
CRank: 5Score: 94550

Hard copy all the way. Picking up the classic for switch. Id get the ps4 version but that battery cant play hard copys 20 years from now has spoiled the waters for me with sony.

1149d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didn't pay full price when it came out. I was shocked how good it was after I played it. For me after uncharted 4 there wasn't a game sony released that appealed to me. Not fan of god of war or the last of us or really any other. I picked up a ps3 for uncharted a vita for uncharted. As you can imagine ps4 for same reason. I seen this game 20 bucks figured I'd try it and damn it was a good one. If a new one did drop I'd buy it day one because it sounds like ND done with uncha...

1161d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was disappointed when they said the ps5 wouldnt. I was ready to pay more if I had too. A system that plays all of ps history god that would be amazing. That leak pat. year ago it was real. I dont think the big 3 know how much ppl really want access to there past consules games. They see dated crap but to us we see great fun and for some great memories. Hard to move forward if you never look back at where you been.

1176d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It has a big impact there alot of games that didn't get hard copys I get it. The vita was packed full of some good indies. Btw if your not buying hard copys well it really sucks to be you in the long run. Get off your ass go to a store and buy it if there is a hard copy. This digital shit just going make classic game prices go up. Sony MS and nintendo keep trying to shove this digital shit down our throats. Stop buying digital or streaming your games. We got the power to force them to do ...

1176d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This had been made by anyone else you be calling it Shit. Game is flat out bad.

1178d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The game stays true to ff7 just expands on things we didn't get alot on in 1997. The only problem i have with the game is the last hour of it. I mean wtf was that. Thats was a mess and i'm still confused as shit. The battle system is way better then i was thinking it be because imo ff games have went to crap since leaving turn base. I think this is the best of old meets best of new. Music is just hands down amazing. You guys really should be thinking about how there going do the world...

1531d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yea so it don't play all ps4 games? That just don't work for me and yea i was hopeful of ps3 2 1 support. Thats a huge disappointment. Ppl clamor for backward support they have to know that.

1557d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If it's going be canon there going have to pick. I don't want to see that AC Odyssey BS. Just pick because it clashes with lore down the road and the story suffers for it. Just pick a gender please for the sake of canon and story.

1604d ago 21 agree6 disagreeView comment

It breaks from cannon and lore. Last one not an AC game

1620d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Long time AC fan and i want it nothing like the last ac game. The story suffered so bad.Its the only AC game i won't complete. Why AC even in the title its breaks with lore and canon.

1620d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

God No FF13 still the only video game i've ever traded in to gamestop. This game was so bad that i picked up 15 way later because of the taint 13 left.

1624d ago 36 agree17 disagreeView comment

I think if sony did what MS is doing game quality would start going to crap over the long term. You have to be short sided not to see it. Why invest millions into a game if your going charge ppl 10 bucks a month over 12 months and give then 4 or 5 AAA games from in house studios. Yea you don't have to be a business wizz to see where that's going... Now if you want to add games 2 or 3 years old sure but not brand new AAA games. On side note i did try psnow trils of cold steal and my ne...

1625d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't own a switch but I played a little of this on the Ds I think. A friend wouldnt stop about it so I checked it out and loved it. I'm one of the ppl that miss the old rpgs that had a good job system that really isn't done today. If you guys love a good story and miss the job system turn based combat this is a real winner or if you got 3ds or Ds check it out. Really cool to see this even show on home consule.

1653d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Well its not for me and I can't say it will ever be. Seems to me that the big companies are telling us we want this when it seems to me we don't. It really seems no matter what at some point we won't get a choice. I've started collecting older games I never got around to getting years ago. The prices for some older games has got alittle crazy too. Im guessing i'm not only one seeing a day where its all digital or streaming. I hope i'm wrong.

1676d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

God FF13 was bad i try to pretend it don't exist. Xenoblade 1 was a amazing game. I play rpgs for there storys not there grafics. FF15 is a great looking and fun game but its story is fragmented and don't hold up against games like FF6 or FF7. Imo

1688d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Who owns the Ip? I guessed MS when the purchased Obsidian? 2k just published? Be honest with you guys i didn't buy it because i figured we wouldn't see a second game.

1688d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Id like to see nintedo do one more handheld that plays gameboy trow the 3ds. Like history of all from beginning to end.

1688d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does anyone else see this hurting the quality of games in the long run for MS. Think about it if Capcom comes out with say a new RE game and it drops into MS thing of a jig on day one. My would they try make a quality game if its showing up for free for the most part. Lets say Capcoms said games goes this route how long before these said games end up with micro transactions. Feels like a soon to be google store only your given MS or Sony 10 bucks for the preleige to look. I'm just not coo...

1688d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Tales and FF for me i've never understood the persona thing but to each his own. Here lately i've been wanting to play some FF tactics or orge battle be nice to see a remake of those.

1689d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

If i could download ps3 games i'd try it. I'm never going stream a game and it turn out good.

1689d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment