
CRank: 5Score: 94550

I love the game been playing nothing but it since tuesday. Is anyone else get screen tearing on the right hand side on the screen at nite when the lights in the distance hit it? It never big but it can be an eye sore on an amazing looking game .

2845d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Idk about looks better but i do love the art style and it looks like it be alot of fun.

2847d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Err really ff15 running fine on ps4 so whats wrong.

2847d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Lost interest in it years ago. Game needed a different launch window imo as well. The ps4 has alot of great games out right now in the xmas window so maybe it will do alittle better down the road.

2848d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

People shock the 7 remake in episodes lmao. Thats old news and this is what i mean when i say people mindlessly buy games. Research the games you want. Don't blame SE like you did hello games because your to lazy to research the game. Priceless lol

2848d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Amen to that 1-9 are the crown jewel

2848d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

World we live in today says if your a guy your evil and a rapist. That's right guys don't look at a women anywhere other then her eyes. It don't matter phoenix women are allowed to have that your not. I'm sorry it's new age

2849d ago 12 agree7 disagreeView comment

Obscure indies wtf. I get that your opinion but the facts are indies have been doing what the so called AAA publishers won't or can't do. Gameing would be pretty crappy without indies and we had some great ones on ps4. PC got it made imo. So i want to see lots of indies at psx not just stuff from years gone like crash. Why can't we have both? Yea not clicking on this.

2853d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea liken that art style.

2855d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Same looking forward to this a great deal.

2855d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol yep

2855d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ofcourse it didn't, new that was going no where to start with. Now back to exploring. This has to sting a bit i'm guessing.

2855d ago 16 agree10 disagreeView comment

Media fox remember what i told ya. Again i called it. I got what preordered as well crimzon.

2858d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

This update was really good. Wasn't expecting this much in this first content update.

2858d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have never done a 180. You can find my past comments from day one. I stand buy what i've said. Some people i'm sure have or maybe those people werent being heard. I don't change my opinions based on the Internet feelings.

2859d ago 16 agree6 disagreeView comment

Again fox ill say it! I got what i preordered when i payed for no man sky. I did my research and didn't bandwagon the hype. There was more then enough information out there about this game. Hell i even figured it take a minecraft approach. They told people they be updateing the game as well. You want to talk about incomplete games lets do it. I did my last gen gameing on the ps3. Why does skyrim fallout 3 and new vegas not run the way it was shown? My games are still broke. Is it ok becau...

2860d ago 59 agree25 disagreeView comment

Nice even after platinum the game i still want to play it. Game got alot of of things it could do. Think the foundation already set imo. Cant wait too see where this game goes.

2860d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Id like to hear about an early access program so don't half to wait and extra year to play the next ark like game. It should be up to the gamer not sony. We are going get left out on games like subnautica or maybe stranded deep. Make it happen sony i'm not buying and xbox1.

2861d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

EDMIX i don't know what system you perfer to game but you sure do enjoy hateing on nintendo. I don't even game on a nintendo platform but if i understand you correctly you are assuming nintendo will never make another stand alone handheld. Who said nintendo only making one device??? Not nintendo. The 3ds will see a successer. Another thing yes nintendos IPs are iconic. This comeing from someone who games on a PS4.

2861d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nintendo is a IP power house. They can sell ice to eskimos.

2863d ago 18 agree18 disagreeView comment