really get refined.

Think about how many weird and awful controllers have been released in the history of consoles. It takes a long time to get things right.

5396d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

pretty sweet idea

5396d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If a game comes out that you want to play, buy it. If you like it, cool.

If the same game comes out on another system, afterwards, and you're upset because more people are able to enjoy it too, YOU'RE A F@#KING TOOL.

5396d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Loved partners in time. Awesome.

Same day release as scribblenauts is a problem though.

5396d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

KZ2 does have the best graphics in the business, and amazing gameplay too (imo).

I gotta say though, for me as a PS3 owner, Halo is the one game I want badly. Gears is cool too not as much my thing.

Bungie just knows how to do a damn enjoyable shooter. That's the bottom line and for me, they never fail.

ODST looks pretty middle of the road graphically, but I have no doubts the gameplay will be awesome.

5400d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't believe the Sackboy theme isn't free. That's just beyond sad.

Everything else sounds good.

5402d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment