
CRank: 5Score: 94550

Read all of my post before you post sidar.Your right i never seen boom blox as a core game but EA sure looked at it like it was as for the other i have no idea how well the ps2 okami sold.That logic keeps money in my pocket.The Conduit however is a buy and i hope it sells well if it don't looks like mario remakes and cooking mamas the rest of the wii lifespan.

5913d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know mohh2 was a psp port but the game ran good on the wii ,control wise it was great.How did it sell does anyone know?

5913d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

High voltage is makeing what looks to be a great game and if it sells bad which i find highly unlikey.....I'm done with nintendo all together.Why you ask?This game looks and sounds like it going be great and if it doen't sell then really there no core on the wii and nintendo done.They said they never understood why boom blox never sold well i can tell you why i never got it or the okami game....1 was done by ea which i've had no respect for and okami was a port.I don't buy ports and i know al...

5913d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

hell yea thats great news.After that bad E3 showing by nintendo.Product what you think of that E3 pretty sad?

5915d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damn yea that it is.Game comeing along great.I don't get why nintendo didn't highlight this game at E3.This game for the core and seeing a working demo like that would of raised hopes.I can't wait for this game custom control's great grafics good story and online which is a huge plus.Only thing that worrys me is the voice chat.Nintendo's wiispeak sounds good but what if it's just ppl on your friends list that would be the big let down.Surely theres a way around that for 3rd partys if nintendo...

5915d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey ps3fanboys i see something new about The Conduit.....I see your here to bash it like alwasy. Game looks good.I mean it cool if you guys want to bash this halo looking game and i get why your mad ff13 xbox bound.Don't feel bad guys...i mean i payed 700$ for my ps3 for ff games and now i find out i could of got it for my xbox.As far as this game goes, it looks great and its for the wii.I like the psp comment most. i think nothing says no brains like a comment like that.N4G the new gamepro f...

5915d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Product got a point guys.This really isn't like nintendo.Lord knows the japs love watching us guess.There so maney games ,why would nintendo focas on those games.E3 got like 2 days left id bet they release something else.Its like this on so maney web sights right now.People are pissed and nintendo got to know there leting there core down.Nintendo has so maney ips where retros game?Product right things aren't adding up.

5916d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd say MS because nintendo and sony blowed goats...was really disapointed in sony and nintendo.Keep in mind E3 got 2 more days and nintendo non for surprises.

5916d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

There is 1 bright side we got mad world and The Conduit to look forward too and voice chat mutiplayer The Conduit helps releve that butt rapeing we got from nintendo.

5916d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea i most say thats was bad real bad.I mean i looked at reggie as kind of speaking for us hardcore gamers on the wii but real bad but before you fanboys start tearing the wii up.Sony press was bad as well

5916d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well i have all 3 consuls and yes nintendo at E3 blowed big time but sonys did as well.... in fact i fell asleep at the desk.Safe to say MS cleaned house.Tho keep in mind E3 not over with yet and nintendo well non for surprises.As for the fad thing,i think its safe to say the wii not that fad all you crying fanboys was thinking it was.The ps3 in my house collects the dust not my wii and it looks to be doing that well for the next year.My only reason for getting a ps3 was ff13 and now its xbox...

5916d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd say it will use the controler mic in some way but who knows. Good news for nintendo fans and great for high voltage.Can anyone say mutiplayer The Conduit.

5916d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Too the guy on like page 5. it wasn't sony that saved square when the company was about to go under it was Nintendo with Q-fund.Today sonys owns stock in se along with nintendo and ms.Its about money and its no secret the ps3 user base is low real low.I payed 700$ for my 60 gig when it came out and really sony hasn't given us anything other then mgs4 which i'd bet goes xbox as well.Time to face up to it sony not the power house they use to be.The ps1 and 2 where ran off of projects nintendo w...

5916d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'd say yes.I'm a big ff fan and i got a ps3 for ff13.....just like i got the other 2 ps for ff.

5917d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

OMG i payed 700$ for my ps3 just for ff games now i find out i could of saved it and played it on the xbox.«insert sad face here».Well at least i know i'll get to plat it.

5917d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

The guy that wrote this is clueless.Bet he has a hell of a time getting *****.I can give you 100 reasons why my ps3 collects dust.Wiis got the most ips.So i enjoy the nintendo consuls because,I can't get mario,metroid,zelda,star fox,kid icaris,F-zero,pikmon,SSB,Etern al darkness,Mariokart,and the list gos on and on and on.Nintendos never gone drop out of the consul market because they own the top ips that 90% of the world play.Nintendo could sell ice to escomos.

5919d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Look there no way that looks anything like a ps2 game dude.Thats so very sad you even think that and tells me you have no idea what your saying.In fact do you own a ps2 or did you jump on the ps3 bandwagen?You can try and down play the grafics as much as you want few are going see you as anything other then a fanboy.Being this is its kind of a cult following of ps3 fans.Maybe you were kiding when you said that. » » The Conduit .....ps2 noway

5920d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree and i most say wow i can't wait.We need another video.

5921d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't stop watching that video its just more show more

5921d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well we know they can get around that DLC.I mean actvision did with hero its downloads stright to the SD card and plays from there.If nintendo let them do it they should let high voltage.

5921d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment