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yea your so right metroid was for casual gamers....The press haven't give up on nintendo its the hottest consul right now...and remember nintendo hasn't spilled there E3 news yet unlike the other 2.Those two games you said wario shake and sluggers are not nintendos big E3 announcement.Will have to wait and see.

5928d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment maney times are they going tell us this game comeing.I'll beleave it when i see it on a store self.This has to be another rumor.What next project hammer at E3.

5928d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wait wait sony won last year E3?So how did they do that?I'm asking because i picked up that peice of sh** formen grill at day one and i have yet to see anything worth getting.mgs4 i here good but i've never been a fan of the games.Most ps3 games you can get on the xbox.Nintendo is the intervator this gen just as they were 25 years ago,hell if the big n wasn't around sony would run out of things to copy.Sony is dieing and i payed 700$ for it.I think there looking to ms for new things to copy ...

5929d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who called it....thats right me wiiware games don't jump mutiplatform,not to say they never will but as of right now wiiware only.Me and some friend are happy as hell about a old school megaman.megaman 2 and 3 are the best imo.

5929d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't wait. Voice chat would be so nice.Think you could work as a team online.The text crap sucks way to bad and it don't work.

5930d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My bad but i don't see where he jokeing ,but never the less it wouldn't be the frist time someone said that here.All cool tho ,would be cool if they did.

5932d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

walmart has no idea goofball on what games are being made.There only contacted by warehouses on release dates or at times to place games on deplay.Those warehouses don't even no.Hey its your lie tho tell it how you want it.

5932d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

factor 5 confinerd didn't they, that they where doing kid icarus? retro doing something else.I wonder what it is?I'd bet its not a fps this time.Sure its going be great tho..DKC maybe

5932d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

good point exgamerlegends could be that ds kh

5933d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

tojfs7931 unlike the psn or xbox mags they leave a secret at the back of all there power mags.Its really kind of cool but this could mean another zelda game.Next month mag falls after E3 so should be preety cool.Will all have to wait and find out.

5933d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Levy the point i was makeing is that you guys cry so much about how the wiis for little kids and old people.Yes kh is a kids game. Its nothing like ff.Nintendo power mags are far better then the xbox or psn mags and i get all 3,as far as getting info.Point is if the wii is for little kids like you sony guys say it is then i guess KH fits in well.Where else you going see mickeymouse.....SE goes where the money is and right now its the wii.

5933d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I got the newest nintendo power and it says mother 3...then just kidding.Id bet its ether Kh3 or zelda but id bet kh3.Don't matter to me much because KH is for kids.I don't get why you sony guys want this game so bad ,i mean its not really mature.

5934d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

voiceofreason i would agree. i've seen your handle there as well if the name toneman pops up on ng4 that make 3 today.I started to ask you and ps360wii before if you guys ever posted there.Why i remember u tonemen and ps360wii i don't know part of that useless knowledge.If and when i post there its staticexe.

5935d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well i like to note that not 1 wiiware game has showed on the psn or xbox live.Thats not to say they won't but if nintendo is what 90% of you say it is......old ppl and little kids then this being oldschool megaman.I'd say it'll never show on the psn or xbox. 2D megaman not cool enough to fit in with the ps or xbox.Btw i don't think nintendo would of gave it a big spread if it wasn't excusive.I've ordered nintendo power mags for about 4 years now and they almost never do that so,but who knows...

5935d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo power mag i got says wii only.You never know tho it could end up on the others.Ps360wii guy do you post on gamepro much?There a guy over there that post under that handle and he one of the few people that make any sense.

5935d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wiiware like the rebrith of 2D games and i love it or 2.5D games lol.Megaman back on the system it all started from.I know i'm a ass but i hope it never makes its way to xbox live or psn.I do own a ps3 but really wiiware is wear it at.

5935d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not sure why this is a surprise.Both sony and ms and even sega back in the day copied nintendo.One thing to be said for sega tho they did come up with a few things thereself.Sony however never do's anything for thereself.Before all you fanboys say no.i think this genteration preety much proves that.

5943d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How can any of you call yourselfs gamers without enjoying what each consul brings to the table.Wii kicks ass and the other two are great as well.You guys need to get out and gets some pus**.

5944d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mark it down ,this article made it 8 hours without a xbox or ps fanboy bashing it.

5945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

WTF killzone looks better.... mohh2 looks better ...are you retarded you have to be.This game looks nothing like any ps2 game.I have a ps2 and xbox you are nothing but a fandoy knavex.It don't take a harvard grad student to see that.N4G starting to look more like someone call it flame on.

5945d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment