
CRank: 6Score: 35090

Good thing I have a wife... :)

5363d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Afraid you can't say MAG action. Its just redundant. Massive Action Game action. :) Cheers, see you all on the battlefield.

5367d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

socomnick is ignorant. The earthquake is just the icing on the cake. Haiti is just about poorest nation in the WORLD. They live on about 2 dollars a day. They are completely out of natural resources. The list goes on. There is plenty of room in the world to home 10 million Haitians. It would be quite the task, but building them home across the world, would probably cost less than to rebuild an island. And what the hell does 'nobody would want them' mean? Haitians are some pretty awesom...

5367d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its hard to grow when they've been outselling the PS3 in North America for quite some time now. The PS3 took away its steam with the price cut and a Slim re-vamp. Add that to some awesome games last quarter (with several coming out in the next few months) and there's your reason for PS3 growth. Great job Sony.

5368d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm still a bit hesitant to get Silent Hill, but I keep seeing pretty good reviews. I wanted to rent it but Blockbuster doesn't have it :( Cheers for Mass Effect. Not quite sure if I'll pick that up or not. LOVED KOTOR, but I can't seem to get into Dragon Age, and I put down the first ME after a couple hours. Might have to bust it out to at least finish it.

5368d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

The question you should be asking is, whats with the 'L I V E' buttons that replace the current face buttons (A,B,X,Y X,square,triangle,circle) That seems like a horrible choice.



5370d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hey Sony, if so many people hate it, why don't you just change it! European cover looks much better than American...

5370d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why am I the one that has to do the research? Like penguin said, the question, "Name a first party game that was mediocre, other than Lair" has been dodged. The only one you named was MAG and it isn't even out yet.

I'm the one that said rarely, not Shmotz. Never doesn't leave any room for error so it would be silly to use that word. Plus, he never stated that they NEVER made a bad title, he asked for someone to name one.

This whole debate started wi...

5371d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ha, so you send me a link to the PS3 site of Metacritic? How does that prove anything? Are all those games first party? How about this,

Sony's first and second party studios and the games they make. Like I said, they RARELY put out mediocre titles.

Compare that to Microsoft's first party titles.
2nd of all, Confrontation isn't a mediocre game. It was a game with a rough start that has been patch to completion and has had more support than most games this generation.
3rd of all, Zipper has always been spot on with their SOCOM games and I have no doubt that MAG will be a good game. Will it be a AAA, home-run exclusive? Maybe not.
Point is, Sony First Party studios rarely put o...

Its funny because as long as they keep doing this, the longer I will avoid them, not the other way around. I have a 360, but mostly for exclusives. I haven't touched the thing in over 2 months.

5373d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

65 inch televisions are free then? Or might they also cost a fortune?

5373d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Look, I know VGchartz is frowned upon, but for the last four months, it has the PS3 outselling the 360 by almost 4 million consoles. Microsoft was on record saying they were at 31 million at the beginning of September which means they moved 8 million in those four months, according to them. VG has the 360 at selling about 5 million in those 4 months....So we have a discrepancy of 3 million? I mean, I know VG has been known to mess up numbers, but 3 million!?!

5376d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Something doesn't add up. If the PS3 has been outselling the 360 these past three months (at least), could the 360 have moved 8 million units in the past 4 months?

Does Microsoft have a website like Sony for their sales?

It would be really nice to see a breakdown like these.

EDIT: Should I take the disagrees as a, no they d...

5376d ago 9 agree18 disagreeView comment
5377d ago

Man this game has some hate. Watching this video makes me want to fire up the beta again. I usually don't stick with betas for too long (maybe two or three games, tops) but this one was pretty solid from what I remember. If the game is played the way its meant to be (chain of command) it has the potential to be very, very addicting.

5377d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If this was the only game I bought for 360 this year, it would still be a good year.

5377d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Wow, just wow. No Demon's Souls? And the best PS3 was a Multiplat? Give me a break...

5383d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment
5383d ago

"So here’s my favorite games of the past 10 years and my reasons for liking them so much."

It doesn't really look like its in a particular order (yes I see 1-10) But most people that do a 'best 10 games' list, if they are ordering them, go from 10 to 1. Just an observation.

5383d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment