
CRank: 5Score: 94550

Yea if it wasn't for news about this game i would of never posted.It looks so good for a wii game.I own metroid and halo and really as far as looks this game looks sweet as *** but the psxbox fanboys will be bashing it for something here soon.Maybe the'll say the color off or there not enough rainbows in it high voltage put some effort into this ,i can't get past the looks of it.I mean wii games.Game looks great if they match gameplay to that i do beleave this game going be the gol...

5945d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Siting here thinking about it id say the wii controls still would be better for even that game.Maybe the start of more rts games.Back to topic this game by high voltage will be great if they nail the controls.They said they took pages from metroid and mohh2 thats a good thing.

5945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats cool.I was wondering what happen to that ,but i'm not sure you really need the drag unit command to much in that game. i played the xbox demo of it which was great but that game alittle slow paced nect to c&c games.Don't get me wrong it was fun and the xbox controler worked well with it.

5945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know this is kind of off topic but what surprises me is the lack of rts games on the wii.I'm a big fan of c&c games and any of you guys who have played the pc games know you can drag your mouse over units and select a bunch at 1 time.The wii seems like a perfect fit for these types of games.I say this because i flat out hate the controls on my xbox for these types of games.Looking at the drag pick up unit type thing is just 1 reson the wii seems to match control scems with the pc.I don...

5945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can't wait to see details on the story the gameplay and the online.This game is looking great.Sure thell be some ps and xbox fanboys posting here soon tearing the game apart.... like the form troll mkred.

5945d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

This is cool news but this isn't really something new like lostwinds was.Which lostwinds kicked ass.Still tho megaman wiiware is hot.

5947d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

not a surprise here nintendo been in games for over 25 years

5947d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I can't wait for final fantasy 13....soul reson for a ps3.

5948d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game may blow then again it may be good the point is once again i'll say it.....NEXT..... KEY WORD NEXT to other wii games this by far beats them all and i'm a big metriod fan.There is know way in the name of jesus this looks anything and i mean anything like ps2 fps not black nothing.I don't even know why you even say that.High voltage made there point this game as far as looks is great for a wii game and yea it looks better then most frist gent xbox games.Hands down your wasting your t...

5948d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea this burns the killzone on the ps2 man.In fact there no fps on the ps2 that looks any better then this.At least that ive seen.

5948d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks great and its a wii game.They gave the haters there screenshots.

5948d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sure there was a more to it then just nintendo saying no.........old news

5948d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks great for a wii game plus toss in online co-op its a must have.

5949d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did you guys see those screenshots ng4 just posted preety nice.

5949d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

O yea.... that yea.. thats not ps2 right there.Looks hot ng4 must of heard you all cry for screenshots.

5949d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well said Snipes...

5949d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Look wii not going get ps3 looks but there no reson why a gamecube plus 5 can't have better looking games and this game by high voltage looks great.So why are you fanboys hateing on it so bad.Its really sad because just awhile back you all were crying because the next gent by ps4 or xbox1080 would go cheap because the wii screwed gameing.....Now when the wii gets a nice bigger buget game you all ***** and cry.This is sad if anything you all should be hopeing it does well.Your shooting yoursel...

5949d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There alot of stuff on the net about this game.I was never talking about that picture.The point is next to other wii games, this game looks great.Whatever you are smokeing compareing this game to ps2 fps you need to share with us all.Like i started saying search the net theres a good bit on this game and what there engine can do.There something to be said when the little under powered white consul can pull off what there saying there engine can.Will have to wait to find out.There some real sc...

5949d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The demo wasn't bad are you really going hate on this.I mean come on go play your ps3 this game looks good and you know it...... for a wii game!Wii needs this game and its not shovelware.

5949d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

I can't wait to see this in action.I got friends that have both ps3 and xboxs that can't wait for this game.Its great to see fans of the other 2 consuls suporting and geting excited about this game as well.Wii needs this to help bump the cooking mama crap.

5949d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment