
CRank: 5Score: 11340

Hot As in, like a turd that just came from out the ass... Yeah.

5341d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

Looks good... Looks real good, actually. Not the biggest fan of FPS or the Halo saga but they really stepped it up in terms of visuals since Halo 3 I think.

Not as good as Killzone 2 but it's still early days... Good on them guys.

5341d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Let's be real here for 2 seconds, everyone knows I'm the only one on this site without bias towards or preferense of a certain system.

With that said... Let's look at the facts.

1 - The Ps3 shot with RGB limited on and full white on looks better than the xbox 360 version. That is fact.

2 - Bio Shock 2, like Resistance 2, Infamous and tons of other games this gen, uses a filter called "Depth of Field" this renders everything at a dista...

5341d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's probably something really lame like the time they built up the new pacman boards. What a joke. I bet it'll fizzle within the hour of being known. Everyone knows that the only console/Company that makes heads turn or a splash with news is the Ps3 and Sony. Why do you think so many people have dedicated sites for Sony?

5341d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I never said I even liked the L4D series... In fact, I hate it. I'm just saying I wish they'd have taken longer, but if they feel they have a game with enough new content to warrant a 2... Go for it.

5342d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I do hafta admit all these scores coming in from these places are much, much, much higher than I had thought they'd have been after my hands on time with the game. That is one of two things for me...

1 - They're paid reviews


2 - The game is much better than the demo

I guess we'll see.

5342d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I wanted them to take a bit longer for this one... It's not even a year old yet. I can't see the quality bar being raised much.

5342d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

They should've been outselling them all along, though. The value within a Ps3, lame user interface and cluttered xmb aside, is 10 folds better than any gaming rig on the market... Well, this side of a really good PC like mine.

5342d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is the only way Ps3 games ever sell past 4 and 5 million... Which is a rare occasion, but if they do it's when the game drops to 20 bucks. Ps3 owners are more worried about watching movies, surfing the net, uploading music to their HDD's and standing around boring HOME to buy games.

5342d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I admit I was wrong about IGN's score... I thought they'd have given it a 7. I don't however think it is deserved, though. But I think the game, if you can call it that, will end up below 90% on the meta still. More like 83% is whaT I feel.

5342d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

I already got it, played and ........... Unimpresssive on all fronts and ends. When you have games like Uncharted 1 & 2, The Ratchet and Clank series, Killzone 2, Infamous, even, you go into this with a set of high expectations... You just walk away very puzzled. The quality just isn't here. Forget the lame QTE gameplay, this game lacks a polish and quality 95% of all Sony exclusives carry with them.

Heavy Rain isn't going to be the game people waited for.

5343d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Better than Heavy Rain in spades... I've loved this game since it came out. I still have it on Ps2, actually. I just recently revisited the PC version too. Ace game with a great plot and set up. There are actual elements Heavy Rain has stolen ten fold from this game too. Play it, folks. You don't be disappointed.

5343d ago 5 agree20 disagreeView comment

Dude, get off it ... I'm not Gamesblow. Like I said, you might want me to be. but I'm not. I've been very honest with you and that's all I can do. I'm sorry you didn't read the disclaimer on the site. I'm sorry you got burned. I can't change that... What I can change is how I conduct our new site and how we handle things coming in.

Yes, we lied about informaton... We posted false interviews all the time. We made fun of gamesblow and Sony all the time. We went above and...

5343d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Penny wise, since when did I ever deny I was Silogon? Haven't we had multiple messages about this? I lost the silogon email for the account here. Well, until recently when someone was nice enough to forward it to me. Check my posting history... I've never ran from Silogon. I am Silogon.

And I'm coming back in a big way baby kat get back!

5343d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Game sold 3.1 million... What's this 2.5 junk? The industry is biased towards Ps3 sales data on all fronts. I still have connections and use them frequently... I've got a new site on the way too. This one will be 60% legit, 30% parody and 10% video based.

I know a lot of people didn't understand what we were doing with the VGtilt and a lot of people assumed we were 100% legit, even tho the disclaimer said otherwise. But I hope to regain the same following I had with the Gam...

5343d ago 12 agree12 disagreeView comment

This is what happens when idiot consumers buy into a product as low quality as Call of Duty Games from a low quality developer... This game raked in millions and millions. Do you think the dev's are listening anymore? Hell, no! they're all out counting their money...

They obviosuly don't care about PC gamers anyways... Hell, these are the same consumers who stole the game. Why would they try and fix it? The real money is in consoles and they know it.

5343d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

I've never seen someone suck at playing a game as bad as he does... Wow!

5343d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Winner is clearly the Xbox version here--


Winner is clearly Ps3 here--

Just look at the detail in the stairs and railing on the Ps3 version in the second pic. The xbox 360 version fals flat...

5343d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, yes it is... Actually, it's probably more than that to be honest. Uncharted 2 is more than just a game, it's almost perfection. No matter how you cut it, uncharted 2 came thru like no other game this gen has.

5344d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Awesome scores for a AAA Ps3 game... Since Ps3 games aren't held to the same standards as xbox 360 games, 75's are like 9's and 85's are easily 10's.

5344d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment