The defender of the truth


CRank: 5Score: 5100

A part if me says Yes the other part of me says No. Look the Rare man. They bought it and threw them into the dark pitch. Why they dont let them built something for XO. Rare imo was the best and most innovative company of game industry but they have been vanished because of MS...

3668d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Rise of the Tomb Raider will be sold on X1 at least 3x more than U4. The last TR is the best adventure game ever played. On the other side I dont give a shit because I am gonna buy both:)

3668d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Lol. Gamingbolt are blind. I am using the PS4 since launch but I have never seen vibrant colors and sharp image quality
Damm Sony paying realy good to media because PS Trademark is rhe last hope for entire company. They are gonna sell TV branch next year as well...XO is a beast gaming machine.

Game ON.

3668d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

Poor fanboy Destiny lookin 2x better on Xbox One.Poor Sony they have no Money to invest first Party games and calling a multiplat game an exclusive game.Pathetic People realy.

Thank God I have an Xbox.The best console of all times.

3668d ago 13 agree21 disagreeView comment

No PC and Xbox versions literally enough to kill PS4 version. Played at Gamescom.

3671d ago 1 agree19 disagreeView comment

No FH2 is the best looking game by far of all time. I played DC at Gamescom and was looking like shit. Blind fanboys.

3671d ago 15 agree106 disagreeView comment

Poor people.I bought Destiny on Xbox One from Hong Kong 64€ with all packages(Normally 95€).Diablo III 28€.I love my Xbox.

3672d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Forza is an OW game but still looks much much better than DC % 50 more power is my ass.

3673d ago 12 agree13 disagreeView comment

It is so simple:FORZA:)

3673d ago 6 agree12 disagreeView comment

I think this retailer completely trolling because these are the words of Phill Spencer.

we're going to be able to work with them and invest and try to put the marketing and everything else at a level, and we're active in working with them on the development of the game as well, to try to make it one of those franchises that stands out."

"Now, obviously if I'm going to partner on it, I'm a platform holder, I'm hardly going to invest ...

3673d ago 1 agree22 disagreeView comment

There is a GPGPU on PS4 because without it you cant see any game running at 1080p. It is a must because GDDR5 and CPU hunger API killing the weak CPU. It is not something magical or unbeatable thats why there are 8ACEs.

3674d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

This game heavily downgraded. Admit or not that is the fact

3677d ago 9 agree31 disagreeView comment

I have em both. He is right. I have no reason to keep my PS4 because I play mp games on X1 due to look alot better. That console is phenomenal. I am in love wirh my X1. PS4 is the worst console I have ever had in my life.

3677d ago 4 agree12 disagreeView comment

This game can not come close to Ryse.I played it at Gamescom!

3678d ago 7 agree28 disagreeView comment

Heavily downgraded. I think Gamescom version was running on pc. Look at this especially cockpitt looks like a PS3 game. Shame on you evolution.

3678d ago 5 agree23 disagreeView comment

The media opening their eyes. Good to see this. Oh you are talking about DF They are nothing but bribed dogs. I have both consoles every game looking better sivnificantly in XO.

3679d ago 0 agree11 disagreeView comment

I know that you are gonna lable me a fanboy because you are Sony fanboys. It is not something new. It is the same situation like happened on every game. From the beginning every single MP Game looking much better on X1 but bribed people like DF do shhhh hush hush.

3680d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

I am a German as well but my people loves to stick with the products which they know good.If something is ok then ok,never try the better one because the other product is a risk and we dont love to take risks at all.Everything must be guaranteed.PlayStation TM was always the number one console of this country because on the box says it is a PlayStation.We Germans are narrow minded.I admit that.

The Xbox One was not available at any store till February in Germany that makes th...

3680d ago 1 agree28 disagreeView comment

I told many things about this X1 situation.

1)The media eagerly willing to bury MS because MS has ended to pay them.
2)You are still making the people remember what the hell Phill Spencer said about dx12.For God's sake he is not a technical guy at all,he is just a very smart manager,playing his cards very good and know realy good what he has to say when and where.

Today if you ask a dev about dx12 he definetely says"gonna be a big boost for X...

3680d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You people dont you understand right? That damm machine is designed to be able to harness fully dx12 not the current dx11.1 API.The problem is not the hardware,it is the software.A proper software makes the hardware work and perform fine.I dont care you people disagree with me because I now what true is.So keep what you believe in about X1.

For example:I bought a Panasonic Home Cinema System but I could not use some specs of hardware and there were many problems with the soun...

3681d ago 21 agree22 disagreeView comment