The defender of the truth


CRank: 5Score: 5100

Yes it is the CPU problem ( 4CU GPGPU but in some cases even it is not enough because of API and GDDR5) but they can use Cloud to off load AI and physics and bump the res up to 1080p. PS4 fanboys keep saying the PS4 version has been gimped because of XO. Yesterday we saw that actualy there is no parity. I see no reason here that Ubisoft hold PS4 due to XO. They say there is no oroblem on GOU side to achieve 1080p only CPU so use Cloud and bump it to 1080p. So funny that if there is a gimpe...

3636d ago 11 agree81 disagreeView comment

You cant seperate 900p from 1080p as long as you dont have extreme eagle eyes. It has been clinically confirmed. Most of the console gamers use under 50inch TV plus most of the console gamers look at the screen at least 5-6 feet away. Under those circumstances you cant seperate it. Dont claim that you can that just makes you idiot. That is not an excuse on the other hand. MS created a very powerful machine but delivered wrong API(just read DF vs Metro dev) wrong tools thats why the machine s...

3636d ago 6 agree10 disagreeView comment

Sony supervisors and marketers have to learn something from Phill. he is the boss of Xbox TM but damm honest damm smart.He is the best thing happened to MS. Why did they choose Don Matrick at the beginning I dont know. He already knows that this res.issue will be extinguished the time the dx12 hits the console.

Higher res.doesnt mean better visuals. What important is LOD and more qualified 3d assets. If a game runs at 1080p medium level I would prefer ultra level even at 720...

3636d ago 4 agree19 disagreeView comment

This author has no brain I think. People bought the consoles for their exclusive games not the hardware. If it is not the games why would I waste my money. I can build a gaming pc for 1000€ or may be alittle higer can easily destroy both of them. That amonut of money not alot at all.. Any one who has a job can definetely build a very powerful gaming pc for that price.

3636d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

So what were you saying? "Releasing the console in more countries wont help the sales" ohh I see it didnt help at all. Time to eat the crow.

3637d ago 3 agree16 disagreeView comment

If you make a Sony troll review an XO game thats the conclusion;)

3637d ago 2 agree23 disagreeView comment

The power of the XO. The game looks great and extremely detailed on XO. Hope they bump the res. Up to 1080p on PS4 with lowered assets please!!!

3637d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

PFffpFff downgrade confirmed. They said E3 demo was "real time on PS4" Sony and their lies. LoL!!!

3637d ago 0 agree13 disagreeView comment

1080p garbage LoLLL!!!!So happy didnt jump on it

3637d ago 13 agree9 disagreeView comment

Its the MS's fault.They designed the console to benefit from dx12 but gave the devs dx11.Dx11 doesnt has many tools that you can max the system out for example the lower res.issue is originating from bandwith.The devs can not hit 1080p because they have no tools to use the eSRAM efficiently but dx12 has specific tools and features to max out the bandwith and tiled resources.If you blame me of trolling I give you a dev's honest comment about XO dx12

"Digital Found...

3637d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

Completely washed out like every PS4 game.There is no way this game looks better on PS4 because mo matter what resoulution is this game is a heavy dx game.%100 sure that gonna look better on X1.900p issue will go on till dx12 hits for sure.

3637d ago 6 agree21 disagreeView comment

God dammm it Ubisoft !!! am not gonna buy your game because you gimped the XO version because of shitty PS4.Why didnt you use dx12? Why didnt you use Azure? Thats not fair at all.

So even Sucker Punch stated that CPU on PS4 is a bottleneck thats why solving this problem is using GPGPU (4CU is GPGPU %50 is a fairy tale for fanboys)Without a GPGPU you cant reach to 1080p on PS4.If you have just alittle bit hardware knowledge you would understand this.GDD5 and OGL based API is...

3641d ago 4 agree36 disagreeView comment

Hey you heavy fanboy. Till now if they could out put the PS4 with better res. They did. WD 900p on PS4 792p on XO some games came on PS4 with higher res. so why not now ? The answer is simple. Not every dev has the same talent. Some of them can solve X1 better than the other.

What I mean is Ps4 and XO is the same powered machines. There are only architecture differnces tahts it. A hardware not always numbers on the papers. 7970 has more shaders but being beatn by gtx680 as...

3641d ago 3 agree31 disagreeView comment

Mr.Iori please laugh even harder

We are paying for this service there is no excuse of this often downs.

3646d ago 5 agree28 disagreeView comment

Sony showed always the version played on PC. As you can see above the final built cant even come close to older versions plus the cars are floating.

3646d ago 2 agree33 disagreeView comment

Eurogamer=paid Sony emploees thats normal

3646d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

Soon gonna be top console of the world. Just bring the GOOD GAMES thats enough. İt has already started in UK,Russia,China

3646d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

Those GPUs have simliarities with XO's architecture. I always knew that MS did something very good. Now and and see

3646d ago 1 agree14 disagreeView comment

Gearnuke said "PS4 Has The Superior IQ Over XBO" of course they are palpable supporters of PS4 from the beginning.Why am I not surprised at all I dont know.

3646d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

The best visual???Still denying???FH2 enough to destroy this mess with OW maps.Even NeoGAF started to bash it.Try harder:):)

Ohh Mr.Iori please laugh harder to those denials!!!!

3646d ago 2 agree23 disagreeView comment