CRank: 5Score: 2680

It's true. Hit the link for proof.


Cool eh?

5602d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

...the slow rewind in the level-editor has caused me to indefinitely postpone a level that I've already devoted several hours to making.

I realize that I can simply turn off the internet connection to avoid the aforementioned problem, but alas, I am quite lazy and would rather rest my hopes on an eventual patch to fix the problem. Thanks to Edam, my level should be complete within the next four to five decades -- remember, I am quite lazy.

Another thing that bothers...

5628d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

what could have been an initial "wow moment" for myself when playing LBP and Socom online for the first time, was rather a "ZZZ moment" as the servers seemed to crawl slower than a one-legged three-toed sloth at times.

That's a pretty big momentum killer, to say the least. Maybe even more so than the lack of advertising that Sony has become infamous for since the PS3's inception.

5636d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only particles with no intrinsic mass can travel at the speed of light (e.g. photons). All objects with mass (no matter how small) attract all surrounding mass by a force known universally as gravity.

I won't even go into Vector Bosons.

Mass has a great effect on life. We can thank mass, and its effects on surrounding mass, for the running scene in "Baywatch". Can anyone say bouncy bouncy...boing? Besides, opposites are supposed to attract so in the c...

5636d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

is that the voice acting is supposedly sub-par -- this according to "PlayStation the Official Magazine" (previously "PlayStation Magazine", or "PSM") of the U.S.

Of course, PStOM gave this game their "coveted" 5 star rating. I say "coveted" in quotes because they seem to hand out 5 stars to at least one game per magazine issue. That being said, the reviewer had many good things to say about the game and seemed to sincerely belie...

5636d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with everything that you had to say with the exception of the reference to God.

Replace that overrated chump with the word "a little time and a lot of ape" and we completely agree.

NOTE: I don't hate God. I just think that he's been a little lazy after initiating the "Big Bang". I'm sure a lot of effort went into formulating all the laws that would later govern the universe. It was probably especially hard to find the right balance of e...

5637d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

but I'm pretty sure that I did hit the reply button underneath said comment. I say "pretty sure" because the mushrooms...they play with my mind, man :0

Like a couple weeks ago when I was positive that I was no longer a virgin. That is, until my younger brother pointed out to me that Marilyn Monroe has been deceased for over 46 years. For a while I considered the possibility that I had sex with the ghost of the "50's sex goddess" or, less likely, Miss Monroe ...

5638d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

or has my intelligence increased tenfold in the last 110 days? My brain appears to be evolving from simple to complex. A true microcosm of life itself!

No, no...that's too simple of an explanation. It is more likely tied to my abstinence from diluting my alcohol when I consume it. I used to drink a lot of c0cktails -- you know, combinations of things like: rum and coke, gin and juice, vodka and goat piss. What? It's considered a delicacy where I came from. Anyway, I digres...

5638d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

as though you were talking (typing) to yourself, N4U 110 days ago. Don't worry though, I've heard from various sources that typing out one's thoughts can be a very therapeutic way to spend one's leisure and helps to keep the mind sharp. Much like chess, which I happen to play frequently.

Pawn to e4 for the win! C4 for the refutation to that claim! ........but....Doh!

5638d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is it really that hard to ignore? I actually literally lol at the fact that online (sites/forums/etc.) members rely so heavily on banning trolls/ scumbags/ parasites for human beings when ignoring them will likely get rid of them as fast, if not faster, than relying on some greasy haired moderator.

Besides it makes you look that much more foolish for wasting your time trying to reason with a person that anyone with half of a brain realizes is either: A.) a troll (or; hopefully n...

5638d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and I agree with all of the list with the exception of the batman and wolverine games...and the wii (nee) games...oh, and Halo (milking this "cash cow" for all it's worth) Wars too.

But other than those, I agree entirely with Paul Chapman's list of games that'll flex some serious muscle in '09.

5639d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

should google the words "bold", "italics", and "enter".

That article was a complete eye-sore and about as organized as George Bush during a national crisis.

It appears as though Mr. Chapman spent the better part of a minute to slop this quasi random syntax together. It makes you wonder if this is one of those journalists who prefers to do all his typing while doing his daily work on the "john" (and you just know that they're o...

5639d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the most effective growth medium for the fungi and bacteria of the human race known widely as pessimists.

They're like a disease that won't kill you, but it just lingers, irritating you to your very core until the day you die. Maybe a perpetually festering Boil would be a better analogy.

5640d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry, but these words being used to describe a videogame console is beyond ludicrous.

...."...greatest blunders of history..."...lol. That might be the dumbest thing ever said in the history of the erect human...and I've heard that the brain evolved to allow extra blood flow to "that certain area" before we could even walk upright.

5640d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this will be the first time that I will have utilized all seven bubbles. Seven is an important number to me, mostly because I liked the movie -- the one with Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt following the murders of that psycho that reminds me a lot of myself if I were a psycho, but I'm not -- but also because I like the shape.


So beautiful. So pristine. So...prime.

BTW, it also helps that it's related to 49 -- a number that I am very attracted to for ...

5640d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the things I'll do to waste time :(

5640d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I try a little too hard to get my stick some at bats, so to speak.

5640d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know you probably never think about this, so I'm going to give you a pass, but you probably just broke the hearts of 10's of children across the globe that are missing one of their thumbs and would kill to play KZ2.

Just think how they must feel, the game that they've been yearning for their whole lives can't ever be played by them, thanks to the dual analog controls and their missing opposable. Yet, here you are talking about how much you love the game (or think you will love...

5640d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

gave this game 5 stars (out of 5).

That's the equivalent of 10/10 -- or {(e^i*Pi) / (-10)} * 100 out of 10, for the layman and laywoman out there.

Man, what a POS mag PSM has become. I used to actually enjoy its unique style -- a breath of fresh air, you might say -- but now I'd rather read the bio sections of 1950's Playboy magazines than suffer with the excruciating task of melting my retinas, so to speak, with the bile that their staff tries to pass off as journa...

5640d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

than =/= then, than =/= then, than =/= then

Ok, now that I got that off of my chest I can finally watch some porn in peace...unless the gf shows up, she hogs up all the nudewidth :(

5640d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment