The defender of the truth


CRank: 5Score: 5100

This game is just awesome visuals, gameplay,fun factor are top notch. Cant wait.

3660d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Its very funny people who call DC the best looking race game to date. I played DC at Gamescom was not looking any better than FH2 and yesterday I downloaded the demo literally the best looking racing game of all time plus fun factor is on extreme level. Good job MS.

3660d ago 10 agree44 disagreeView comment

You mean till now no one bought a PS4 in Sweeden,Netherlands,Belgium,No rway,Russia,Denmark,Turky
Israel,Switzerland,Poland,Jap an,China,Hong Kong etc...Are you high? The PS4 is availabele in all of those countries since the launch of course that gave a huge advantage on sales to PS4.

You are giving Germany example but my people Germans are heavy PlayStation fans since the first PlayStation.No console has no chance against PlayStaion In Germany no matter how powerful,...

3661d ago 11 agree84 disagreeView comment

The guy called me troll on previous news but he is one of the biggest troll ever seen.LoL!This site full of ignorant child PS4 fanboys better vanish around here,

3661d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

The best looking and the best racer of all time.It is going to make some Sony fans upset here and that is going to put a goofy smile on my face:)

3661d ago 21 agree28 disagreeView comment

It is gonna be trash like every GG game. It is their destiny Cryreks as well. The only thing they can achieve is visuals hell KZSF was completely a mess including visuals. 720p game wanted from us to swallow what a liar compmay? Did the same thing with KZ2 ( the only fantastic game from GG) showed CGI video and acclaimed that in game. Ohh God:)

3661d ago 2 agree49 disagreeView comment

Why do they hold XO back because of PS4? Why dont they use Cloud and early dx12 samples? That was an answer against those ignorant NeoGAF. God Yesterday I saw FH2 and again got that XO is an unmatchable beast on console side. I love it.

Game ON!

3664d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

I told you FH2 is the best looking and the best racer of this year. XO you are an unbeatable beast. I love you.

3664d ago 15 agree6 disagreeView comment

Where are the numbers? So why should I believe it? It is only a Quote.

3665d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

I cant wait to play this game on next gen.On PC with mods I dont even want to think about it.This gunna be good.

3665d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ohh did you write those shit? When the PS3 released there was already almost 10 million gap and PS3 sold like crap for a long time but they brought great exclusives and closed the gap. What is impossible? If XO dies Sony will have an eye off your asses.

3665d ago 16 agree80 disagreeView comment

Not may be already the best.

3666d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment

Simply the best looking race game ever made and it is only on XO.The best looking games always will be on XO.I love that machine.It is an unbeatable beast console.

3666d ago 17 agree16 disagreeView comment

The best looking race game ever made. OW and promises alot of fun. I cant wait for this.

3666d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

This game is going to stay in my archieve I guess. Looks and plays flawless.

3666d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

No X1 is more powerful than PS4. That is a fact. Your accepting or denying it wont change anything. % 50 more shaders go for GPGPU not for GPU. X1 has been held back on resolution side sometimes due to lack of dx12 and unexperienced ESRAM usage. X1 is a beast. Games looking twice better than PS4 versions. You are gonna accuse me as liar but I have both and I see consequnces by myself.

3666d ago 12 agree27 disagreeView comment

I told you XO is a beast gaming machine.I always trusted MS.Live is the best service and they are the most innovative and creative company in entire game industry.Cloud Computing and Gaming will be the future.Thank God I have an Xbox One.Bring it on MS because you are the best.Look at the people moaning always online Xbox system.What is Destiny? Without net connection you cant play it and this is the most anticipated plus one of the top seller games of the industry.What a sense of irony.

3667d ago 26 agree10 disagreeView comment

I told you this. I live in Germany and yesterday XO Destiny Bundle was flying on GS and Media Markt.

3667d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

That comment is hilarious.The guy realy understood what realy N4G is.Yes the people here defending Sony like it is their own compnay are just children without any life or buisiness experiences.Here is the comment.

"First let me say. N4g or whatever it is has SO many ignorant children. I want everyone who commented in the thread that linked here to raise your hand if your under 19. See that?

Second, no they won’t make consoles obselete. Yes they make make...

3667d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
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