
CRank: 5Score: 11340

Kids are just as at fault, if not more. No one should be addicted to gaming that much.

"Here, let me whack off and pull my pud for fake virtual gold so I can buy fake virtual items and look cool in a fake, virtual world. Never mind what people will think of me in the real world... That's not important. What is is me getting gold for jerkin' off for old perverts"

I hate a great deal of how this world works.

5252d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

& in other news, they also won a wad of cash and endorsments from Sony world wide studios.

5252d ago 3 agree12 disagreeView comment

Silogon's Heavy Lame Demo impressions --> It sucked... Bad. I have vacume cleaners that suck less than this. I've seen dime store hookers in vegas that wouldn't suck this hard if you paid them.

Heavy Rain is going to tank and it deserves to do so. QD put in the least ammount of effort in making a game and about a half ass attempt at making a low budget movie you'd see on Sy-Fy.. And what's this never been done before junk bunk? Play Shadow of Destiny for Ps2 or PC. Te...

5252d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Oh, sunsoft where have you and the time gone? Too bad all the great dev's and publishers of the 80's and early 90's are gone and their IP are being whored around town.

5252d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I agree 100% with 3 & 4... 2 of the best games I've played this gen all together. Siren is how, to a blinding T, a horror game should be conducted. It has pace and build up... Not everything is in your face action. Not everything is coming for you 100% of the time. Sometimes you don't face anything but your own fear.

5252d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

As if there was ever any doubt... Uncharted 2, a real time game that uses real time action at every turn, trounces and tramples all over Heavy Lame... I mean this isn't even close, either. Look how wooden everyone looks in Heavy Lame.

When I got my hands on the demo I wasn't shocked that it sucked so bad... I was shocked I was right all along. The graphics are flat, more so the backdrops. The facial animations are real stiff. The dialogue is horrible.


5252d ago 14 agree9 disagreeView comment

Sad... I told countless many this game sucked and they didn't believe me. I even had pics of me playing it on screen and they didn't believe me. I said it is a shadow of every genre it's trying to be and fails miserably. I said why have the imitator when you can have the real thing "ninja garden" "God of war" "Devil may cry" and they still argued.

Face it... Dante's Inferno, and it's super religious, downright distasteful overtones is a puddle o...

5252d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know, they touted being evil and these branching storylines but it just didn't come off that way in the end. You had 1 ending, no matter what. Your actions didn't ressult in anything other than being able to shoot red rather than bluish white. The evil and good side missions were basically a waste and added nothing to the game...

I've been playing MAss Effect 2 for the PC and that game really shows the diversity in your actions. I wish Sucker Punch could tap into a littl...

5252d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I played the Ps3 version demo... It was neat for a mindless FPS, like all of the. But the graphics weren't terribly good. They were decent but everything looks flat compared to Killzone 2 these days.

5252d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Tell you the truth, Infamous was enough for me... Move into a different direction or, if you wanna rehash something, go back to Sly Cooper... I liked Infamous, oddly enough, but when it ended I didn't have a desire to see it expanded further. Even though they left it open for that I still thought the characters were flat and wooden.

I don't see where they can take part 2 into a direction that's anything more than Infamous with a number behind it and some online compoents which...

5252d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Game TRailers are world reknowned liars... This isn't new. We know Gametrailers lies about any and everything that doesn't suit their bottom line and cater to their bulk majority. They are an affiliate of Microsoft and our owned by Cnet, I believe. Put two and two together... I get 4. Don't know about you all.

5253d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Heavy Rain is a 6 game... It's the truth. There is too much money invested in it for it to get what's really coming to it, though. Sony has padded the counts, bank that.

5253d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

ahhahaha what a joke. Yeah, 10 months away from release of this new system and no R&D or PR to be seen anywhere. That's such a realistic outlook. God people can be really stupid.

5253d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I hate Halo and I don't own an xbox 360. I only own a Ps3. And do you have a stuttering problem or are you just retarded?

I've been gaming since Galaga and Double Dragon... I've seen the inside of an actual living breathing arcade, have you? Want different, Shadows of Destiny... Check it out. It did everything HR is claiming new 8 years ago, plus. That's different. HR is a shadow of Dragon's lair and certainly Shadows of Destiny... It's almost scary how infringent they ...

5253d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Meaning, damn anyone for owning the inferior Ps3.

5253d ago 2 agree14 disagreeView comment

Strange, I thought their biggest hurdle after playing the demo and now the full game was always making it fun. Cos they missed that hurdle.

5253d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I had hoped someone would've perfected the lethal injection technique on this C*ck Smack, Pony Pissin' D*ck Twist.

5253d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

1st of all... The interview took place in October.
2nd of all... Microsoft deals in Shipped numbers, not sold. Like sony does.
3rd of all... Peter couldn't know the real number of units xbox 360 had sold because Microsoft doesn't even know them.
4th of all... The Ps3 is at 34, almost 35 million units sold world wide.
5th of all... The xbox 360 is at 39, almost 40 million units sold world wide.

That's factual information... Deal with it.

5253d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

The game sucked... Mourn... Move on. You Ps3 fanboys really got your hopes up, not unlike the many past games you've done the same with.

Heavenly Sword
Little Big Planet
Resistance 2

And countless others... This is no different. Heavy Rain's controls were tank like, almost akin to Resident Evil for the PsX. Walk with R-2??? Please, what is that? Look with left stick?? This game was bad enough when we thought it w...

5253d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

But not really... not being aware of an issue with an obscure low end demo like PVA isn't owning anything, Snork. What I said had little to do with the game itself, to be honest... It had and speaks more about the Ps3's lack of community bonding.

Own that, Piss Bot.

5253d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment