
CRank: 5Score: 11340

LAme... We knew it was coming, though. We heard they showed it off at the VGA's to some people. I don't think this franchise has enough to keep it going. I really don't. Cole isn't that interesting, not even when he tries to do his best Solid Snake voice. The story got really lame towards the end too...

Kessler and him being one in the same... LAme. Not only that, but his powers weren't that gratifying. He just didn't seem super t...

5345d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment


The reason I only bash PS3 games is because if it isn't on Ps3 or PC I can't play it... I can't go around bashing xbox 360 games I don't like because I've never really played anything on the system.

Sure I've played Halo 1 and 2... I've played Gears and Bio Shock and Mass Effect, currently Mass Effect 2. But not on the xbox 360. I've played these on PC.

So when I hate on Ps3 games it's because I simply don't like the game in question. N...

5345d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Oh, this wasn't obvious was it? Nahh...

5345d ago 2 agree16 disagreeView comment

But so does UFC, Dana... It's an absurd sport that centers around "supposed" tough guys who play up good and evil parts. It's Pro Wrestling for the next generation. It's a male soap as much as people say it isn't.

Are these guys tough? Sure... But Stallone is tough too... He just gets paid multiple millions to act tougher than he is. See the direction?

5345d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

Disagree with Lair... It is absolutley a good game. People just didn't wanna give it a go and would rather opt to play with plastic junk add ons for the wii... People talk about Heavy Rain offering up new gameplay... Lair offered up some intense action. I love Lair and played it just a week ago.

5345d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm the furthest thing from a fanboy... I only own the Ps3 and a kick ass PC, on which I played Bio Shock on, and I can say without a doubt the game sucks. the story blows. The location sucks. The gameplay sucks.

I find it funny people love to call me an xbot and all that but I don't even have an xbox 360. Or an xbox 1 for that matter. I know what I like and at the end of the day it's Sony and the PS3, but that doesn't mean I like everything they do and produce. People who...

5345d ago 4 agree12 disagreeView comment

Games should be fun... Basically, everything Heavy Rain isn't. Heavy Rain is dead in the water. 250,000 life time sales, folks. 250,000.

5345d ago 2 agree16 disagreeView comment

Awe... poor Square/Enix... Will you stop making games now, pleasE?

5345d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

What the hell are you talking about? how does a review copy have anything to do with what I said?

ME: I can't play the demo

YOU: They get a review copy from the dev's, retard!

What the F*ck does that mean??

5345d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

I think the PS3's version is broken or something... I have the demo and still can't find a game... Oh, wait... That's normal on the PSN. How is it on xbox 360, though?

& I'm sick of every review being held to the "paid" "biased" "uninformed" standard... Maybe he just didn't like it. Maybe it does suck. I wouldn't know I can't play it because PSN is as dry as a 70 year old grandma.

5345d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

I wonder; if everyone ran to their bathrooms and flushed their stools simultaniously... Do you think Heavy Rain would go away?


Lots of disagrees coming in... My responce: Yeah, I didn't think so either. Somebody better grab a wire hanger or an auger to clean out the pipes. Heavy Rain's such a big piece a' $hit it won't go down without a fight.

5345d ago 2 agree13 disagreeView comment

Bio shock is the kinda series you'd rather take a healthy $hit than play through... Like, if someone was playing Bio Shock 2 I'd rather go take a $hit than sit through it. I think this is one of the worst games ever created.

Convuluded story. Lame gameplay that ran way too fast and choppy. Lousy aiming. Lousy graphics. Lousy setting. Lousy, lousy, lousy and lousy.

Bio Flop blows massive goat C*ck.

5345d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

I love how Crapcom has went back to their old 90's tactics of ripping off gamers by releasing the same game with a new name attached to it. So, we don't expect to see Street Fighter 5 for another 15 years I suppose.

And to charge for these kinda games in this day and age is down right criminal... There is no way we should have to pay for games in the following genre again.

Wrestling <...

5345d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Make it 59.99 off and you got a deal... I need a new coaster for my coffee table.

5345d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lame... Basically, he's pull out all the stops to draw attention and controversy to his game in hopes it brings in more sales. Let's face it, a game that has no gameplay isn't going to make a huge splash on consoles you want to play games on. If this were on the PC it "might" have an audience... Everyone has a PC and low enough specs to run this low end game. Point and click games thrive in the Pc market... Heavy Rain should've been a PC exclusive.

PS3 owners are g...

5345d ago 10 agree30 disagreeView comment

Yet, Sucker Punch made a stark city in Infamous... R* made a huge one with GTA 4. Mass Effect, anyone? Uncharted 2 even had one.

All of the above, and there are more, have actual gameplay in them too. Real time gameplay... Not turned based, point A to B to C gameplay.

Something tells me Square isn't as talented as so many have made them out over the years. Hell, White Knight Chronicles has them... People get to actually make them at that.

I've n...

5345d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yet, Sucker Punch made a stark city in Infamous... R* made a huge one with GTA 4. Mass Effect, anyone? Uncharted 2 even had one.

All of the above, and there are more, have actual gameplay in them too. Real time gameplay... Not turned based, point A to B to C gameplay.

Something tells me Square isn't as talented as so many have made them out over the years. Hell, White Knight Chronicles has them... People get to actually make them at that.


5345d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Heavy Rain got a liberal 8.5 hahahaha... From a liberal mag... Man, IGN, Gamespot and 1up are going to tear this game to shreds. Not to mention Edge. All of which are meta scores.

Sad days ahead for Heavy Lame.

5346d ago 3 agree17 disagreeView comment

I agreed with very few of those games being on the list and when I did they weren't even in the right order.

5346d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Lack of Gameplay is right. I can't wait for this game to flop so Sony can move on past it and dump money into a "maybe better project" from a much better developer.

5346d ago 5 agree13 disagreeView comment