CRank: 5Score: 2680

If Sony can achieve this... If they can cause you to literally duck as bullets and alien ships whiz by your head... If you expect to feel warmth as you reach out to touch Jenna Jameson's... err, Jenna Jameson...

Sony has an instant success, without one iota of doubt!!!

5760d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...or any PS3 game in 3-D, for that matter. OMG!

This is especially cool if every PS3 game supports it (i.e. it is an option that can be turned on or off), which I think it might be.

However, even if every game supports it, my feeling is that games would look much better with this technology if they were developed from the ground up with this tech. in mind. IMO, it would still be a nice perk if it works at all for old games, though.

If Sony can manage ...

5760d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly, Sitdown. Hit the nail on the head.

This is true with most things in life...especially sex :(

5765d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I'm pretty sure the disappointment mostly stems from the recent hype that David Jaffe created when he basically made it out to be the second coming of Jesus.

If you think about it, whether or not this is the footage that he personally witnessed is irrelevant. He simply set the expectations too high to possibly be met, maybe even until the PS9 debuts.

I believe we (they) all fell victim to extreme hyperbole. That, or this is a much earlier build...

5765d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great looking particle effects...well it appears that way in that small pic.

I was actually more impressed with the Uncharted 2 footage (graphics wise), but I realize that it might be because I only got quick flashes of GOD3 footage. Quite frankly, I don't think my brain had enough time to comprehend what I was seeing by the time the damn thing would change scenes/cameras/angles/etc.

5765d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

No, but I want to wear a Cowboy...er, I mean ride a Cowboy....wait a second, strike that.

What I meant to say is that I want to ride a half-cow and half-boy creature -- think Minotaur, only with utters. That way if I ever got thirsty during a ride I could simply milk him and be back on my way. Is that still sick?

Maybe I should still be taking my meds?

5765d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Now you are a master-debater!

Good points. Good read.

How's bout a bubble fer ya?

Oh, and Breakfast, you are very bad for my cholesterol...and a bit irritating by nature, as well.

5765d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I absolutely agree with your point. I believe that all the constant complainers about the PS3 price point(s) and SKU decisions are being a bit myopic (a HUGE understatement, IMO). It's almost as if they believe that there will be no tomorrow.

One good way to nearly ensure success in the future is to not become obsolete! Novel idea.

Regarding their decision to make the $100.00 more expensive model: More expensive and less likely to sell (than previous models) curre...

5765d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you forgot to put on your aluminum foil hat didn't you, Firstkn1ighT?

5765d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Unless you want your brain to be scrambled, I suggest that you also wear your tin hat.

Aluminum works even better, especially if you form it into a long cone and place a happy-face antenna ball on its point -- this lets the aliens know that you are generally happy and, therefore, not likely to be harmful to them.

Einstein was lucky that he had all that hair. If it weren't for that gigantic grey mop of his, he too would have been "normal". You do realize t...

5765d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

is an Americas?

And how is it pronounced?

My guess would be Uh-mare-ee-cass, but I'm phonetically challenged so take it with a grain of salt.

Whatever the case, feel free to chime-in if you have any clue what the hell is going on here and what f*ck1ng alternate universe these week ending sales are taking place in.


I'm sorry...I'm just a bit grumpy today. I have this little pet-peeve when it comes to the incorrect usage of the...

5765d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

But I don't think Sony needs to be too worried, if at all. I do, however, think that fanboys (note that I don't say the companies themselves) of the "other console(s)" SHOULD be worried.

I don't have any idea how well the PS3 is currently selling world wide. Quite frankly, I don't even consider squatting, let alone giving a $hit. I'd be lying if I told you that I've been paying attention to Sony's stock -- I make my money in the pennies. In addition, I don't have th...

5766d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bu...bu... but teh hologram is teh futurez!

5766d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who will win the right to the letters G, O, and W when referenced on various irrelevant blogs?

An important question, which will be difficult to answer because bias appears to be more rampant in the video game industry than government bailouts are for greedy, if not criminal, corporations.

IMO, GOW3 will win, hands down. I'm not sure which GOW3 will win, but I'm sure that one of the two will reign supreme in 2010.

That being said, I will own both of the...

5769d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Please forgive me, for I have not had much sleep and I have had too much sauce.

FYI: try not to mix too much caffeine with your sauce. I've heard through the grape vine that it is very bad for your heart and it isn't too good for your social life either -- as evidenced by my previous posts.

Thank you. Good day, sirs and madams.

5769d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I almost feel like I have to explain what was so idiotic about my pre-revised post. Otherwise, people might assume that it was more idiotic than it actually was. This would inevitably lead to people thinking that I am more harebrained than I actually am, which would likely create a negative disturbance in the space-time fabric that might amplify when meeting other disturbances and eventually cause our extinction.

Anyway, when I read the topic's title, "'PS3 Has No Games' A...

5769d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

sorry, my comment made me sound like an idiot. Hence, the post revision.

5769d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that I can hustle the chess tables in a virtual world just like I do in real life? Sweeeeeet!

However, I'm not quite sure what angle to take in order to coax the easy dough. Out here in the real world, my cleft palate and permanently crossed-eyes coupled with my 2192 USCF chess rating works wonders on my wallet -- chess hustling is now my only job! The only downside to this approach is that the expert makeup artist eats up nearly half my earnings (~41%) -- I guess a realistic ...

5769d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that old PS2 shooter called "Black" the day after Thanksgiving.

You might be surprised how many ignorant people there are out there that could be convinced that we have a glorious meal fit for kings in preparation for the national holiday that is Black.
Sony: "Black: the only game in the history of mankind that has a national holiday named after it, and you can own it brand spankin' new for only $20.00! Only on the PS3! *enter high-tech sound ...

5783d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"ownage" here w/out being reported.

Seriously, "ownage" isn't even a word. Don't believe me? Fine, look it up at dictionary.com. Complete and utter nonsense, that is, it makes no sense.

Don't believe me that "nonsense" means "makes no sense"? Fine, look it up at dictionary.com.

Don't believe dictionary.com? Fine, you sir are not someone that I'd like to share a cup of tea with!

5783d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment