CRank: 5Score: 36540

Erm.... did you play breath of the wild. Quite a lot of people did. In fact anyone who calls themselves a gamer played it. Nintendo are far from dead friend🤔😁

1895d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha your points are so retarded....

Ahahaha feel so bad for you... gtfo

1895d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

True but that makes all the journos hate Sony and write about it daily. They always seem to root for the underdog🙄 whichever way they go they are always biased.
As am I. Xbox and MS have sucked since 2010. Such a shame as they were so great back then.

1895d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment


1895d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


1895d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

Tbf I do think this is a big part of Sony’s plan. Games “journalists” are so predictable. They knew they would get all of these PlayStation is back! Articles when they started making big reveals again. It’s a great plan really because they haven’t gone anywhere, just given us the illusion they have. I mean we still are waiting on the same big games to come out so nothings changed, just journalists haven’t been able to report on them for a while so they start having a shitfit. Then when they c...

1895d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hahahaha.... what are you talking about. Censorship is barely even a topic😂🙄

1898d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thank god people don’t agree with you, I was worried for a minute.

1898d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony is nothing outside gaming. Sony is the real boss in gaming. Google is the real boss everywhere else....but is absolutely nothing in gaming. Google will flop HARD.

1898d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment
1898d ago Show

It was obvious god of war took so much inspiration with Atreus from tlou and ellie.... given that tlou inspired greatness in gow I think it’s pretty impressive. Anyway not gonna go into it but tlou is an incredible game and always will be.

1898d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

FF games had the perfect length for me at around 50 hours main story, mainly because they had so much quality content. Until xiii, or arguably even before this! They never had too much side quests because they focused on main. If you can’t get the main right why do the side quests???

So many rpgs nowadays boast about side content and the length of the game and the main story ends up lacklustre. Witcher being a prime example. It was good not great. The main attraction was t...

1899d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your right they were pretty well done. Some of them. Some were so dull and boring. But none of them were fantastic. None of them were truly memorable to me to the point where now I have a vague memory of them. IMO we should not set the bar so low for side content. Call us entitled but we should expect better and we will get better. There is just no need to put so much bland content in. Put half as much in there and really focus on it to make it better.

1899d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Same. This. Although god of war was longer I felt.

I think approx More than 20 but less than 80. All completely dependent on the type of game and genre but this is the sweet spot for me. Maybe 100 if the game is truly huge but if a game is longer than this then I’m sorry but it 100% always has so much unecessary filler content that should have been trimmed. Clearly the devs just couldn’t bare to leave their work on the cutting room floor but not all content should make it ...

1900d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I appreciate your opinion and I loved persona but persona 5 was actually one of the main offenders for me. WAY too long and although it was a very well made game, there is a clear formula that you see after 3 or so dungeons and it becomes quite tedious having to do the same things time and time again...

1900d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

No he’s absolutely right. Been gaming all my life and the filler content in games just to extend them is currently at an all time high.

1900d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup. So many games are like this. It’s become a real problem which I feel reviewers never address as, let’s face it, they are being paid to play and review a game and they power through them. If your playing a ridiculously long (150 hour game) over a period of weeks or months it just gets unbearably tedious. Even if I have a week off work I think to myself what am I doing 😂 spending an entire day (around 8-10 hours gaming on a day off) playing and feeling like I’ve completed around 5%...

1900d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Haha yup. Only reason I completed is that I hate to leave games unfinished... kind of makes me feel like I wasted my time playing the previous hours and my money if I don’t complete it. I stopped playing persona and it really pissed me off because of the effort I’d put into the game. It just got to a point where I couldn’t believe how long each section was taking and every night after work I was spending a few hours playing and barely making a slight dent in the content😑

1900d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed I felt the same. Trim the fat and if your going to have side quests, make them worth it and not just by the numbers boring tasks. They should wow just as much as the main game... or hell at least close to it. IMO God of war totally nailed side quests as most felt like it was just an extension of the main quest. I cannot imagine missing any of the quests I did out (I platinumed so did them all) but to think that the content in them was optional is pretty incredible. The effort that went...

1900d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I haven’t actually played an assassins creed game through since AC2 for this reason and as it was so formulaic. I played black flag but recognised the same happening after about 5-6 hours. Maybe I should’ve tried origins but I just couldn’t justify the purchase 😞

1900d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment