CRank: 5Score: 36540

Haha good point. This right here folks. Their business model sucks without this. But with this? Holy shit they will clean up. Fuck that I’m out. MS will have to create stellar “game of the year” games for the next 5-6 years for me to even consider buying their fancy bargain bin game playing piece of junk.

1922d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

This has never helped them over the last decade. Why will it change now? Why in gods name would you have no doubt? You do have doubt. Because they haven’t produced a beautiful variety of QUALITY games in over 10 years. All I have seen gamepass do is turn Xbox into a really cheap bargain bin for very low quality sup-par gaming experiences. Great for your money, bad for your imagination. I’m glad I pay more to Sony to give me games like God of war, The last of us, last guardian, bloodborne and ...

1922d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

We want a company like Sony. We have them. We also want and need Nintendo. Are we being greedy asking for a third company to bring something great to the table? I don’t think so, I hope they do it, but personally they have let me down and massively failed on delivering on every occasion over the last decade...

1922d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly, zero, there were a couple of average. Forza is not exceptional. It’s a racing game for godsake, how much can you really innovate or be groundbreaking with a bloody racing game. Zip round a track in better graphics with differently modeled cars..yay big whoop. Racing games are for car enthusiasts. For anyone else they are just average games.

1922d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

No. Sorry. They should’ve produced SOMETHING by now. It’s already gone way past embarrassing. Then the first game one of their new studios announced is a crappy looking mplayer game.
It’s taken FAR too long!

1922d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Disagree, their were no exceptional titles for Xbox or I would’ve bought one. However I agreed with your comment as I do hope that changes next gen. With so many studios I hope we will be back to the 360 days where there was some competition and a reason to own both consoles. IMO PS3 still killed it even back then though in terms of exclusives (especially after 2009).

1922d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I disagree whole heartedly with everything you said.

1922d ago 15 agree3 disagreeView comment

Anything is possible, but clearly Sony is going to dominate. The media loves to create a tense rivalry situation. But Sony did what they do best and have always done this gen and nailed it. Everybody loved them this gen. Even if they more of exactly the same they have already won.

1922d ago 13 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yes, loved the Witcher 3 and played for 150 hours and did all the main side quests.... never completed it though, main story was actually average compared to the side quests. I felt like the game got VERY rinse and repeat once I got to skellige, the area ironically seemed to be the best but I felt like the quests just became same old. I got half way through skellige and lost interest which is VERY rare for me as I hate leaving games incomplete😂 the game was too big and open. I wish fo...

1922d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

...are you being sarcastic? If not I have no reason to reply to you. I will have faith that someone is not that dumb and upvote you for your sarcasm! Bravo sir!

1923d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes they collaborated with xcloud as they see where the future is going and they know there strengths and weaknesses. I was shocked when they iannounced this, but props to them all for joining forces.

However, on the exclusives front, Sony has not had a thing to worry about for 2 decades. Btw, do you really think it’s so easy for any studio to make exclusives of the quality of God of war/ uncharted/ last of us/ horizon? Do you think any studio just starts making games of th...

1923d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Enjoy your downvotes 👍

1923d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

If gamers weren’t think of the shit products we would get😂 sucks to be a dev but great to be a gamer! Except we’re never happy with the product.... hmm great 😂

1923d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I fully agree. The golden age of rpgs falls in there too, they haven’t been the same for around 17 years 😭

1924d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just.... no. How old are you? If your older than 25 then.... FOR SHAME!

1924d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Complete bull. No profit margins can make up for playstations install base being more than double that of Xbox, with hit after hit on PS and sales through the roof on every exclusive. As opposed to a dire amount of ms exclusives with middling sales. Not to mention the install base meaning far more pay for online on ps than Xbox.

Nice try with your mind gymnastics though😂

1924d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yh.... I kind of agree. I like the spectacle of e3, but let’s face it, it never ever lives up to the hype. Too many companies with too many conflicting schedules. Cannot expect everyone’s most exciting announcements to be saved for e3

1925d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

That’s... exactly what he’s talking about. That’s more of the same...

I think your exaggerating how great those improvements are

1925d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Now FYI I love the ps3 and some of favorite games are on there, but Look at ps3s custom chip and how much of a nightmare that turned out to be for game development. Especially as backwards comparability still isn’t possible for it due to that innovation. I dunno I just feel like custom chips may be unnecessary, it sounds like he just wants change for the sake of change.... that doesn’t always make something better Inaba san.

(... p.s I absolutely love your games! 😉...

1925d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like to think of Disney in this situation. Disney is in the position it is in because of maaaaaaaaaaaany decades of quality film creation and production. Sony has been taking the same approach but with games for decades (obviously on a much smaller scale as Jesus, who can compete with Disney now.

I hope they will stay on top as first and foremost they care about quality in their games. Well, of course after money! It is a business after all!

1926d ago 17 agree3 disagreeView comment