CRank: 5Score: 36540

Hahaha I know I can’t quite believe they are constantly purchasing studios and still have no games😂
At some point they have to have some...right? I don’t know anymore but still they don’t have my purchase. And most people will be the same!

1840d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

Such a boring show, I was shocked at the boredom...

1840d ago 39 agree21 disagreeView comment

Was such a bore except the multi plats... the devs could just release trailers for them separately so it’s not why I watch these shows. Always looking for exclusives.... Xbox has absolutely nothing that interests me.... still.
I just don’t see how they can keep failing hahahaha

1840d ago 7 agree10 disagreeView comment

Agreed and it’s finished.....I honestly keep watching their conferences/content because I keep thinking and hoping that eventually they may convince me to buy another Xbox console. I haven’t bought one since 360.... I just don’t get it! I don’t get why they can’t do it! Sony and Nintendo do it every time effortlessly!
I will (still) not buy an Xbox one and I will likely not buy Scarlett based on what they showed. The only interesting things they showed were multi platform ( but man ...

1840d ago 8 agree11 disagreeView comment

..... and it’s finished. I honestly keep watching their conferences/content because I keep thinking and hoping that eventually they may convince me to buy another Xbox console. I haven’t bought one since 360.... I just don’t get it! I don’t get why they can’t do it! Sony and Nintendo do it every time effortlessly!
I will (still) not buy an Xbox one and I will likely not buy Scarlett based on what they showed. The only interesting things they showed were multi platform ( but man cybe...

1840d ago 23 agree8 disagreeView comment

Agreed and it’s finished. I honestly keep watching their conferences/content because I keep thinking and hoping that eventually they may convince me to buy another Xbox console. I haven’t bought one since 360.... I just don’t get it! I don’t get why they can’t do it! Sony and Nintendo do it every time effortlessly!
I will (still) not buy an Xbox one and I will likely not buy Scarlett based on what they showed. The only interesting things they showed were multi platform ( but man cybe...

1840d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Foxtrot, that quote was the highlight of E3 😂

1840d ago 25 agree4 disagreeView comment


Is it just me or is this the only interesting thing that’s been shown so far? I’m ready to fall asleep😂 wonder if the last half an hour will have anything that made this show worth watching....

1840d ago 16 agree2 disagreeView comment

What’s your malfunction bud?

1841d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bit fanboyish, but we all get there sometimes! Well said Razzer.

1841d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

So true.... it’s very difficult to put my finger on, I have tried above and fans will use that against you, it just doesn’t look legit? It looks janky? Deffo a downgrade is coming as it looks overly cinematic whereas the final product will be more arcadey

1842d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yep. If this is the best they can do to show the world, I have a feeling this is yet another EA dev having really SERIOUS issues with the terrible and awkward Frostbite engine. Just like with BioWare and anthem. They will (or already have) come up against immovable brick walls in development and it will end up ruining the game. Not to mention the clear lack of passion in the product and hey! Let’s just chuck Hollywood stars in there!

Edit: I stand corrected, it’s unreal en...

1842d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Not polished at all. It’s the opposite of polished for a first gameplay vid.
EA have forced them to make this vertical slice, probably at great detriment to the finished product coming up in regards to dev time wasted on this. Ea have forced them so they can appease shareholders after all the bad press. It’s not that easy mate! It will only work if you honestly want to make epic experiences and are not just in it for the money.... what a truly awful company

1842d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

So many red flags in this trailer... firstly
It’s EA!!! Second, it’s alpha and I have seen too many of these huge developers show vertical slices that later get horrificly downgraded. This is not a situation like death stranding where the full gameplay is shown and announced to be coming out in 6 months. God knows when this will be out and I can see it already, it will be so much more Arcady and significantly less cinematic.
The animations looked so janky and based on how I...

1842d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

I know....

1842d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

No wonder MS bought them! It all makes sense now😂 seemed a bit strange. MS only has interest in Microtrans and GAAS

1843d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

Yup. I can. Funny that! That trailer told me exactly what has happened to this studio and now I will forget about them.

1843d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Nope gangsta... but we’ve all just seen the potential of this studio fall into the gutter. I’ve forgotten their name already... moving on.

1843d ago 13 agree7 disagreeView comment

Hehe so true. As if they go from hellblade, a true passion project, especially if you watched the dev diaries, to this????

What the hell happened😂 I honestly thought they’d come up with something so original and that it would hundred percent be single player. This looks like utter trash... oh well... looks like this dev can’t make me buy an Xbox.
Onto the next dev to see if they can give the box something worth playing.

1843d ago 21 agree29 disagreeView comment

Game looks incredible. Cannot wait Kojima!

1843d ago 21 agree0 disagreeView comment