The defender of the truth


CRank: 5Score: 5100

Looks stunning,plays fun as hell.Cant wait 28th of October.

3648d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS Fanboys's "releasing in more countries wont help it" theory has been debunked.XO just going good and will improve it in this holiday season.Uique UI,unique features,better online experiences,better games,better game library no doupt will carry XO on TOP soon...

3648d ago 20 agree24 disagreeView comment

If MS helps them this res.isuue will be easily solved.This game has hype so MS must...

3648d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

They cant bump the resoution let me tell you why? Fox Engine has inappropriate tools and rendering technics on XO's hardware.MGSGZ on a very tiny tiny map was 720p this is the definitive proof of what I said.Even they can solve the problem the time is very short change some codes.May be with patch but dont think will happen.

P.S:Konami suddenly started to work together with MS because if you check devs twitter page most of the XO gamers mentioning "so be it then no ...

3648d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

Ouchhhh for Sony fans because Uk is the biggest market in Europe.Now claiming that "is there any official confirmation?":)If it was for PS4 you would not need any "official confirmation" would already be bashing the XO:):):)

Different times waiting us with the release of FH2 and the up coming games like SSO,MCC plus CoD AW Bundle.

@every Fanatic PS4 fans

butt hurt is biggggg

"Dont believe it dude it ...

3649d ago 5 agree17 disagreeView comment

Two days ago you kids were saying that "releasing the console for other countries will not help Xone on sales especially in China" today people tell the reverse with those a few pics.Neverwinter will help better though.


Console's having res.problem due to wrong API is a very good tool for some sites to use it as a clickbait.Yes wrong API.That beast designed for dx12 and next gen game engines.(Ryse with a next gen engine still the best ...

3649d ago 17 agree15 disagreeView comment

If it was a PS4 exclusive the fans of that machine would be yelling "it is one of the biggest system seller games" but it is a XO exclusive so for that community this game is not as system seller eventhough got extreme high preview scores.(actually they see it nothing but trash)

If it is a XO game they say " you think a racing game help to sales(FH2);you think an OW entertainment game help sales(SSO);you think a fps game help sales(MCC)"


3649d ago 9 agree8 disagreeView comment

Holy crappp first of all it is nothing but a click bait article. XO's res.issue is a very big tool for game media use it as much as you can. The guy has even no idea what he is talking about. There are good examples past

TRDE was 1080p ul 60fps;1080P/30FPS locked on XO, MSS 1080p ul 60fps; 1080p/30fps locked on XO, SE3 1080p ul 60fps;1080p/30fps locked on XO.

The same is going to happen for this game as well.If it is 1080p ul 60fps on PS4; 1080p/30fps locked...

3649d ago 3 agree33 disagreeView comment

Although looking very good nothing blew my mind after I experienced FH2.Not trying to trolling or start a fight.That is my opinion.Agree or disagree your choice.

3649d ago 1 agree25 disagreeView comment

You kids downplay the console without knowing anything. It is not XO's hardware's fault it is the game engine not compitable with XO's API and Hardware so you mean PS3 pair with XO. For God sake kids kidss

3649d ago 5 agree18 disagreeView comment

Why they cant lock it? TRDE and MSS, SE3 was not locked as well. Hope it not tears. It is very annoying the fps dips from 60 to 40s or 30s suddenly. You can clearly see the stuttering when it dips. Lock 30fps is much better than unlocked fps levels at least the stuttering is not being an annoying factor.

3650d ago 3 agree24 disagreeView comment

Of course there are rooms for next consoles but the problem is they are going to be big trouble for hardware manufacturers because they are going to be extremely powerful will be able to present CGI visuals. They could make the Infiltrator and UE4 demo run on a single gtx680 which both demos were almost CGI quality so that gtx680 almost an outdated gpu presently.5 or 6 years later even the entrance level components will be at least 5x more powerful than present high end components so lets ...

3650d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game is going to make Sony P**** extreme jealous. They are gonna keep saying but but but 1080p games:(:(:(. Most games are going to arrive at 1080p for this holiday season. They adore delusional CBOAT whic he has been denied by truths almost all the time. If MCC and FH2 is 1080p why PC cant be dont understand?????

This game is going to shake the ground. It is not gonna get scores under 9/10 except bribed sites like eurogamer by Sony.

This game is burning...

3650d ago 7 agree25 disagreeView comment

It is gonna be 1080p on XO.

3650d ago 9 agree64 disagreeView comment

FH2 still the best looking racing game to date but no need to be a fanboy DC is looking very good as well. Hope plays good as well.

3650d ago 2 agree25 disagreeView comment

I added it first directly from youtube but hasnt been approved by modes...any way it is looking completely the same with the PS4 counterpart.The only thing fanboys dying to learn is resolution.My guess is 1080p " A GUESS"

MS imo wont let any res.advantages for PS4 for any game else.LOTF is may be an exception.No one was talking about the game till we learn 1080p on PS4 900p on XO but this game has a great hype thats why I guess they work together with MS.

3650d ago 6 agree36 disagreeView comment

This is looking so sexy hope it plays as good as it is looking.Try the PSN version if it is ok day one for me...

3650d ago 6 agree35 disagreeView comment

As a racer I want from this game to be realy very good and gets what it deserves. It looks very promising. Hope not dissapoints me and no one. I remember the times I played GT 3,4,5 5-6 hours astraight. Forza 2-3 as well.

3651d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I believe in you. I played your game and it was simply gorgeous with eveything it has. I played it only aprox. 10min but I didnt want to leave the joypad. I cant wait!!!

3651d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

The gap is going to melt down sooner than I think:

FH2,SSO,MCC,CoD AW Bundle will significantly boost XO.Whoever brings the games that is the winner no doupt!!!

3651d ago 12 agree15 disagreeView comment