CRank: 10Score: 144020

(not Eminem lol)! A good proof that God Of War 3 will be soon shown! In the end, there will be only chaos!!!!

5675d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who is the foolest fool of the fools who will buy Rise Of the Argonauts instead of waiting for GOD OF WAR 3??????????!!!!!!!
I commited a sacrilege by playing Legendary and Beowulf-the game(the lame) a while ago, and I will never repeat it! No one must dare using the ancient times like a setting for his games especially the greek mythology, otherwise he will be decapitated By KRATOS!

5675d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Without any doubt! Wait for MGS5 and GOW3 to generate more earthquakes! Yes metal GEAR solid 5 and god OF WAR 3 and not a game with combination of the capitalized worlds! You know what I mean!

5678d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

STUNNING graphics even in multiplayer and in a beta!

5679d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a suggestion: when David Jaffe alias Mr GOW1 left the game team, things went better for GOW2; when Cory Barlog alias Mr GOW2 left the team, things are going better and better for GOW3! Please Mr GOW3, whoever you are, leave the team after finishing GOW3! You must follow the rule, because we want a GOD OF WAR 4 and not a God Of War 4 or a simple god of war 4!

5682d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

360 comments on a 360 story! Now it is 361 thanks to me, I smell the end coming!

5682d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No need to repost it to gain easy points! It is already posted! Nah I love the "TODAY, we have got our hands on a few new screens for the game" when it is not their own news but another site one!

5729d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game was at a very advanced stage when they demonstrated it at the GC06!
Edit: For people who say this a broken link, check by yourself in google:
It says: Official Website of the elvish action-epic Elveon.
and when you click on it, you have nothing! Correct me if I am wrong!

5732d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To all people saying PS3 can't handle UE3 well: I saw people playing both versions of Mirror's Edge which is based on the UE3 and the lead platform is the PS3, and I can 120% confirm that the 360 version has frame rate drops, less lightning effects, full aliasing that COMPLETELY ruins the gaming experience and loading in the checkpoints, comapring to the PS3 version which has none of them! It was not only me who remarked that but even the testers who played both versions confirmed it! (to be ...

5733d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

You mean those:
I am worr...

5734d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

It really exceeds the E3 2005 trailer! Look at the blurry textures at that time! I wonder how Killzone 3 or any upcoming title would look like! "Loosing hope is an utter sin"!

Edit: I couldn't attach the images! grrrrr! What's going on?
Anyway here is my own link:

5734d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Looks at least better than teh teh fuzzy slutty bayonetta! (I know it is not the same genre)! Don't start manifestations though!

5734d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When you posted your links, I was still typing my second comment, so I couldn't expect that you would post them too! Sorry for all the folks!

Edit: please try to watch the little big house level, it is the radio reference that caught my eye the most, and made me lol!

5735d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was going to post it in a different news but it was too short, I prefered this one because it is something new to the type of the game, changing from jump'n run only! There are too many ideas fitting with this game, it is even possible to affirm that the game is limitless! But posting all of them in every single news will result in gross spamming and flaming all the anti-ps3 fanboys who would bash the game by crying it is TOO MUCH HYPED! So the link for mgs4 is:
(Look at the open zone)

5736d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are right! Let's give them a chance to gain some easy money (as if they are in need)!

5736d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So this is the game supposed to rival the almighty "GOD OF WAR III"??????????????? MY ASSSSS!
May be the GOW for mobile! lol
This looks like a crossover between DMC and onimusha, and always the same capcom universe and atmosphere with the same monsters and demonic locations! FFFFFF
thinking about 'Déjà vu"!

5736d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ha ha yes! Only wardevil will rival god of war 3! GOW is one of most epic games along side with mgs! Wardevil looks like trying being epic too! We want a GOD of WAR and a DEVIL of WAR, but we don't like a b*tchy devil who is always crying! LOL

5766d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I loved your commentary by pure sarcasm! Here is something for you:
C=========8 in your mouth to shut it up!

5779d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, I agree, Uncharted is five-star game and MGS4 is a seven-star game!

5779d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment