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3692d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

What engine this Dead Island 2 uses? because the first one used UE3 and it looked like ****! Now this game looks completely next-gen and light years better than dying light or Dead Rising 3 or any zombie game claiming to be next-gen. I don't think it is UE4 though !

Edit: NVM, the first one used chrome engine 5 and now it seems they use a newer version of their engine.

3692d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damn, the jump from PS4 to PS5 will be hundred of times bigger than the jump from Atari 2600 to PS4 if they sue such technology. Hell no, it will be sth never done before and not comparable to any jump before (even bigegr and higher than the ulta halo jump of Felix Baumgartner).

3693d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

You can download the new ones at her site

3695d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey, my euro PNS Plus subscription ends tomorrow, so if I don't renew it instantly, I will face the same problem as you? (btw I only use web app to do all transactions). Please tell me what to do: renew it now before it ends or I can wait?

3708d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Burnt person we saw in the hopsital gameplay was Volgin. No need for further confirmation !

3711d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

And people still doubt wether it is GOW4 or not ! -_-

3714d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Page 4, he confused the PS4 pic for PS3 pic!

3714d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is not the case for all games. For examples GOW3 and GOWA don't use LOD (Level Of Detail). I noticed that and the devs confirmed that many times. When Kratos was held by Cronos' fingers having the size of an ant, his model didn't get recued in polyocount and his muscles still flexed even at that size (I noticed that and even the devs confirmed that same thing in the same part too). Uncharted games used LOD especially in multiplayer when your opponent character is far from you...

3744d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I can play this game without any story or scenario. This is because the game is huge and rich and the possibilities are almost infinite. Now add to that one of the best written stories (maybe the best in the MGS series) and I will divorce watching movies for the eternity.

3745d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Will use", it means they didn't start yet, because the inclusion of SpeedTree in Unreal Engine 4 will be within 4.3 somewhen in the future. 4.2.1 just released today.

Edit: From their VK page:

They are working with Speedtree game modeler now, but they need to wait for SpeedTree integration in UE4.3

Edit 2: T...

3748d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Japonicus, pessimism never make the world get any better. If the devs are confident they can do it and even get better graphics, why stay in your corner throwing negative thoughts and unestablished fake suppositions here as if it was general truth. Chill out (if you are not a scret troll, like many in this article).

3749d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

@ginsunuva & AliTheSnake1: Why not get both?

3749d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

UE4 with GI. UE4 is the best multiplatform engine ever, any machine cna run it to the max better than UE3. I hope devs ditch UE3 once and for all and only focus on UE4.

3749d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

At Lukas: I am sorry to disappoint you even more:

You betetr prepare a BIGGER cap and something else too.

3749d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Where are they? Pease not 2D indie BS. PS Vita is not an iphone without buttons.

If they want the console to succeed, betetr invest on full fledged games like Killzone and Unchrated. WE don't have many games like that on the Vita. On PSP, we got one exclusive Assassin's Creed, two MGS games, Two GOW games, twos Silent Hills and the list is very long.

3753d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Dude, wait a little, i am sure there will be an Unchrated collection on PS4. It would be betetr to experience them in 1080p/60FPS just like TLOU. Those who waited are luckier.

3753d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

Aim for another galaxy next time lol:

You can do it and I never doubt it!

Edit: Dualshockers just got banned in Neogaf like playstationlifestyle. I wonder why.

3753d ago 17 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude, you are always out of the scenario like always. When something is realtime, it uses the whole engien features and the whole system ressources whther in a the real-time cutscne or in gameplay, that is the difference between in-engine pre-rendered cutscnes which are like recorded videos but using the engine and thus not needing any power from the system and real-time ones. YYou surely don't know what real-time means don't you? Anything realtime can be be playable ingame and has th...

3754d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Tbh, I am the only one not impressed. Not that I am not impressed by the quality, but not doubtfully impressed like you. I expected the game to look like that, I expected 60 FPS, I expected the game to get real time custcnes and everything will be ingame and never doubted that. Damn it is PS4!!!!! PS3 has 512MB of memory, PS4 has 16 x times that amount. Well, In fact, Naughty Dog are using the same engine of the previous games (Naughty Dog confirmed that many times) but they upped it to the m...

3754d ago 4 agree24 disagreeView comment