CRank: 10Score: 144050

I swear they are lying! The cutscens don't use in-game graphics, if so, why is the in game, in the PLAYABLE GAME YES, (I watched the E3 demo and I am playing the beta) Nathan Drake's hair moves due to the wind and chloe's horse tail moves and displays even shadows on her body, and in the cutscenes it does not???????? I will tell you: they are lying, the cutscenes don't use ingame graphics, BECAUSE INGAME GRAPHICS LOOK BETTER! YEAH NOW WE HAVE A GAME THAT LOOKS BETTER THAN CG GRAPHICS!!!!!!!! ...

5587d ago 5 agree27 disagreeView comment

even the gamespot interviewer was totally amazed by that, he said:" wow, we can even see Kratos skin pores!!!!"
Yes and this demo looks much much more polished than before, all the characters' models, textures, animations,lighting system... are hugely improved! I can't describe all of them (It will take me a year to do it), you must have an eagle eye to distinguish such tiny details, and you MUST not be a blind xfox 180 worshipper and bill gates d!ck sucker in order to taste ...

5590d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Xbox 360 can not do real 1080p, it was just an update, and it does not have HDMI 1.3 to enable full hd 1080p with 7.1 sound, only real HDMI 1.3 devices like the PS3 can do that!

5590d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Someone who is not illiterate or deaf! Thanks man for listening to real infos coming from REAL sources like gamespot and the director himself!

5590d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Be in E3 for God's sake and verify that by yourself with the developpers! Trying to attract people (and especially microsucks di**heads) with futile speculations coming out from your pre-puber mind is absolutely retarded!
We need facts and official affirmations!
Yes, God Of War 3 will run @ 1080p native with damn super high def details,animations, boobs & gore! the E3 demo was running @ 720p with variable framerates, but the retail version will fulfill its promise; Stig Asmu...

5590d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment

but I thought to post the first! @ sonarus, stop being stupid!
here is a proof that the game will run @ 1080p, if by "mistake", my first comment get deleted:

5590d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

I couldn't put the direct link to the teaser site because n4g told me it has been already submitted, but others seemed to to have put the link again and again, how was that possible?

5593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

there is no need to answer you!

5594d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

and it is God Of War and not gears of what! GOW3 will set the bar so high that none of the upcoming beat them all games will reach its shadow!

5594d ago 17 agree3 disagreeView comment

Another video game movie, we must get used to it!

5596d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment
5596d ago

You need a mask to hide your face because people will kick your ass , the people like us whom you maid crazy by your games!

5596d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

but it can turn into NIGHTMARES if it doesn't come true! Aren't you the guy who did this translation?:"KJ: Yes. We will also do what can be done on xxxxxxx (my guess "xbox360")."
So you are testifying that Kojima affirmed consciously and flawlessly that the game will be released on 360! May be you are the guy who interviewed him and was told not to mention anything but you betrayed him, so must be punished?! Stay out of trouble man, don't post sth you aren't sure ab...

5596d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why in hell did Dir_en_grey put xbox360 news type with psp, ps3 and e3 2009? sth which is not true

5596d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The pangaea map looks also like a skull: , Kojima is really messing with our brains!!!!!!!!!!! I will stop looking at the details or I will burst! Dammit !!!

5597d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Take a look by yourselves:

Pangaea refers to the oldest continent when all the actual continents used to be hooked together, so that is what the theme of the game will be: "MILITAIRES SANS FRONTIERES" which essentially translates in "Military without Boundaries" so the theme of the game will be unifying all the world in order to create a big country for ...

5597d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

ONLY BIG BOSS IS THE TRUE HERO !!! @ Moo7a-Seven:Yeah man, nice photo, you are totally right! MGS5 THE BEST VIDEO GAME IN HISTORY !!!

5598d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

ONLY BIG BOSS IS THE TRUE HERO !!! @ Moo7a-Seven:Yeah man, nice photo, you are totally right! MGS5 THE BEST VIDEO GAME IN HISTORY !!!

5598d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

ONLY BIG BOSS IS THE TRUE HERO !!! Yeah man, nice photo, you are totally right! MGS5 THE BEST VIDEO GAME IN HISTORY !!!

5598d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is also "P" showing now,then "S" then "3", PS3 only baby, also: "MILITAIRES SANS FRONTIERES" written on Big Boss's beret!

5598d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment