CRank: 10Score: 144050

The Tomorrow Children uses a new lighting technology named Cascaded Voxel Cone Ray Tracing, which allows to simulate lighting in real time, and uses actual real reflections, and not screen space reflections like most games and this is even better than the SVOGI that epic ditched which they deemed too much ressource cannibal.

3670d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The question is : what is a sPartphone?

3670d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

At mochachino. The game started as UE3 project, when he shifted to UE4, everything stayed with UE3 assets in mind. The only thing that got better was the lighting (using UE4 lighting system). Other UE4 specific assets like Physically absed lighting, materials and rendering aren't here. Shifting an UE3 to UE4 is now easier with justa plugin click,. His UE4 shift was before the final evolution of the enigne. He can't start over from scratch now.

3671d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol at both of you, the game IS STARRING Norman Reedus. He is PART of the game, from face, motion capture, acting and voice.

3672d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

One must die in Arkham Knight and it must be the UNREAL ENGINE 3. It is about damn time to ditch this prehistoric engine and use the new one.

3672d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

WTF? Was is already confrimed for trophies to be spotted? I know the game exists, but still we don't have a clear confirmation.

Oh, btw, about the deleted scenes: I hope they add the "REAL" deleted scenes.

3673d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Like I said, Epic promised all their games will use UE4. I also said they made an allusion to Gears 4 (not saying that exactly but alluding to it) and that it will use UE4. It would be very dumb for the studio developing it to not use UE4.

3677d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know about the rain tech in the vieo, but I know many fluid simulation made for UE4, they involve real physics, tesselated waves deformation following fast Fourier Transform. They aren't just "shaders" like you say. Maybe those rain drops use the same principles (its maker didn't say anything about them though). UE4 has everything based physically based, whether physically based materials or physically based shading,(other strong engines use such features but thi...

3677d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course they will use UE4, Epic confirmed that all their upcoming games will use UE4 (they made an allusion to Geras 4 in their twitch streams). Unreal Tournament remake already use UE4.

3677d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Indeed, the only version available of UE4 is UE4 DEV version which very archaic and very limited in features and not well optimized, the result is: Dayligh(the game used that version). The dev version was only an early access for hasted devs. These days we reached UE4.4.1 and 4.5 version will be out soon. Very fast progress compared to UE3 which rerached 3.5 in like 8 years. But the real reason for Batman Arkham Knight not using UE4 and even Mortal Kombat X was that Warner Bros had a contrac...

3677d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Looking forward to see this in details. I hope it won't stay as just a tech demo and will dveleoped in real games.

3677d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really find it bad if games try sell by such arguments!

3678d ago 9 agree46 disagreeView comment

Number 2 was on PC and Xbox too in substance version (horribly optimized for both) then number 2 substance again on xbox 360 in HD remake with number 3 and peace walker HD. In fact the only real Metal Gear games that are really exclusive to Playastaion where MGS portable Ops, Metal Gear Acid 1&2 on PSP, and MGS4 on PS3 which will stay exclusive due to the many elements of the game having playstation related stuff top them: Metal Gear Mark II & III using the Cell processor, Sunny playi...

3679d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If the game takes place only in the deseretic Afghanistan, I would be really disappointed !

Edit: at Z501 below we enew about act3&4 from the multiple late trailers, we even knew about act 5 from them. You can check. I am sadly going to the path leading that TPP will only have Afghanistan and Mother Base only. Very bad if true.

3679d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Jaques De Molay is not an assassin, he the last master templar of teh crusades that got burnt by Philippes Le bel of France and then his curse always hunted kings of France until the last one aka Louis XVI when decapitated by the Guillotine, someone sank his finger into the king's blood and yelled: Jaques, you are avenged now and some people claim to have seen De Molay's silhouette. These events coincide with Unity timeline.

3681d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

At Darth, Cory Balrog, the director of GOW2 (the best GOW , longest one and which has most bost battle in any game) is back on GOW2. Stig was doing another project but his studio was dismanteled.

3682d ago 19 agree1 disagreeView comment

Read that at least FIVE times !

3682d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ahahahahahaha! If the author thinks Silent Hills(or any Silent Hill) is about aliens, he really didn't get the purpose of including them !

3683d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This mode looks like the invasion mode in Dark Souls but better (steal EVERYTHING)!

3683d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

@ BISHOP-BRASIL, Nope for what? About the games I mentionned they really use UE4 and they are very impressive.

About the demo I provided in vimeo link (which anyone can test by downloading it) it is just a render demo of a swedish house. No one was talking about charcters models.

I really don't know what you are talking about, if you think the swedish house and its objects are an illusion, you can download the PLAYABLE demo here: 3684d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment